A Message From The Author

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Here's a little message from the author. Hi everyone! I cannot believe what this story wound up becoming. It really did take on a life of it's own and honestly I could not be happier with the turnout. I am so sorry that it ended suddenly. But the ending of the story is something I debated on for weeks. I was shooting for two hundred chapters, then as it came closer and I knew how I wanted it to end, it became harder for the chapters to flow out like they used to. I wanted to end it with them being married and happily ever after. Although, I can't stand happy endings, I felt like these two deserved it. I did consider heavily, and I mean, HEAVILY breaking them up for good, and having them go their separate ways as a kind of bittersweet, 'I love him, but I have to let him go.' Type deal, but then again I felt as if that would do them no justice.

'Turn It Up' wound up being one of my absolute favorite pieces of creative writing I have ever taken part in. And I need to take this time to thank my girlfriend, and out her as I know she'll be mad at me for doing. @tinyskipper, thank you so much babe.. For literally being my shoulder for this. I leaned on you so heavily during this entire journey that I went on, and thus took others on as well. There were so many things that she mentioned to me, ideas and directions that I originally did not think of. But she did. And when she did, I realized how right she was. So I went with it, and you guys loved it. As much as this was my brainchild, and as much as I thought of this. Without @tinyskipper's support throughout every single day? I would have never made it this far. So for that? I thank you babe. I'm sure they thank you as well.

    But back to why I'm putting this up, I want to thank every single person who has ever read this book. Or any of my other stuff. It is.. Amazing feeling to have people get behind my work, and care about my writing. I went years, without knowing what I wanted to do with life. All until my girlfriend one day told me about Wattpad. And how it was a place for creative writers to freely post stories with covers, chapter titles, and have people interact. It really is an amazing place to be creative. I can't thank you guys enough for letting me do what I do, and helping me find my calling in life. Because of this place.. Because of my girlfriend.. And because of all of you guys supporting me and giving me that confidence boost needed to continue this crazy ass journey? I am going to college for creative writing. At ironically, Full Sail University. Y'know? The place where NXT takes place every single week? Yeah THAT Full Sail.

    It was so hard to sit down this morning, Thursday, September 21st, 2017.. At seven in the morning and come to the realization that this is the day that my story ends. My story that has been going on for over a year. I hope that this story made some of you happy, perhaps it would inspire you to write your own pieces. It surely has helped me become more confident in my abilities as a creative person. Thanks to you guys constantly voting it up, constantly commenting and messaging me about what's going to happen next. I can't TELL you how happy all of this made me.

    What's next for me creatively? Well I don't know yet. I have a few projects that I've wanted to do for months now, but I've been so focused on this story that it would have been nearly impossible to do two stories at once. But now I'm free to pursue other projects. And guys, if you have any suggestions for what is next for me? Please feel free to message me, or comment on my little page there and give me any of your ideas that you'd want to see. I am considering doing a sporadic 'One Shot' book where you give me a couple, you tell me the mood (how you want them to be. Fighting, dating, friendly, etc.), and I do one longish chapter for them.

    All in all.. Thank you guys so much for accepting me and letting me show off for you every time I upload. Remember that I'm always open to new ideas.. And thank you, so much for everything that you've given me. I am truly grateful for every single one of you.

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