Run Away

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Well that was..a bit shocking to say the least. Pam did NOT expect that to be the creative direction going forward and now it was going to be the most tense backstage it has ever been for..virtually everybody who was there. Pam could visibly see this bothered Mercedes and that in turn, bothered her..She tried to calm her friend down, make her see that it was not really all that bad, I mean let's face the facts here. Mercedes and Saraya did make up just a few short days ago it felt like. In reality, it had been a week or so, but that doesn't change the fact that they did in fact..Make up with one another. Fergal of course, almost on queue was trying his best to make sure that this didn't explode out of control in four seconds..which is very easily could do if he didn't get a lid on this. "Look, it really is gonna be okay. I mean you guys aren't at odds with one another anymore, you trust him, he trusts you. I mean the love is still there, yea?" Mercedes nodded at him, "Then what in the hell is so bad about all of this? I personally don't get it. I didn't like the fact that Pam was gonna have to be put through this but that was for her OWN sake. Hers, I know how she gets inside that adorable little head of hers and it scared me to think of what she would fear on her own.." Fergal has had enough of this. "I know how you feel Mercedes, and honestly I feel for you. I really do. But you have to understand that if the love is strong enough, and the trust is sturdy? What can honestly break you. I'll tell you exactly what can. NOTHING. Nothing can break you if YOU don't let it. You put up this front about being the 'Legit Boss'. Well honestly, right now I need you to start actin' like one." Pam was..speechless. Fergal's voice didn't necessarily get too loud, but his tone was firm, and solid. It resonated with Mercedes just how this was going to have to go. Sadly, this was the only thing she could so and doing so was, well sacrificing her own being comfortable with the happiness and well being of Pam. It was possibly the nicest thing that someone Pam considered to be a friend has ever done for her, but inside of Pam's head she felt nothing but guilt..If she was just a little more secure about herself then this would not even be happening.

She was quietly beginning to take blame for everything here. Mercedes' worry, Fergal's frustration, and more than likely, Colby's confusion. This was possibly the worst case scenario for Pam, she began to slowly back up as Fergal and Mercedes continued to have a rather heated discussion about what is considered 'right' from what is also considered 'wrong'. Pam eventually disappeared into the background and she power walked far away from where they were. She bumped shoulders with Colby who in fact was of course, as fate would have it, was looking for Mercedes. "Whoa whoa whoa speed racer, what's got you in a hurry?" Pam awkwardly giggled and tried to hide the rather obvious fact that she was about a hot minute away from tears. "Uhhh nothing, but hey howdy hey, Mercedes is riiight over there. I have to uh, go to my car." Pam booked it out again and away from the rest of everyone around her. Fergal and Mercedes eventually stopped being so heated with one another to look around and see that Pam was missing. It was like they were a married couple and their child has run off in the middle of an argument. "Uhh. So where did she go..I didn't even see her go anywhere.." Fergal bit down on the inside of his cheek with more and more frustration building as the seconds peeled on. "I don't know Ferg, I was too busy being in your face to even see her go..Jeez do you think we caused her to run off like that? I feel so freakin' bad dude, you have no idea right now.."

Fergal exhaled deeply and sighed, "Well unless she had to go poop then I do believe we caused her to run off.." His head with filled with sad things now, every time he closed his eyes for more than a simple blink, he saw blue..Just a calm, saddening pale blue tint to everything. He felt like an irresponsible parent..That joke rang true to him and the fact remained that they had to find Pam as quickly as possible..She was not the kind of person who would just run away from an issue that had so much weight attached to it..Fergal looked around and around to try and find his little lady..It was really starting to bother him just how much he really did hurt her. "God..Why am I just..just the worst person..I don't even know why she's with me anymore.." Mercedes stopped dead in her tracks..She was beyond pissed that he just said some ignorant shit like that. Fergal noticed that she stopped and he too stopped and turned around to look at her, "What's a matter? Did you see her or something?" Mercedes crossed her arms, "No. I didn't, but we are gonna review on that stupid statement you just made, Fergal." She was clearly pissed that he said something like that. Mercedes grabbed him by the arm and drug him into a corner where there was really no people around. "Listen to me right now and good. You are perfect for her. She is perfect for you. I don't care what kind of negative bull you managed to cook up inside your head. She LOVES you to death Fergal. Why would you ever question that? If you think just proclaiming that to the world is a smart idea.." She shook her head, lifting it back up to look at him, "Then honestly I thought wrong of you." Fergal looked down and hung his head in shame. She was right about this, typical though. Throughout their relationship she has been the one who was traditionally right when it came to emotions and problems pertaining to emotions. Fergal sighed softly, looking right dead ass into her eyes, "You're right Mercedes. I'm sorry. Okay? I just got overwhelmed with bad energy and I just want what's best for my baby..I don't think that's so bad, is it?" He closed his eyes tight and now Mercedes felt bad.

This was a shit show of the worst kind, she sighed now and jabbed lightly at his upper arm, "Cheer up chap. She's a beautiful lady and she's wicked lucky to have a guy like you to call her own." Fergal smiled lightly and exhaled shakily. "I wouldn't say all that now, 'Cedes." She insisted on making sure he believed her, "No, honestly dude. You're kind of a special breed of human. It isn't everyday that someone as kind hearted and genuine as you pops up." Fergal was happy to hear these kind words, " mighty flattering of you, coming from you that really does mean a lot.." It was at this time that the tension reached a peak and it felt..Weird..wrong almost, like something in the air just wasn't quite right and neither of them could put their finger on what the hell it was. It was at this most opportune time that Pam strolled right up from behind Mercedes and waved her hand at Fergal. He showed a very relieved look on his face as he waved back, "Hey Pam.." it was at this time where Mercedes spun around and saw Pam. She was very..happy to see her, it was frightening to think that you just crushed a very good friend's emotions and made them feel rather insignificant. It really was something to be careful with. "Holy crap dude, I legit thought you dipped out of the arena!" Mercedes giggled softly and Pam was still shook from earlier. It seemed like..they did affect her in a very negative way and it was taking a rather long time for her to piece herself back together. Pam is a very fragile person emotionally..It was no secret or anything..Just so happens that right now she was at her weakest due to work of all freaking things that could weigh her down. She exhaled and began to lie, "I feel great!"

Fergal could see through her lie however, he knew that she was in fact just full of shit and there was writing all over her face that screamed, 'Please hug me'. Fergal nodded of course, trying to defuse the rather volatile Mercedes as fast as he could. "C'mon babe, let's get outta here. I'm sure you're beat..And from the sounds of it your segment got cut anyways.." It was true, due to the change in creative thanks to Mercedes, Pam's promo later that night was replaced with a match that had nothing to do with either of them. Cutting one to two promos a night was fine with her, sometimes she felt bad when it was only one, worse when it was zero. But right now she didn't care if she had a hundred promos scheduled, she was leaving and that was that. "Well I'll just..text you, Pam..Feel guys.." Mercedes' voice softened as Fergal and Pam disappeared into the distance. It was almost..sad looking, like now that they had gone, Mercedes had nobody left for her..Colby still hadn't found her which was amazing and it was back to being alone yet again for her. There was a tightening in her chest to a degree that she has never felt. A freaking heart attack, that's great. Let's end this shitty night with a freaking heart attack. Mercedes grasped at her chest as she slid into a locker room and used her foot to close the door behind her. She sat down on the bench and hung her head very, very low..It was at this time where she began to silently..weep. Fergal made sure that Pam was close to him, there was no running this time. Nope, not taking that risk again. "So what happened? Did I make you feel bad.." They got to the parking lot and got into their rental car. Pam tried to be quiet about it, "I just needed to get away from that little fight babe, no biggie." She let her hair down and Fergal looked over at her. He was yet again left speechless and his breath was stolen by her pure, innocent beauty. He was of course, as always, caught staring at the woman and Pam blushed like a schoolgirl. " there something on my face?" Fergal shook his head and laughed, "Do you ask that every time I admire your beauty?" He reached over and cupped her cheek into his hand. Pam leaned into his hand like a little cat, just waiting to get praised. "You know I love you. Right? Always and forever..I didn't mean to make you feel like crap Pam..You know I would never do something like that on purpose. Sometimes I just guess I'm a big dumb dummy and I can't think before I go off on something. I really was just trying to protect you." Pam listened intently and nodded at his words to show him that she was indeed listening to him. "I know..And all of our friends know that you really do care and it just. It sucks that I can't get over my own fear and I feel like they'll all leave me someday, and you'll leave too. You guys are so important to me that like I feel lost if you aren't there. I can listen to you, Lexi, Mercedes, Rebecca talk for hours about every single little detail..I haven't even spoken to Lexi since..God only knows how long its been."

Fergal looked down at her hand and saw it was violently shaking. This concept of failing her friends terrified her to no end.."See?" She was pointing out now that she was indeed shaking, Pam's friends were just as important to her as her family is. Fergal nodded, "I understand..But I am personally never going anywhere sweetheart. You have my word, you have my love..I mean, let's face it. You have me." Pam blushed and leaned in to kiss him gently, softly she pressed her lips onto his and smiled for the first in what felt like an eternity. "Let's go..There's a hot tub with our names on it." Pam winked playfully and Fergal giggled, "You in a bikini? Dang..I think I'm down for that." Happiness for tonight was long overdue, especially when it felt like the whole weight of the world was for a time, crashing right down on the middle of your chest..

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