The Lucid Dream

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"I think I got the movie on my system over there.." He pointed over to his Xbox One system slowly. There was a strange feeling in the air right now. It was only strange because both of them felt the same exact thing at the exact same time. That was..odd and unusual. The fact that their conversation hit such a serious point, only to glide out of it and return to the casual, happy state it once was just showed how well they could adapt to each other at any situation. As Pam anxiously waited for Fergal to get off of his lazy butt and walk to the kitchen, he had thoughts racing through his mind, preventing him from moving quickl, this was almost a dream come true and they haven't even done anything yet. Just having a night with have just pure fun was something he had only hoped for. Something that he wanted for so long and for once in his life; he was getting it. Of course, he had to walk through a dark place in order to find the light, but he had found it none the less. That was the thought that couldn't get out of his head, he had seemingly made it. The woman he cared for more than any other shared a mutual love for him and she knew it now. It was public knowledge to the both of them as to where their hearts lied. "Ferg are ya comin' or what?" The Irishman laughed quietly as he searched for where her Batman movie was, "Yea yea of course lass, just..where the heck is the movie? I can't find it anywhere.." He felt somewhat stupid right now, being unable to find the movie on his own was something that made him feel like a goofy child who needed mom's help to do anything. Especially due to the fact he just was told where it was, or at least a vague idea on where it was, and it was HIS system! His mind was so preoccupied at this point it was insanity.. Pam giggled quietly, "You silly man, it's on your Xbox. Just turn it on, you told me you pinned it to the homescreen!" She on the other hand thought that his lost little face was absolutely adorable. She couldn't think a negative thought about this precious boy and there was nothing that could really ever change her mind on the matter. Fergal now felt truly stupid, he felt his face heat up immediately. He turned the Xbox One on and watched as the screen filled with the green logo. After a mere few seconds it was on and the home screen was up, with the simple power of deduction, he found the controller due to the giant X that was on the top of it. The reason he didn't know what to do with it is because he never used his own Xbox, he used his Playstation a lot more. He hit the button until the controller was indeed on and searched for the movie. "Fergal, just go down." Pam was leaning on the back of the couch, just watching as he was unfamiliar with where the pins were on the gaming system. Goodness she was overtaken with how cute his lost puppy dog face was right now, it was overwhelming. She felt a strange sensation fill her stomach, almost like butterflies were attempting to carry her away into the clouds. She placed her hands on his shoulders and squeezed down lightly, "You got it, I believe in you, butthead."

Fergal blushed more at her touch, as well as her comment, she was such a cutie pie. "I got it!" He was so happy when he went to his pins and saw the Dark Knight on there, it was almost dumb how he didn't even know what he had done to his own system and she knew, hitting the A button, the movie began to load up and auto play. He spun his head around and saw the most beautiful woman in the whole world just patiently waiting for him. Her little face had such a happy expression plastered all over it as she looked down and raised her eyebrows up in pleasure, "You ready now? With your cute little face?" She just said the exact same thing that he was thinking about her..That was..odd. He rose to his feet and carefully cupped her cheeks with both of his hands, "You are the one with the cute face!" They both let out a quiet giggle as Fergal walked around the couch in order to get to the kitchen. And to be quite honest, he had never actually prepared a pizza from scratch before. He had seen it done on television and movies before..So this would be an interesting adventure. He just had to keep one thing in mind; DO NOT toss the dough up in the air..It will hit you in the face.

Without even being asked to do so, Pam began to get the pizza dough, sauce and some cheese. It was well documented how much of a fan of pizza she was and there was no way that she hadn't done this before. As a matter of fact, Pam has been making her own homemade pizza's for years now. It actually was a sad reason why she learned to cook so well..After she was hurt again and again in relationships, she realized..better yet, she thought that there would never be a person who can share the cooking load with her. She figured that she would have to live her life all on her own and never have help with anything; from interests all the way down to cooking. Those thoughts were locked away in a dark area of her mind, she couldn't open that door up, right now she was preparing to have the best night of her life. "Alright, Fergie Ferg..Lemme see that dough." The way she spoke made Fergal grin so wide he felt like it would have to be surgically removed. He assisted her in getting the dough all situated, rolling pins were involved. As she attempted to teach him how to do this the proper way, he soaked in all the information like a little sponge. "See why we do this?" She hadn't realized it, but they had gotten closer and closer to each other without even noticing it. Her hip bumped into his as she now exploited it and hip bumped him playfully before laughing quietly. Fergal felt this and returned the bump as well as the giggle. "This actually isn't so bad..I mean, I have the best of teachers..How could I possibly screw up?" She shrugged her shoulders and smiled a bit, "I dunno, Rebecca and Leah both tried to throw the dough up in the air and it got stuck on the ceiling..So..I mean.." She fought back a giggle as Fergal thought to himself how happy he was that he didn't also try that completely stupid thing he considered earlier.

"Wow..I can't believe they'd do that.." Fergal tried to fight back a giggle himself, before he knew it Pam had cut him off, "You wanted to do it too didn't you." She turned her head over and looked at him with a cheeky smirk, "What? Me? No..why would you.." He began to blush for he had been found out! "Yea..I did." A silence broke for a solid two seconds before they busted out laughing and Pam grabbed the sauce, she opened the jar up and grabbed her special spoon that she had specifically to spread the sauce all over the dough. This process was taking no time at all, which was kind of a shock to him. Fergal thought this would take at least an hour or two, considering how the delivery people always took that much time. "I'm kinda super happy about all of this.." He finally spoke about what had just happened from just a few hours ago and couldn't help but feel a nervous feeling when he said that, primarily due to the fact that he didn't know how she would react, he didn't know how to read her body language and read her pretty face. Pam was thinking the same thing that he was at this point, she was so happy that the conversation went down exactly how it did. Especially that kiss..Lord it still melts her heart to even think about that kiss.."I am too Fergie..You don't even understand how scared I was when I saw your face earlier..when I first first saw you like that..eyes all sunk in..I just-" She had to stop and hang her head low. The sadness on his face was..overwhelming to the eyes, especially when it sat on someone who was always so peppy and deserved so much happiness.

Fergal didn't realize how much it bothered her that he was so broken up over her..Over the entire situation, his heart was crying, it felt as if it was bleeding inside of his chest. The pain that this man felt as he thought he had no chance at true happiness with the one person that he let in, or at least wanted to let fully in. After the pizza had been cheeseified, (smothered in cheese, that is) and stuffed in the oven, Fergal approached Pam from behind and wrapped his arms around her in the most gentle of hugs she has ever received, that was just Fergal's motive, it was just the way he did things. Quietly, and gently.."Ferg.." She placed her hand over top of his that rested just on her tummy and felt her heart flutter so hard. "I'm sorry I didn' or anything..It was my fault all together..But uh..Pam I..I just..I wanna have you here more often..I wanna have you everywhere more often..I don't know how I can even word this without looking absolutely stupid.." Oh shit..He was definitely asking her to be his..but Pam hadn't even had the right amount of time to think about it, to think about all of the possibilities that could could come out of this kind of situation. What good could potentially come out of it; but also what harm and danger lie on the other side of this door. "I..can I think? At least a little bit?" Fergal understood, he didn't take it personally or anything and just nodded his head, "Of course..At least you knew what I was asking..I definitely was having a rough time gettin' around to actually speakin' the words..Ya know?" Pam understood and giggled quietly, rubbing over top of his hand with her index finger as gently as she possibly could. "Absolutely, cutie pie." The oven dinged at the most perfect of times and he released her reluctantly, as he made room on his counter as Pam grabbed the oven mitts to carefully remove the hot pizza. She carefully did so and placed it on the giant space Fergal had made in no time flat. She thought to herself that this man was so clever and smart, also quick witted which in this day and age, intelligence and wit was something that was lost in the shuffle of ego, and arrogance. Two things Fergal had hardly any of at all.

"Ta-Da!!" Pam tossed her arms in the air and looked over at Fergal who beamed a dorky smile over at her, the smell of delicious pizza filled his home, it was insane how fast the smell of food filled both of their noses. Granted, Pam did have a little bit of dinner earlier in the evening, but it was lost in the insanity that was her evening. Fergal? He had some alcohol in his system and that was..about it to be honest. Fergal looked at their delicious work and smiled a bit, Pam looked over at him as something finally dawned on her, "If you didn't know how to make it, why did you have it?" She tilted her head and without any hesitation Fergal spoke back, "Well I was readin' online on how to do it..Pizza is one of my weaknesses and I wanted to learn how to make my own. Ordering pizza isn't bad sometimes, but it can be obnoxious." Pam understood fully why he thought that way and completely knew why he wanted to learn. It was part of why pizza was on her list of things to learn as well, along side with..everything else she knew how to cook at this point. After a few adorable moments passed, he grabbed the pizza cutter and handed it to her, "Care to do the honors, sweets?" The little nickname made Pam blush like an absolute dork. She got so flustered when it came to him and all the while she was thinking about if she was emotionally prepared to have another person depend on her..If she was totally ready for this..As she cut the pizza and finished doing so in a few moments, she turned to him and wrapped her arms around him slowly. Fergal felt his heart sink in just how cute she was, Pam whispered before she looked up, "I think I have an answer for you.." Fergal felt time stop..He felt it cease in existence, "Go on..?" Pam leaned up and pecked his cheek very gently.."Yes.."  

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