I'm Sorry

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There was a certain type of bad juju going around the performance center for the rest of the day. It seemed strange to Fergal, for he wasn't sure what had happened within the hour or so that he was gone. Pam was just as confused and started to feel super guilty, she did that quite a lot when it came to things going wrong, she was probably the most anxious person that was in NXT. Leah? She didn't really notice until Fergal and Pam pointed it out with a quiet motion and a quick glance. Pam walked up to Fergal who was leaning on the wall near one of the two rings, she leaned up against the wall next to him and exhaled deeply, you could practically hear the nervousness in her breath. "What is it Pam? What's got ya all twisted up like that, lass." The young Irishman spoke to her in a reassuring tone, for he didn't want her to be worried about anything, especially considering how he was developing quite the relationship with her. "I dunno. Everyone just seems kinda super duper down and I don't like it at all. Like, no one will even tell me, I even walked up to Liv and SHE was down. Liv?! As in that peppy fireball was down about something. She wouldn't say what. I don't understand Ferg, I really, really don't and it's freakin' me out." Pam was finally letting her insecure side show, it rarely happened, but when it did, Pam was already far off of the deep end..Fergal hearing her words, and that slight crack in her voice, quickly looked over, "Hey hey hey..Relax Pam. It's alright, I'm sure it's nothing super bad or crazy important. If it was, we'd know, yea? They can't just leave us in the dark like that for long..

Fergal was right, but Pam wasn't too keen on believing him. She was quite the optimistic person when it came to literally anything, but for some reason when secrets were kept at work she simply went mad, there was just a switch that was flipped and she couldn't find where the off button is. Perhaps it is due to the fact that work is her home, there is her literal home, but that place is filled with nothingness, there's no one to go back to after her (now ex) left her for a girl he can 'see more'. Hell, even the NXT Live Events where Fergal and Pam were goofing around had her ex worried. That was work to get the crowd entertained, and he couldn't see the difference. That's the past now, a distant past now and Pam doesn't even care about it. Fergal felt his phone vibrate in his gym shorts pocket, and then it did it again and he knew it was a call. But everyone he knows, knows that he's at work, and can't really accept phone calls. This had to be important. After a moment of staring at who was calling him, he answered it with a quick, "Hello..". Pam watched as his facial expression shifted from a calm and collected one, to a down, and more or less saddened one. He placed his hand on his forehead, "Are you serious lad? How bad was it?" Pam could literally feel her stomach tighten and her heart clench, almost as if it was trying to stop itself from beating. She scooted closer to Fergal on the wall and grabbed his pinky finger with her entire hand. She looked up as Fergal lowered the phone from his face and looked over at her, although this was a bad situation, a really bad situation, Fergal felt his heart skip ten beats as she grabbed onto his finger. It was probably the cutest thing that he could actually remember happening to him. It was insane how she could literally make him forget anything that was going on in the world with a simple little gesture like a hand grab, or a little tiny smile. But he had to get his head out of the clouds for Pam was in panic mode, hardcore right now. And he was the only one who was willing to even tell her what had happened to one of their best friends.

"That was Colby." Seth Rollins, former WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Pam was almost certain that he was unable to return from his grueling injury that happened all those months ago. Fergal quickly followed up with, "One of the girls got injured on the Live Event last night. And apparently it was pretty bad." Pam now knew why no one would tell her what had happened, same with Fergal. Almost immediately she knew that it was one of their best friends, there was no other reason why they wouldn't tell her. It made sense, why would you tell someone something that would make them get heavily distracted and potentially injuring someone at work. That was recipe for disaster that the performers had to avoid, so not telling either of them was something that just HAD to happen."Ferg please..who was it.." The Irishman had no choice, there was no getting around this or getting away from it, he had to come clean. "It was Mercedes." Pam knew it, she absolutely knew that was who went down..It made the most sense why no one would tell her about it. Mercedes and Pam had developed the best of relationships rapidly, and they were practically inseparable. And Fergal's actual best friend is Mercedes. This was the hardest news he's had to swallow in recent memory, it was such a dark thing to even think about, an injury..and it was bad enough to the point where her boyfriend had to CALL Fergal personally and tell him the nature of it. "What happened..how.." Pam's eyes welled up instantaneously and she could feel the shaky feeling build up in her knees. Fergal recognized this and moved his hand so he could take hers into his quickly. "Hey.." He inched closer to her now, seeing her shiny eyes broke his little heart into a million pieces. He cared so deeply for Pam and didn't want to see her suffer like this. Almost on queue, Pam removed her body from the wall and her arms flung around Fergal's waist in a giant, necessary hug. Fergal reacted accordingly and wrapped his arms around her upper body, he was not the crying type, but seeing her like this, and hearing what happened to his best friend was beginning to tear the Prince down.

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