The Night He Came Home

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The fans were absolutely stunned for what they had just seen.. Did.. Ember Moon just come out and absolutely obliterate Alexis? The backstage area was crawling with people who were amazed by just how loud they got when that move was hit. At first? You would have never known it was her, just a masked person climbing up the turnbuckle and then when the Eclipse was hit? The FLIPPED out. 'Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!' Followed quickly by; 'NXT! NXT! NXT!'.. It was incredible to hear them go nuts like this.. The fans deserved things ONCE in awhile. WWE always managed to make the mistake of never giving the fans what they truly wanted, but that was starting to change. They removed the title from Mercedes, Fergal retained, Alexis was the champion again, and Ember Fucking Moon debuted. Meanwhile, Fergal and Pam were isolated from the chaos, for they had their own chaos to deal with at this point in time. Fergal rubbed his chin as he didn't want to really do this right here and right now.. But he had to. "Talk to me.." Fergal was practically begging his lady to talk to him and get this gunk out of her system. It was so unhealthy to keep things bottled up, we've seen the damage that it can cause if you try and hide things you either know or think you know. It's better to ask questions and get all the information than to assume and be wrong, hurting yourself and potentially everyone around you. Fergal reached over and grabbed her hand very gently. "I met with someone today." Pam finally blurted out, and her eyes darted around the room rapidly. Fergal tilted his head to the side and bit the inside of his cheek a little bit. "Um. Okay? What does that mean?" Fergal released her hand after he was genuinely confused by what she had just said. Pam took a long look at Fergal. She had so many memories for some odd reason just flood her mind and she stared at him for a second. He missed seeing him everyday. It really did feel like every other time they spoke, it was another fucking tragedy. Or something to complain and bitch about. Fergal had such an understanding expression on his face, it was just concern. Concern and wonder. He loves her so much and it really did show on her at all times. It was so funny to see honestly, Pam has never felt like kind of love from any person ever in her life. She had a dark side in her... She had her own demons and things that were kept hidden in her closet. Fergal had to go to work soon however, and he knew it.. "Baby girl, I don't mean to rush you.. But they're going to call me in at any minute here.." He bit his lip gently as Pam remained silent. "I got in contact with Barbara today. Not by choice. She reached out to me. And I agreed to meet with her." Fergal's eyes dilated, he was filled with a new sense of aggression, but masked it quite well. Hearing his ex girlfriend's name made his blood boil, but silently.. "Yeah??"

    She knew that this was going to be the reaction to him hearing that name again. Especially how she treated him when they were an item? But then again she almost had to thank her for doing that. IF she was the perfect girl? Then she would not be with Fergal right now, Fergal would have his other woman and who knows where Pam would even be as a human being trying to get through this life. "Yeah. Needless to say? It was uncomfortable. And I wanted to punch her freakin' lights out.." Fergal smirked a bit, at least she understood why Fergal held such a grudge against that woman. "Well I'm glad you didn't. I don't need World War Three to happen between my ex, and my future. So what did she say though, there's no way she just wanted to sit down and chat about the weather or anything irrelevant like that..."

    Fergal wasn't that dumb honestly. Well it didn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that the only reason the ex would ever want to meet the current formally is to bash Fergal behind his back. "I am willing to bet she talked fucking shit didn't she." Fergal's voice was drenched with anger. Just even spending THIS much time talking about his ex made him unimaginably angry. There is no worse feeling in the world than having to revisit a completely avoidable dark time. Those days where Fergal was treated less than dirt? Were entirely her fault, she was the one who was pushing that knife into Fergal and making him feel as if he didn't matter in this world. BUT! Luckily for Fergal; he moved on in the best possible fucking way. "No, actually she didn't. I don't know if she's changed since you guys dated, but she was actually really sweet to me. She was walking on eggshells with me and she knew that she was. Afterall, I really didn't want to be there. Only did it to be nice. But anyways, she basically confessed all that she had done to you. All of the bad things, all of the things she did, literally. And she just wanted closure on the whole thing." Fergal didn't believe what he was hearing, she was telling him that Barbie Blank, AKA Fergal's ex girlfriend, AKA the woman who hurt him more than anyone in the history of ever.. Just took blame for her faults? What the fuck world is this? Fergal heard a commotion coming from the outside and he turned the television on that was behind him, the sound was off and it only took less than a second to do just so they could see what was happening. Fergal reached over and wrapped his arms around Pam, pulling her into a tight little hug. Pam was going to do this actually, but he beat her to the punch. "I wanted to tell you I know everything.. And honestly I understand.. I.. I get why you are the way you are baby. It doesn't need to be something that is hidden anymore.. I love you for you. I would never intentionally hurt you like she did. She was a monster to you and there is no bone in my body that wants to see you suffer like that." Fergal kissed the top of her head and it all made sense to him. This is why she wanted to talk all of a sudden like, she needed to tell him these things.. In person.. To feel his heartbeat against her chest as hers beat against his.. Fergal understood now. And almost wanted to thank Barbie for doing this. It almost made his life easier for Fergal's future, meaning that now that Pam had all of the details, he didn't even need to put Barbie on blast, she did it to herself. The tag team match that was trying to steal Adrienne's (Ember Moon) thunder was almost doing just that honestly. They were completely killing it.. And it was the champs versus a reunited, two thirds of The Shield. One of the most popular tag teams in WWE history.. Jon and Colby were a team once more and they had gold in their sights. They won their number one contender match and were celebrating before all the lights went out.. And it was unclear as to what was going on..

    A big fucking spotlight shined on the top of the stage. And out walked a bald, middle aged man wearing a leather jacket. The fans exploded yet again, and there stood Paul Ellering. He extended his arms fully above his head and outward like wings. And then they came. Akam and Rezar. The music and then every single person in the arena knew that the Authors of Pain were here. The two gigantic men walked down the ramp, Ellering in the middle of them as the ominous music continued to play as the eruption from the fans did not even bother to subside. They were freaking the fuck out yet again, it was going to be impressive to see if they had the energy to go nuts for Fergal's main event match tonight. The two massive men got to ringside as a stunned and winded Colby and Jon tried to get ready for whatever was going to happen..

    Ellering pointed to the ring and the men got on the apron. Colby and Jon looked like they were about to be obliterated. And if that's what you guessed? Then you guessed right. Once The Authors of Pain entered the ring? It was just an easy scrape. The men formerly known as the Shield were dismantled by the two massive men as the fans were louder than they've been in such a long time. The chants of, 'AoP! NXT! AoP! NXT!' went on for several minutes as the two men held up their arms, as a satisfied Ellering stood in the middle of the ring, proud of his team. Fergal looked over at Pam who was so happy, she loved AoP and was so happy for those young boys. "I can't believe what I just saw." Pam stood in stunned disbelief as Fergal shook his head, it was clear that in his mind everything was going to be okay between them. Pam had a new found understanding for Fergal, and Fergal knew that his past could no longer creep up on him and bite him in the ass. Now it was time to look at the future. "Are you ready to take on Miss Moon?" Fergal asked as Pam looked at him and her eyes widened, "I am so ready. No, I'm not, I'm so excited though babe you have no idea. I got to wrestle Kanako and now I wanna wrestle Adrienne.. Those ladies are badass, Kanako didn't disappoint, and I'm almost positive that Adrienne won't either." Fergal smiled as Pam seemed excited about wrestling for the first time in forever. Primarily because she had to deal with the onslaught that was Mercedes, but now? She had been defeated after only eight days of being champion, and Ember Fucking Moon just made her debut. The RAW Women's Division was about to be put on notice. "What about you? Your match is still to come isn't it?" Fergal nodded, "Aye. But I don't know how well the fans are gonna take to it.. They've already seen two of the most incredible debuts I've ever seen, personally." Pam rubbed his back, "They love you cutie pie. Nothing's gonna change that." Fergal smiled over at his lovely lady who always knew what to say to him just to get him to smile. "You're really sweet darlin', but I'm not-" There was the call out, it was Fergal's time. "Gotta go babe. Stay here? Or go up with me.." Pam got up after he said that and followed him up to the staging area. They exchanged one more kiss before Fergal went out to wrestle. His match against Adam, (Strowman) was not originally the plan, it was supposed to be against Colby. But last minute changes, y'know? The match was intense, Adam demanded respect in that ring and goddamn did he get it. As the twenty minute match that had the fans wondering if the mighty Demon King would fall to the Monster Among Men.. They actually were super fucking into this, they wanted Adam to be in the main event extremely badly.. And they got it. The match ended when the lights went dark. Again. What the fuck could the fans expect to see after all the things that they had already seen tonight. The pop started, the fans began to boil over with excitement, and the anticipation for what was about to happen was incredible at this point.

    Then they heard something that they never, EVER thought they'd hear tonight. A gong. A very loud, ominous gong and the fans EXPLODED. Louder than the Ember pop, louder than the AoP pop.. Louder than anything in the entire night. Hell, in the entire month at that. The gong went out a second time and it was absolutely clear as to what was coming. The anticipation for seeing him again in a wrestling ring was out of this world. A third gong went off and then the lights came back. There he stood. Eyeballing Fergal, and the expression on Fergal's face was shocked, and he was in disbelief. The Undertaker stood face to face with the Demon. His hand wrapped around Fergal's throat and Fergal was lifted incredibly high in the air.. It was at this moment where the fans reached their peak of screaming. It was as if The Deadman didn't miss a single beat, just as powerful as he was a quarter of a century ago. He threw Fergal down with a powerful chokeslam and then looked over at the title belt that sat on the apron. The match had taken a turn for weapons, and the title was one of them. The Undertaker then grabbed the gold and did that pose.. That eerie pose and the lights dimmed to a ominous and terrifying blue. Then the tongue came out and on queue, the gong started again. The Deadman has risen..

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