I Don't Do Parties

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So Christmas was a success. Work happened too fast and nothing even happened to waste any sort of time thinking about or discussing. The important thing was merely a week later it would be the New Year. 2017 was coming now quickly and it was closer than ever before. Each passing second meant closer to a whole entire new year. And for the Superstars of the WWE, a new year meant new hope, and potentially new opportunities. For now however, Fergal and Pam had a company new years party to go to and become..okay with. Surely there would be all of their friends there but Fergal wasn't really too happy about being practically forced to go at this stage in the game. Fergal got himself all ready and set to go, Pam was finishing up last minute makeup in her own apartment anyways. This was one of the first times that they were actually separated, but there was a plan for this, they were going to ultimately see each other and spend all that time together. Fergal pulled the cuffs of his jacket down and looked at himself in the mirror, all he thought about was seeing everyone there. He didn't exactly care about it to be honest, most of the time these big company parties were all talk and no walk from everyone involved. It felt like his world was spinning in place, like a car that got itself stuck in the mud really hard and has no chance in hell of ever getting out. Pam wasn't too excited anyways, the time away from the rest of the locker room really showed how little they cared about her. Not a single person besides from a few two or three even wished her a Merry Christmas, or as their text read, 'Happy Holidays.' She finished her makeup and texted Fergal quickly, instructing him that she was done and ready whenever he decided to come get her. Fergal didn't respond, he really sucked at texting. Instead he just stuffed his phone into his coat pocket and walked out of his apartment. The car ride over was as somber and quiet as it really gets. It was somewhat cold outside, causing his breath to be seen with each exhale, and naturally his car was wicked cold. Fergal stopped at a red light with no other cars in sight. He began to ponder over the idea of why the hell it was that he managed to get stuck at such meaningless crossroads and that his progress was being thwarted by something that should be working, due to him being the only one who was there right now. He couldn't even get frustrated at it, he was too annoyed with the fact that he even was asked to come to this party and out of the goodness in his heart? He's going. The light finally dinged over to green and Fergal took off, not even fast honestly. He just went. He couldn't shake this annoying thought that he was going to be really sorry he ever decided to go to this party.

Nevertheless it was something that Pam wanted from him, and who was he to deny her something she wanted. He always felt an intense sense of guilt whenever Pam didn't get what she truly wanted. It really wasn't what she did that made him feel bad, but more so that she was sad, and he hated when she was sad. That smile, he thought to himself..Is the one thing that makes him happy. Without it; he would feel nothing. Fergal pulled into Pam's driveway and sat there for a moment, he just felt this nagging sense of dread, or of something was wrong, or potentially going to go wrong. It was an incredible, overwhelming sense of dread that he couldn't shake, he just couldn't stop this feeling that was embedded deep inside his mind. Fergal was a thinker before he was ever considered a feeler. I don't exactly know if that's a good way to describe it, but hey. Words are funny sometimes. He finally grabbed his phone and texted her saying he was outside, Pam promptly came out, looking as stunning as she always does.

Fergal admired her appearance from where he was, as Pam came out and saw him, she knew that face. She saw a sense of fear and doubt that gripped a tight hold on the muscles in his face. She tried to ignore it, for she knew he first off, wouldn't want to talk about it anyways, and second? She always felt bad whenever she found out he genuinely wasn't okay. She got in the car and sat down next to him, "Hey babe." Fergal began to slowly back out as she buckled in, "Hey Pam. You look marvelous." He got out of the driveway and began heading over to, where else in Florida..But the Performance Center. The WWE loved using that place for literally anything and everything, this was no exception. Pam smiled lightly over at him, "Thank you handsome.." she then felt a strange insecure feeling. Whenever Pam smiled which was all the time, if she thought about it..she knows she has tiny lips, and smiling almost makes them disappear on her which really bothers her. Fergal has told her numerous times that her lips are perfect and he loves them just they way that they are. But Pam being a human being still can't help but feel that sense of sadness and insecurity whenever she thought about it alone. They arrived at the Performance Center and parked in the sea of other cars. Of course, there was going to be a shit ton of people there, I mean why the hell not? Fergal not only dislikes parties where he can get lost in the shuffle, but sometimes, especially tonight. He was claustrophobic of large crowds of people swarming him. He got out and Pam did the same, she came over to him and hooked her arm into his. Fergal had this weird, defeated and drained sensation inside of him all over. There was no stopping it to be honest, he just felt hollow. "Are you okay..?" Pam whispered as the doors to the building became closer and closer. Fergal nodded, "Course I'm okay. I'm always okay. I'm the King of okay." Pam knew that was her sign he really wasn't okay. But she chose to nod and just go along with it, knowing that if she tried to pry it out of him it'll only make him recede further into his dark and insecure shell. Fergal of course opened the front door for her and stepped out of the way. Just cause he was feeling like shit, that didn't stop him from still being a gentleman. "Thank you sweetheart." The music became louder and louder as they got closer to the party. "Always, dear." Fergal really to be honest didn't even want to talk right now. He needed to be in solitude, not surrounded by hundreds of people. Pam was spotted by her crew of friends from RAW and some from Smackdown and was instantly gobbled up into them. Fergal was spotted by a few friends too but they..they saw that look in his face. The look that screamed, 'I don't want to be here.'

Pam instantly began to have fun, she was handed a drink and was vibing with the rest of her girls. Fergal made his way to the area where the alcohol was thickest and asked for a dark beer. He sat down at the little table behind where it was being served and rested his hands on top of the table. He did keep a keen eye on Pam, making sure she was entirely okay over there and there wouldn't be an incident like Colby and Saraya. If that were to happen, Fergal would be dead, dead inside, dead in his mind, and he would wish he was literally dead. Pam lightly danced as best she could in heels and also, with a drink in her hand. Fergal got his beer and took a massive swig of it before none other than Samoa Joe sat down across from him. Joe had a drink of his own and set it down on the table while Joe knew he was not doing okay..Joe simply sat there and stared at him, knowing there was something wrong with one of his closest friends. "..What?" Fergal spoke finally, Joe shook his head and shrugged, making a face that said, 'I know you know I'm not an idiot.' Fergal exhaled deeply, grabbed his drink yet again and took a swig.

"You know you wear how you feel like a mask, right Ferg." Joe knew there was something wrong and he wasn't going to let Fergal bullshit him around about it. Fergal shrugged a bit, "I just feel out of it. I didn't even want to come here." Joe knew why instantly after Fergal said that, it was a little weird to Joe why Fergal was here in the first place. But then he knew, "Pam, right?" Fergal nodded and Joe took a swig of his beer before shrugging, "Love man. What are ya gonna do, right?" Fergal nodded, "Whatever it takes. Liquid courage never hurts either." Joe laughed at his beer joke, "This is a fact of life. Just remember things are workin' out soon for you. That arm is gonna hold up just fine when I beat your ass again." Fergal laughed, "Yea, I'm hopin' it holds up on me. Don't need a repeat performance of this nightmare." Fergal was definitely worried that his arm was gonna blow up again, "No encores." Joe shook his head with him, "No encores indeed my friend. I'll let you get back to sitting here like you really want out. Need me? I'll be over there." Joe pointed just passed a wall of people. Fergal nodded, "Thanks buddy." And with that, Joe was off. It was at this time where Fergal looked up and saw Pam was still vibing with her friends, it was nice to know that she was having fun. Fergal closed his eyes slowly and felt a burning sensation as he did so. Probably due to his shitty sleeping habits. But nevertheless, Fergal was there for Pam, and nobody else except Pam. It was at this time when Fergal re-opened his eyes to see that a guy had approached the group of girls. It was amazing that they even let the guy get this close, to be honest he had thought it was going to be a slap fest as soon as they noticed some random ass dude had gotten close to them. Fergal was now watching it like a hawk, he wanted to know how this was going to go down. Pam's back was facing the guy and this situation was beginning to make Fergal feel exponentially uncomfortable. He adjusted the collar of his shirt to loosen it up around his neck, he felt like the air around him was thickening, for it was beginning to get harder and harder to breathe..He watched as the man put a and on Pam's hip and began to sway with her. Fergal cocked his head to the side a bit and closed his eyes, rage instantly filled him up in every single inch of his body. This is exactly why Fergal doesn't do parties. Shit like this can happen at the drop of a dime. Fergal knew this was not the place to start a fight, for there was nothing he wanted to do more than to pummel the man's face into mashed potatoes. But he was helpless right now..All he could do is hope that Pam stops him.

Minutes passed on and nothing happened. Fergal was done with this. He felt more defeated than he has ever felt before in his whole life. That sinking, feeling of dread must have been his fate trying to warn him of an issue like this. They hadn't been at this party for more than thirty minutes and this already goes and happens. Fergal didn't finish his drink, instead what he did was all he could do. He stood up from the chair, readjusted the wrist of his button up shirt and he cracked his neck. Fergal then did the only thing that felt right..He walked away from the table, away from the crowd, and away from every single person in there. Pam looked over just in time to see him open the doors and leave, it was now she finally noticed that it was NOT Fergal who was dancing with her and sent her into a panic. When Fergal got outside it was no better, the cold was all consuming and the winds howled at him as they violently swirled around him. It literally felt like it was the end of the world for him. Pam was more than freaked out at this point, actually, freaked out was the understatement of the year. She instantly pushed the hand away and spun around to see who it was that was touching her..This guy had been grabbing her ass for minutes now for goodness sake. She did not recognize the man, but instantly pushed him on his chest away from her and open hand slapped him in the head for what he had done to her. Joe saw what just happened and sprang over to her aid  instantly. Getting in the middle of this was something that the angry Joe was willing to do. Fergal didn't have it in him to behave like this..He would do anything for his Pam, but not wanting to upset her or everyone else at the party prevented him from doing so..Fergal disappeared into the night, silently..

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