The Ultimate Thrill Ride

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Today is the day! It finally is here, there is no more time to run, there is no more time to prepare for what surely is going to be an absolutely incredible day indeed. The nerves inside Fergal and Pam collectively were rattled to no end right now, they had the hardest of hard times even keeping their composure. "Fergal..?" Pam whispered to him as they sat in the back of this, limo like car that was taking them both to the massive arena. Fergal looked over at Pam, grabbing her hand gently, "What is it darling?" he held her hand softly in his own. Fergal knew this was going to be one helluva day for the two of them. Whatever happened today was going to happen and they both weren't ready for this. Wrestlemania is a kind of experience that most dream about, few ever achieve, and even fewer succeed. "Am I ready for this? April has done this twice before.. I haven't been here, ever and I just, I don't know if I can even do this. What about what she said to me the other day? What if April doesn't even show up??" Fergal squeezed her hand now as the limo parked itself in the parking lot area where the other Superstars were getting out. He looked over at her and inhaled deeply, "April has been here before, but that does NOT in any way mean that she is ready either. And as it pertains to her not coming? There's no way she would leave you in the dust, I don't honestly think that is something she could do, that would possibly be the worst thing she could do.. Just relax, enjoy the fact that we're at Wrestle freakin' Mania!" Fergal tried to keep her nerves calm, although his own were spazzing out just as much if not more. Fergal was in fact in the main event of the biggest show of the year.. The doors were open and both of them were assisted out of the limo. There it was, the big ass arena that had both of their faces on the rather large banner, hanging off of the outside edge. "Well.. At least you look good, I look like a foot." Pam whispered, Fergal swatted her butt, "Hey.! You look amazing babe. Look at those dimples!" He pointed at the banner and smiled, Pam was just being an insecure little girl right now, she looked great on the banner. Pam mumbled, "Shuddup.." Grabbing her bags, Fergal grabbed his and they began walking up towards the entrance to the massive building. Pam had to continuously take in deep breaths and let out even deeper ones. It was time to begin..

The sad part about this event, is that Fergal needed his paint on, the paint took hours to put on and that meant that they would not be with one another for, well, hours. Pam knew this, and she already didn't want to leave her rock like that. But nevertheless, it was what needed to be done and for now? They just enjoyed how the setup made the arena look almost heavenly. "I..." Pam tried to speak as they both stopped at the top of the ramp, the empty arena had finally caught up to her. Being there last year was one thing, but she did not compete, this year she was in a one on one title match against arguably one of the most popular women in recent years.. And she was on paper? Just Bayley. "Hey. You're going to do great babe.. I would be out there if I could.. But I know I'm gonna be gettin' the paint on so I.. I can't." Fergal grabbed her by the waist and pulled her side against his, "I know you would be bubby, but you have to be all demonic and stuff." Pam giggled quietly, and so did Fergal, the quiet happy moment meant so much to her it was almost overwhelming. "We gotta start going now. They're opening the doors now. Which means about an hour from now the arena is going to be basically filled, and Wrestlemania will begin.." The show had it's tiny preshow that was going to start well, now. And after it ended the show would officially begin. The pressure was beginning to grip both of them and weigh a lot.

The two of them walked backstage now, sadly they had to separate. Pam needed her hair done as well as her makeup, after she finished the office needed to talk to her in order to get the finish to her match organized. Same thing with Fergal, of course. They needed to get his finish organized and then the paint went on. As Pam sat in her makeup chair, a certain orange haired Lass Kicker ran over and hugged her from behind, "Pammy!" Pam hugged back with one arm as she was unable to properly hug her right now, "Becks? Oh my goodness HI!!" Pam was so happy to hear her friend's beautiful voice right now. "How are ya, love?" Rebecca sat down in the chair next to her and the crew began to do her makeup too. "I'm nervous as all heck. But I think I'm ready.. As ready as I'll ever be. Holy moly I literally needed to see you dude, like honestly. I need to pick your brain a bit." Rebecca nodded, "Shoot, dear. Go ahead. My brain is like an apple orchard, pick away!" Pam giggled quietly, "Okay, so last year you had the triple threat.. What was it like?" Rebecca smiled a little bit and blushed at the thought of that match.. "Well it was quiet. Bein' in there and havin' all those people almost suppresses the sound a little bit too much and it makes the whole buildin' quiet. Then I got popped in the eye so I couldn't see much." Pam bit down on the inside of her cheek, "Sheesh.. So basically don't panic, right?" Rebecca nodded, "Yes, literally just do you, the fans will love it." Pam nodded and after a few minutes of relaxed silence, the crew patted both of them, "You guys look so beautiful, and you're so ready!" Pam and Rebecca stood up and looked at each other, instantly getting heart eyes for one another. "Damn girl you look super gooooood!" they both exclaimed at the same damn time, soon posing for an instagram selfie and giggling hard afterwards, what adorable idiots. It was time for Rebecca's title match. The, basically, Smackdown invitational where all the women on the roster could challenge the champ. Rebecca hugged Pam tight, "Wish me luck, sister!" Pam hugged her as tight as she could in return. "Kill it girl..!" Rebecca left and walked towards the curtain call area. Her music hit and Pam turned to face one of the television sets that was luckily right near her.

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