Flip The Coin

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Being backstage at Monday Night RAW felt surreal for Fergal. It was a feeling that he couldn't put into words. He had worked his ass off to get here, and it was one of those..Am I really here; type deals. He looked around almost in awe of the shear magnitude of the event. And this happened weekly? He had been in rather large promotions, and as well as the largest NXT Events to date..But this was different. This was something he would have to get used to on the norm. This was something that he would have to say, 'Yea I work for WWE..Mhm, RAW too.' He looked around again and saw some familiar faces. The show hadn't started just yet, so everyone was still in preparation panic mode. He on the other hand; was in daydream mode. He couldn't erase the nagging feeling that something was missing from all of this. There was a hollow feeling inside his heart that wouldn't really allow him to get too excited for this. There were indeed rumors floating around about a Women's title match, and Fergal being very close, should go give a nice little pep talk. Ashley had her father, but he knew that her..challenger was someone who needed a pep talk, especially from someone like Fergal who had been in these types of situations before..Many many times. He felt that talking to her would indeed help, but he didn't have the positive energy tonight. He was just floating, floating around looking at all the sights and sounds, taking every single thing in and making sure that nothing went over his head. He poked his head out of the curtain and saw the crowd funneling in and filling the arena rather quickly. Showtime was in ten minutes. There was going to be a big segment right to start the show, announcing potentially the Women's Title match, as well as introduce Fergal as a big player in the recently announced Universal Title picture. He was excited..But not all that he could be.

Fergal clutched his phone in his one hand, hoping, praying that it would go off from Pam..Any kind of words from her right now would mean the world to him. He waited, and paced around the backstage area for the remainder of the time before the show started. And as it winded down..two minutes..one minute..He had to ditch his phone in his locker. She didn't even bother to text him, wishing luck, saying she loves him..Nothing. Just nothing. That kind of stung, it stung Fergal's mind, and his feelings were tainted for the entire night. The show was beginning. All the men and women were now making their way to the stage, lining up all neat like and Fergal was instructed to wait behind. They really were going to try and make just the biggest deal out of his debut. He felt no nerves. No nervous energy coursed through him. The lack of a message from Pam really did indeed bother him to his core. He didn't understand why she just..wouldn't say a word. Not even a freaking hello at this stage in the game? Really? Fine. Fine he thought, he would just go out there and be as cold as humanly possible. There was the announcement, Women's Title match. That was indeed huge for Monday Night RAW and that was one way to start off this brand split. Both shows had huge expectations to fulfill and RAW even more so. Being the flagship show and all, it needed to assert its dominance in the ratings as well as just general fan happiness. As the crowd simmered down from the title match announcement, Stephanie McMahon began to announce a series of two fatal four way matches to take on Seth Rollins (Colby Lopez) at Summerslam. Names were said, and the crowd was heavily behind Kevin Owens, he was a crowd favorite for such a weird reason. The guy was an amazing heel, fans like that stuff. And here it was..Fergal was announced..His music hit and out he walked.

As he walked out, the crowd was..electric to say the least. They were heavily in favor of him, for this was his debut and Fergal had more hype around him than anyone in the business today. He puffed out the collar of his leather jacket and the rest of the locker room stared in awe of him. Obviously to make his appearance that much more..mystical. Both men and women of that locker room unanimously thought to themselves that he was going to be the future. That Fergal was the man who would recapture the WWE Universe's attention that they had all struggled so hard sometimes to keep locked down. After the segment ended, and the fatal four way had started involving Fergal, actually. The crowd felt bad to root against Kevin, but later in the night they might just have to..They loved his asshole nature so much that rooting against him almost felt like a crime. Fergal still, never felt butterflies, never showed a pinch of excitement. But he did however show the fire that he had over all of the problems he had faced to get to the main stage. He showed exactly what he was made of and exactly why he WILL be the first Universal Champion. For some reason he would not be able to get over the fact that Pam hadn't texted or called him. It was the strangest thing for her to NOT try and get ahold of him before such a gigantic occasion..She was his biggest fan and supporter, why the hell would she not get in touch just before his big moment. The match carried on and it seemed like Fergal would lose several times. The match was elimination, meaning that if one superstar pinned or made the other submit, they would be removed and the match would continue until one man was left in the ring. It was a great way to kick off the new brand split show. And Fergal was okay with being a part of it. It was such an odd feeling. Like he was wrestling with more anger and with a huge chip on his shoulder, there was a need to prove himself yet just his name shouted out his resume as loud as humanly possible. He was angry, but he was sad, it was an odd mix like tossing the two most polar opposite emotions in a blender and turning it on.

His heart was a vortex of fear and frustration, anger and sadness. It was something he hadn't felt before. Even his injuries she was there for him, perhaps she was just too sad to call? Maybe she was too busy..Fergal knew exactly how she gets when she's sad, she is almost just like him in that category. Just like him..Which..Yes was cute and shit, but at the end of the day he disliked it heavily. Fergal goes into a shell, like a little Irish turtle when he gets sad or angry. He doesn't want any kind of contact with the outside world even if it is one of his best friends. There was no breaking his wall down. He would allow people to come in if he felt it was appropriate and the time was right. Right now however, the time was most certainly not right and it would NOT be for quite some time. This was a wound in his psyche, a gushing, oozing wound that was not healing right now. It was something he would have to be addressed at a later date, if ever. The match was winding down to a conclusion, and Fergal knew that, which caused him to turn it up to eleven. Kicking it into overdrive when everyone else involved was ready to pack it in and just go to the back and get some water. The match came to a conclusion..And much to the fans enjoyment? Fergal had his hand raised in victory. He was going on to the semi finals, if you will in this little mini tournament to declare who would be the first EVER Universal Champion. He was walking up the stage, somewhat soaking it all in and he thought of something that bothered him heavily. He thought of how..Colby was just THERE in the match..Even after losing the WWE Title and then being unable to reclaim it. In the scheme of championship opportunities; it didn't make sense.

Fergal didn't care about the food, or the people right now. He walked back to his locker room, opened the door and let it gently close behind him and he immediately sat down on the bench. He had an ice cold bottle of water at his side as he now had to wait the entire rest of the show before he would have his second match, he sat now, with his head in his hands, just rubbing the back of his head as gently as he possibly could. He was so dumbfounded right now, he didn't even bother to look at his phone to make sure that she hadn't texted him, or attempted to call him at all. There was just a deflated little thing in his chest where his heart used to be. The night rolled on as slowly as a snail would climb up a wall now. He was so frustrated that he had to stay all night here and wait till the very end in order to get out and just go sleep. That really is what he wanted right now, not a person, not any thing, just sleep..It was truly a saddening sight if anyone were to walk in right now. He didn't care about being there anymore. Not only was the person he wanted to share everything with not here with him, but he didn't even know if she was okay or not. Maybe she was a crying blubbering mess and just couldn't get a hold of him. He didn't know nor did he care at all about any of that shit. He didn't. She knew his segment was first and yet NOTHING was there. Fergal grinded his teeth now, just brewing with anger and sorrow. Fergal didn't move. He was just thinking about how he would honestly have rather been on SmackDown..At least there, Rebecca..Lexi..Jordan and Gable..Mattias...His old old buddies were there. Sure, Kevin was on RAW, but he was so heavily involved with proving himself, as well as Rami was here. But it wasn't the same. All of this felt so wrong and forced..Was this even the right time for him to make his big jump? This was all coming onto him way too fast. It was at this moment that a certain pink haired woman tried to knock on his door, but he didn't speak, nor did he want to right now. He knew that he would regret not at least letting her in to talk and make sure she didn't have an anxiety attack like she almost did at Takeover; Rival. He was there to make sure the poor things head didn't roll off of her shoulders. But right now all he could think about was yanking his own head off in frustration..He would be no help..God the regret he would feel the next morning was going to be immeasurable. But right now he knew that he literally would be no help..

Eventually, she left, her head was hung wicked low and she just couldn't get over it. Her match began and the crowd was so heavily into it. Fergal, being a decent person, did watch the match..He did watch the whole thing get under way and listened to the fans get super super SUPER behind her. Ashley herself was overwhelmed with how they disliked her. But she loved it honestly, being the bad guy was in her blood. As the match literally raged on, Fergal saw a suicide dive set up..He wasn't sure if they were going to allow her to do it..But..When she did it? It wasn't calculated properly..She landed almost neck first and her back bent..Awfully bad..Fergal was in stunned disbelief, the rest of the night up to his match was a blur, he felt nothing but sorrow and guilt for this..His match started rather quickly, RAW was almost over..He hated his match..He was literally tossed around like a ragdoll by someone who realistically shouldn't have been able to do so. As the fans chewed on everything he was selling to them, he hit the finish..One..Two..THREE..Fergal was now..going to the biggest party of the Summer to battle for the first ever Universal Championship..He was stunned by the victory even thought he knew it was coming. It was all so surreal to him and actually? Fergal for the first time in the whole night..Felt happiness inside his heart.  

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