The Truth Comes With A Price

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As touching as that little moment was between the three of them, it had to end eventually. Fergal had not forgotten what that little.. Note on his car said, and he was still not letting Pam go anywhere by herself. He was concerned with Alexis right now, had a travel partner, but Savelina was off shooting a television show. So technically Alexis was traveling alone. Fergal walked with the ladies to the door of their locker rooms. First he had to say bye to Pam for a few moments while she got her stuff, he hugged her tight. "I'm gonna walk Lexi to her locker and then I'll be in catering, okay?" Pam nodded and hugged him back, "Don't wander too far now.." She was worried too about that little note, but tried not to let fear ENTIRELY control her life.. She walked inside of the locker room and closed the door slowly. Alexis looked over at Fergal, her mind was still fuzzy and she was still in shock that the fans even accepted.. No, embraced her upon her return. "I still don't really believe that this is real life.. Like am I really here? Am I still in my little coma or something?" The two walked towards her locker room slowly, Fergal listened to her mind wander all over from wondering about that and her face went from happy, to fearful, to sad, to happy again. "Lex.. You gotta relax a little bit. Look at you. You're here, you're recovering. You made it out of where you were.. Honestly even the doctors didn't know if you'd even make it, and yet look where you are now. You not only made it but you slapped death in the face and said, 'Um. No, not today.." Fergal's warm, kind words made Alexis feel a lot better. And as they arrived at her locker room she turned quickly to face him. She wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug as big as she could give. "Thank you Fergal. You really are one of the sweetest people in the whole wide world. I don't know where I'd be without you." Fergal's arms found their way around her waist and he hugged her back, the thought of this person caring so much about what he said, and what he did was just, different. He was only really used to Pam caring about him, most of his friends were indeed very close, but none of them really hung up on his words or actions like Alexis does. "Well.. Hopefully you'll never have to try and make it without me." Fergal spoke softly into her ear, Alexis was hit with fear. "No, you can't ever go. Promise me you'll never go." She pulled a little back and looked up at him, she was clearly slipping into panic mode, Fergal pulled back too now, trying to get this message across. "I'm not going anywhere, Lexi. Relax.. Get changed, lass."

She was still worried, after that accident, Alexis was a nervous wreck behind the scenes and it was understandable as to why she was. Fergal smiled a little and nudged her arm, "Go on, we gotta get outta here. Show's over." Alexis nodded at him and backed up into the door, she turned and opened it slowly, "Bye Fegal. I'll see you later." Fergal waved, "Bye Lexi." She didn't want to be alone but had no idea how to ask for help. She hated being dependent on her friends and family, the support was lovely to have but she hated asking for it. She NEEDED to be around people like Savelina, or Pam, or Fergal.. But she couldn't. All of them were doing their own thing and as much as Alexis could ask to travel with them? She was not going to. Back to that burden mindset. Fergal walked away from her door feeling bad, he didn't want to leave her like that, but what was he supposed to do? Watch her get changed? No. He was absolutely not going to do that. Don't even. He walked to catering just like he said he would and sat down at a table, tapping his fingers, he began to ponder over what the message he received really meant. It was still driving him crazy and an external thing like that drove him to paranoia.. Something hit him..

Fergal opened his phone and went to the photos, he looked through them until he found the picture of the note. After he sifted through the selfies him and Pam took, and the ones where she took random pictures of herself, he found it. It mentioned 'Her', but.. Never mentioned a name. Now that can mean one of two things that officially fuck him over. Either this person was talking about Pam, which as hard as that is to deal with, he is always going to be with Pam. Or it could mean.. No that just isn't fair at all! If this note was NOT talking about Pam, then it was talking about Alexis and Fergal is officially fucked now. He felt his face get hot, but if he could see it he would see it become pale as hell. It felt like someone just punched him really hard in the stomach, about seven thousand times. Fergal went to his contacts and called Alexis. It rang several times, almost scaring the shit out of him. "Hey Lexi? Sorry I know I literally just left but, is there any way that like if anything happens, like with you.. Can you call me or Pam?" His voice was shaky, but after what Pam went through.. He would feel responsible this time if this happened again. Alexis was still in mid changing, she still had her ring top on, stopping in place, Alexis almost froze at his cryptic words. She knew mentally she wasn't really doing the best, but also this seemed sudden. "U-Uhm. Of c-course Fergie. Thank you again.. Are you okay honey?" She lightly began to pace around her locker room now, wanting nothing more now than that support system.. Fergal had to think of a correct response, and a good way to hide his paranoia.. "Hm? Yes of course lass. I'm fine, thank you for asking. And no problem. Just let us know if anything happens okay? Talk to you later." Alexis bit down on her bottom lip, primarily due to the fact that it was trembling with fear after this.. "O-of course. Goodbye sweetie." She hung up and stared at her phone for a few moments, before resuming her getting changed. Fergal set his phone down and looked up, Pam was walking up now and he was so happy to see her. Nowadays, even the simple things like seeing the ones you love is something to cherish and be thankful for. "Hey.. Fergal? Are you okay?" Pam asked quietly as he rose to his feet. "Well, no. I could try and hide this from you but I don't want to." he showed her the photo after he spoke and she looked at it, "Um.. What am I supposed to see here, baby boy?" She handed his phone back. "Did you see the word choice, because.. I just did." She looked again, this time closer, acting as if her eyes were a magnifying glass. Her eyes widened as her mind broadened to understand this new found panic.

"Holy moly.. Do you think this was not meant for me?" Pam was not a dumb girl, she actually was very quick witted and smart as hell. "I don't know. I'm still gonna be stuck on you like glue.. But I think Lexi isn't safe.. I already called her and told her if ANYTHING happens to call you, or me.." Pam nodded at his words, her inner demons were shining front and center right now. She still hated how much he loved Alexis. She HATED.. It. Her face almost didn't change expressions and Fergal took note of it, "You can't really be thinking like that right now, can you really.." Fergal was frustrated right now, more than frustrated.. He knew exactly why she had that face on. "What ever are you talking about?" Pam was being petty, petty Pam is her new nickname, just don't tell her. Fergal shook his head and looked down, completely disappointed in her. "Nothing, I am literally talking about nothing. By the way, next time you think I'm in love with Lexi? Look at your left hand and then try and have that damn thought again." Fergal walked off after he made his case, he hated and was sick and tired of this same fucking fight. It was so old, and beaten to death he was almost shocked she STILL can think like this.. After everything..

Pam was very clearly his number one girl, his number one person out of all the people in the world.. Fergal has done everything he can for her and then some. But Pam still had this inner struggle, she still had this one terrible weakness and she had no real way of beating it away from her. As the two left the building, they saw Alexis darting from the parking lot right at them. Petty Pam had some snarky comment to make here, "Oh look, your wife is coming." She was being really angry at him right now.. And it was somewhat upsetting and overwhelmingly frustrating. Ironically, the first person Alexis wanted to talk to, was Pam. "P-Pammie, can I talk to you for a second?" She was somewhat breathing heavy from the sprint, and Pam nodded and they took a few steps away from the angry Fergal. "What the hell is this?" Alexis pulled out a slip of paper, same style of writing with the clippings as the one Fergal received. 'Watch your step. She's venomous over him.' Pam took the note and obviously knew what it meant, but Alexis was still in the dark about Pam's rampant anger towards her.. But how do you tell someone who almost idolizes you professionally that you hate the fact that she's close to her man? You can't. There is almost no way of telling her that without damaging their own relationship. Pam swallowed hard, "U-um.. I don't know, Lexi. Fergal got one too. That's why he said to come to us if you see anything weird, or if someone is like, following you. Ferg, c'mere.." Pam motioned for the steaming Irishman to come over and he looked at the note. He knew DAMN well what it was referring to, but in order to protect the fragile Alexis, no word could be spoken. "That's so weird.. Thank you for telling us.. I have a weird feeling we have some sort of weird.. I don't wanna say stalker, but stalker that is just a little too friendly.. Please be careful tonight Lexi." Fergal's words made Pam roll her eyes in anger, she was so sick and tired of the way he was acting. Alexis was no moron, she saw the eye roll after Fergal spoke and decided to intentionally piss her off now. See here's the thing about Alexis Kaufman, not Alexa Bliss.. See, sometimes in WWE, characters are just amplifications of your true self. This is not the case for the Alexa Bliss character.. At least not all of it. The spiteful part? Yes. She definitely harnessed that from her own past and can use it as a weapon, a tool if you will, for her own benefit. And right now? She was going to piss Pam off due to the fact that she understood the note now. Alexis hugged Fergal tight, "Thank you guys for caring so much about me right now. I really did need it." Pam obviously got angry by this and crossed her arms, trying to now show her jealousy, but.. It did. After Alexis hugged Fergal, and he weakly hugged her back. Alexis knew this problem was because of her and her alone...

"Oh. And if you think I'm blind. You're both really silly.. Here, Pam. You take this note. Because only a complete idiot wouldn't be able to realize that this is about you. And Fergal? I'm so sorry that I've somehow encroached on your relationship. I clearly didn't mean to step on her toes like that. I'm not going to ruin a freaking work relationship because she thinks I'm trying to steal you. I'm freaking engaged, did we forget that?.." Pam was shocked she was being put on blast, but she took the note as her jaw remained ajared. "I won't be calling anybody for help, ever. Because, heaven forbid if I call you, Fergal and I piss her off. So I'm sorry I encroached on you Pamela. You probably won't even hear from me again, unless we work together. I'll be fine on my own. If that note IS talking about me? Whatever, you guys will never know. But, goodbye you two. Have a good night." After Alexis spoke, she turned around and just, walked away. Fergal was stunned, Pam was too. Fergal simply stood there with his head hung low, feeling just terrible..

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