New Plans

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After Leah's happy news she dropped on the two of them, she ran off and disappeared without so much as a hiccup. Fergal and Pam continued to drink their coffee and wait around until it was all gone, and literally nothing else in this night was going to happen until they drank it. Not having energy is one thing, not having energy and having to do ten thousand things perfectly? That is just not acceptable. Coffee quickly became their lifeline and the only thing that really could make them get through the day. It was the funniest thing, as a child you have so much energy and want to stay up late at night, eating snacks, playing video games or watching movies. Then as soon as you become of age to do so? You wanna go to bed early because you realize how precious sleep really is. That was basically the case here, Fergal and Pam were realizing how important their sleep was and the fact that they actually had a match later was not going to sit well with their sleepy nature. "So.." Pam whispered quietly as Fergal finished his coffee, he looked over at her and rubbed his lips gently with his finger, "Yes love?" His voice cracked a bit, he hadn't spoken in several minutes. Yep, literal minutes of just them being quiet, sleepy, and drinking coffee. This is where they were at in life, the smallest thing that was coffee was literally all that was keeping them both upright. "You're pretty hot when you're tired, babe." Pam winked playfully and Fergal smiled at her. "Well, I mean I know that. Duh. But have you seen yourself? You have the sexiest 'sleepy eyes' I've ever seen. And the way you wiggle your hips when you're tired also. Drives me up, and awake." Fergal winked at her now, dropping a little flirtation onto her just as she did to him. "I don't think I look good sleepy. And what do you mean my hip wiggle? I wiggle my hips??" Pam had no idea that when she was tired, she for some odd reason had much more hip motion than when she was awake. It was the silliest/cutest thing Fergal has ever really seen her do and she did it often. "Fergal! Hey, Paul wants to see you." This small little crew member approached Fergal and informed him that he was needed elsewhere. Fergal huffed quietly, "Thanks lad. I'm on my way." Pam puffed her lip out after he spoke, "Be careful babe. I'll be right here by the way, trust me I'm not going anywhere from this coffee.." She giggled and leaned over, kissing him swiftly. "I love you." Fergal smiled, he still wasn't used to all of this cute shit she constantly laid on him, "I love you too sweetheart." Fergal walked off now, slowly, to Paul's office and was kind of not too excited about this little trip to the principal's office right now..

    As he arrived, Paul opened the door for him at impeccable timing, "Oh, hey man. Good to see you, come in come in.." Paul stood to the side now and Fergal entered the office of the Cerebral Assassin. "Hey mate. Good to see you. What's going on? Am I in trouble?" Paul laughed at Fergal's words, "You know, you've said that at least every single time I call you in here man. When are you gonna learn you don't do anything wrong?" Both men laughed quietly before Paul eventually had to proceed forward. "Okay, we've got this plan upcomming for both you and Pam. I wanted to run it by you and see what you think, maybe you'd tweak it or maybe you'd want to see it gone altogether." Fergal nodded at his Boss, "I'm all ears. What's going on?" Paul began talking and Fergal listened, he was a little concerned with what was going to happen, the last time this kind of discussion happened, the incident with Colby came to fruition which in a nutshell, was an absolute fucking disaster. There was nothing worse than what happened on those nights, Pam got super panicky, Fergal almost had to knock him out at one point.. It got super ugly.

    Pam stood with her coffee in hand like a baby with a bottle. She was dead to the world and didn't want to talk to anyone. And of course, as soon as she has that thought, there's a tiny voice creeping up from behind her. "Pam! Pam? Pam!" Pam turned around and saw the tiny, adorable little creature that was April. She smiled a bit, refreshed but confused to see her skipping little buddy. "Hey!! I missed you girl holy moly!" Pam giggled and embraced April in a warm, loving embrace. These two women were so close to one another, stemming all the way back to when Pam was a nobody on NXT, and April was the DIVAS Champion.. Yep, that old. "What brings you back so soon? I thought you were gonna be gone for a few months baby cakes?" Pam raised an eyebrow and April began to fidget with her fingers, almost anxiously. "Well. U-uhm, I wanted to come back. I wanted to wrestle with you again, and I wanted to see where we can take this thing we've made and I just. I wanted to be around you guys." Pam smiled, "Aww. April darling. That is so cute! I'd love to wrestle you any day of the week! Literally, if I have a free minute, just tell me and I'll throw down with you." April saw this chance to make a wise crack, "Is that a promise, doll face?" She nudged Pam's arm and giggled, "I'm kidding. But hey I wanted to ask you something.." Pam shook her head, "No April, I'm not into you like that. For the ten thousandth time I'm not!" Both ladies giggled loudly as that was actually wicked funny. "I wasn't going to ask that this time! I mean I thought about it, your bubble butt is intoxicating. But no, seriously sweetie.. Have you considered the doctor's visit I recommended? Or have you been putting it off like.. You always do." Pam looked down after April spoke, almost signifying what she had thought, "Well I really think you should go.. At my last session, I told her about you. And she asked little things like, your behavior, your diet, your mood, how you word things. And honestly she recommended you come in ASAP so she can try and help you control this beast before it spirals you into never never land.." Pam huffed, was she really that damaged that she needed to be put back together with bolts and steel bars? "I'll go I'll go.. I just don't want Fergal to like, go with me. If he sees what really is going on behind my eyes he'll panic more than he already does, y'know?" April nodded at Pam's words and cleared her throat before speaking again, "I can go with you. We can go on our next day off. Don't forget love, I'm on RAW, we have the same days to wrestle, and to not. You just have the title right now, making you just a little busier.." Pam nodded and smiled very, very weakly, "I would love it if you'd go with me.. Honestly, you know about this stuff.. Please?" April giggled and nodded, grabbing Pam's hand, "Honey, I would love to go with you. Consider it.. Consider it a date. And we'll get you the help you need so we all can enjoy that smile again..!"

    April was a lifesaver in more ways than one. It was her after all that really put 'Bayley' on the map by wrestling her in NXT, it was that little jolt that began to legitimization process for Pam's wrestling career in the WWE. And now? She was going to go with her to get the mental help she so desperately needed. It was such a shitty feeling to have, feeling like Pam does, but when you have someone as compassionate as April who was willing to go out of her way just to see if you were going to make it? That really makes everything all better. It also helps too that April herself is dealing with literally the same issues, but she has a lid on it, she knows how to identify these problems at the source and attack them vigorously. But now? It was Pam's turn, it was her turn to figure out how she can get a grip on her health, both mental and physical. Because at this rate, both are disintegrating right in front of everybody's collective eyes.. Scary shit for Pam..

    "So we were thinking about putting you and Pam, versus April and Jon. And seeing how that would work in like a double title match angle. What do you think? We haven't ironed out how we'd get there just quite yet. But at this point, this seems like an amazing opportunity for you to work with Pam, while putting more credibility under the title. What do you think Fergal?" Paul's pitch was a little weak on the delivery part, but the concept was actually not all that bad. The RAW Women's Title being defended in the same match as the Universal? That could actually be pretty entertaining and make for some good television. "I don't see where that's bad honestly, Pam would love to hear that she works with me, and April. That is something that could work out really well to be honest." Paul grinned successfully. "Great to hear man, we've been trying to work you and Pam into more stories together because we well, know how you two are. And we know how well you actually work together. But in your opinion, this is coming from a concerned boss, do you think April is a risk? At all?" Paul's question was a dark, and confusing one. Fergal wasn't too sure what he meant by a 'risk', but he decided to go off on a hunch. "April? Risk? No. She's a sweetheart who is more of a help to Pam than sometimes I am. She had a hard time at 'Mania and all, but she would never do anything to undermine the company, not in my opinion." Paul nodded as Fergal was talking, he had his doubts about April due to the incident that ALMOST took place at Wrestlemania, but Paul trusts Fergal, being possibly his best employee as well as a dear friend, his words meant alot to him. "Alright Fergal, I believe you man, thank you for your honesty and input in all of this. We'll get back to you guys in a few weeks." Fergal nodded at him and stood, "Oh one thing.." Fergal spoke to Paul in a sort of.. Concerned tone. "Why don't you guys call Pam in here to talk about this? Does she not give good input?" Paul laughed a bit and stood with him, "No. It's merely the alphabet. You come first, then Pam. So drag her ass in here after you get back man." Fergal laughed at his own conspiracy theory and nodded, "Will do." Walking out and going back to Pam, he saw April was there , who greeted Fergal warmly, wrapping her tiny skinny arms around his neck. Fergal put a hand on her back, "Well hey April, I thought Pam was the hugger here. How are you? Wait, Pam you gotta go see Paul, he's gonna pitch something to you. Be surprised." Pam sighed, "Damn it. Okay I'll be back.." Fergal held April for a long while, these two were super similar in attitude and feelings, it was almost as if they were secretly related and nobody knew.. "So how is she? Did you talk her into going? She needs it.."

    Fergal was still so concerned with Pam's mental health, there were so many things that were really going wrong up there that he needed help in healing her. April pulled back from him and looked up, "I'm gonna go with her soon. Like, two days soon. Cause that's when we both have off next. You need to promise me Fergal.. Promise me you'll act like you don't know what's coming. Also, PROMISE me you'll take care of her when she gets back, she is going to be so overwhelmed with emotions and gunk from inside her she's gonna be volatile.." April was giving Fergal a fare warning to be very careful when Pam gets back from her appointment. Fergal nodded, "If I can deal with you both during shark week? I can deal with this too lass. You have nothing to fear!" April gasped and giggled, she felt better now that Fergal was on board, "Shark week? What are you six? Can you not say period??" Fergal made a face, "Ewwww!" They both laughed and April lightly punched his arm. Pam was swiftly walking back now, beaming a smile. "I can't believe that's what he wants to do with us!" Fergal smiled at her, "I'm so happy too.."

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