Night And Day

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Lexi was almost in the exact same position as Fergal, she had been dealing with personal demons for months now, being all alone on Smackdown doesn't really help all that much either. Fergal on the other hand had just gotten the bump of his life, and he was literally ripped away from it. Now being forced to live his life all alone. Literally everybody in the world had their own problems, from the guy you passed in the grocery store, to a best friend, or a significant other. All of them have problems. There is no such thing as living life with nothing going wrong. Hell, even the amazingly happy and peppy Pam has her own list of issues. She is all alone on RAW without her lover and granted, Mercedes is..there. But for now? She has exactly nobody on her side. Fergal and Lexi were having one of the deepest heart to hearts that either of them has ever had. He was pouring his heart out to her and she was gladly listening and then reciprocating by doing the same right back to him. It was a funny concept to think that just a few short months ago, Lexi's life was exactly on track, her man cared about her more than life itself, she had two of the best people in the world who loved each other but didn't know it about one another..And then she played matchmaker for them, and it WORKED! But now? Her life was a shambled mess, a train wreck. "I don't know what to do Fergie. Do I like sit him down and tell him all of this? What if he leaves? What if he has..already been with someone..I just don't know." Lexi was now being filled with the dreaded paranoia bug. Every little thing that was going on in her life was causing her to doubt everything she has done leading up to it. Even on Smackdown, she has been way more aggressive in her actions towards the fans, and other wrestlers. Primarily due to the fact that if she can't keep up, she feels..worthless in the eyes of the company. Fergal on the other hand, he knew that his name means a lot to the WWE, it just blows that he had to get injured like this, he was hoping that they now wouldn't look at him like a liability and not book him the same. This was one, fluke, CRAZY accident..He was dealing with the fact that Pam was distant, literally and spiritually. She is the warmest person when it comes to showing affection, but right now? She felt cold as ice.

"I think you need to talk to him, Lex. Staying like this and having to confide in me is fine, and whatever. But if you love him you gotta fight for that. You have to show him where that little heart inside your chest is at, you need to prove that you're willing to take a beating emotionally and keep pushing forward.." Fergal was feeling extra mushy tonight, he felt like if he showed Lexi a little more of an emotional side to himself that maybe she'd understand that feelings aren't bad, that actually having thoughts about someone in that strong of a way was something that should be held close to the heart, and not something to run away from, embrace your flaws. "I don't know Fergal..It just is scary with him, or anyone. You're scary. You big goofy dingus.." Lexi giggled quietly and looked over as Fergal put on his, 'fake insulted' face on. "Oh my word. Lex how could you.." He chuckled, and then offered her a gentle smile. Fergal cared so much for his friends, he'd practically do anything to see them smile. Hence why he's terrified for what will come of Colby and Mercedes..Who..Well, that is a ticking time bomb. He just better defuse that shit before it blows up in their faces. "Thank you..Lemme get a hug?" Lexi tilted her head as Fergal opened his arms up a bit for her, Lexi promptly crawled over and got a hug from him, they definitely got closer during these dark, scary times, both of them are lucky to have each other., "Don't even need to ask, Lex."

On the road, Pam was a recluse, she didn't often want to go talk to people, or even hang out with the rest of the locker room to go to dinners, the gym, or anything for that matter. She always had such a kind heart when people approached her of course, but she didn't go out of HER own way to socialize. She missed Fergal dearly and just wanted to be back in his arms again..But she knew that was entirely out of the question right now. She looked at herself in the mirror of the gym and looked herself up and down, after a few moments, she closed her eyes and thought... Identifying all of her flaws which Pam..had a bad habit of making shit up about herself. She didn't like her calves, she didn't like how thick her thighs were. She had an issue with, what the internet calls, her 'bubble butt', she HATED being looked at as an object. She didn't have this problem all that much in NXT, but since debuting? Sheesh, it's like nobody can see passed her butt..It truly is disgusting. Her stomach bothered her..Her chest..Who the hell is tapping on her shoulder right now. She slowly opened her eyes and saw it was Mercedes, her pink haired warrior decided to come out to the gym..Perhaps she was finally cleared and was making her return soon! "'Cedes, baby! Hey girl.." Pam pulled Mercedes into a warm, welcoming hug, as she heard Mercedes sniffle ever so quietly. Pam quickly took her other earbud out and locked eyes with Mercedes. Now she saw pain, she saw red, dry looking eyes that were sunk in..The eyes of a person who has been crying for hours. "Oh my god..What happened? Sweetheart are you okay? Talk to me, please.." Mercedes sniffled again, it was one thing to be sad alone, but when someone identifies that you're sad, or crying or hurt..For some reason the human mind ramps up whatever bad feeling you're currently dealing with to eleven. Mercedes couldn't speak. Her lips parted, but nothing came out. Pam thought it would be best to sit her down, so she did just that. Sitting her down on the bench right behind Mercedes and grasping at both of her hands, placing them in Pam's lap. "Take your time.." Pam was in mom mode now, she had to make sure her little precious thing was going to be okay. Pam was so sad now, she was now having to not only know that her best friend is..systematically falling apart on the inside, but there was more than likely nothing she could really even do about it..She just felt like crying with her at this point..

"C-Colby.." Mercedes managed to mutter her boyfriends name. Pam had remembered that Colby had done something..wrong. But her and Fergal haven't had time to even really in depth talk about it all that much. Besides, with all the other bullshit in her life how could she remember that when she can't even retain her own problems in her mind. "Colby what, he okay?" Pam was asking questions just to make Mercedes talk. This poor thing, her voice was broken, her face showed all the pain that her heart was feeling. "He slept..w-w-with Saraya. Like..almost t-two months ago.." Mercedes began to tremble, her entire little body shook from all the bad things that she was feeling and all the bad things that had happened to her. "He did..WHAT!" Pam now was a hundred percent in 'Mercedes defence squad', or better known as 'Mom mode'. Mercedes flinched a bit when Pam's voice got higher. She wasn't really expecting that kind of a reaction out of her normally quiet, nice friend. "I'm sorry I raised my voice. But..hey.." Pam placed a hand on Mercedes' cheek and lifted her head up, "It's gonna be okay. I'm here for you. Okay?" Mercedes placed her hand on Pam's wrist and nodded. She didn't believe it however..She couldn't really believe that this kind of a thing could be 'Okay' especially when the stipulations whether they were true or not, means that either Saraya is literally the scum of the Earth, or Colby is a lying, cheating dirtbag. Mercedes was caught between a rock and a hard place. She then closed her eyes, as tears quietly streamed down her cheeks..Pam felt awful.

Fergal had all but defused Lexi's emotional rollercoaster. He had put the Xbox on and they were both exchanging lives in Overwatch. Whoever died, had to pass the controller over and it was hilarious to see every single time one of them died, they changed heroes. Neither of them were really all that good, Lexi was better than Fergal at his own game, it was hilarious, he was getting so irritated with how much he was getting demolished by everyone. Then Lexi takes the controller and proceeds to crush the entire enemy team. "There is no way you haven't played this game, Lex. You're so full of it." He giggled a bit and watched her tiny hands smother the controller in ways that he didn't know you could even comfortably even play. Lexi shrugged as she just killed three more people in about seven seconds. "I dunno, just seems super self explanatory to me. Hit the buttons, people drop. How is it complicated?" She giggled then looked over at him, she was playing the sniper character, (Widowmaker to all you Overwatch fans out there) and was absolutely destroying people. She finally got killed by an ultimate move that she couldn't dodge and had to pass it over to Fergal. "Ah well, can't live forever." She giggled and leaned back on his couch, crossing her legs and arms in a triumphant, cocky little way. "You little butthead." He swapped to the giant guy with the hook, (Roadhog, again, hi Overwatch fans) and he was ready to prove that he didn't actually suck at his own game. This was so relaxing, little rain outside, the storm had passed except the heavy rainfall. Playing video games with a close friend? All they needed was pizza and then...Doorbell rang. "I'll get it." Lexi sprang up and bolted to the door, she opened it and there was the Papa John's guy, "Two large pizza's?" Lexi nodded and took them, "Have a good one miss." "You too!! Drive safe!" She closed the door and turned to see that Fergal was getting the hang of it, he kept hooking people over ledges which was so cheeky, you get stunned when hooked, so you basically always die. "Oh Fergal, you're THAT player.." She giggled and set the pizza down on the coffee table before walking into the kitchen and seeing a picture of him and Pam on it. She looked at it and half smiled, something about all of this just didn't..Feel right. Something was absolutely missing..

"Have you talked to him? What did he say??" Pam was still trying to get information out of Mercedes who was having a hard time even remembering to breathe at this point. She shook her head, "After he told me..I felt my chest caving in. My heart didn't want to beat anymore..He tried saying he forced her into it but I-.." She paused to slam her sore eyes closed again, "I walked out on him." Pam wrapped an arm around Mercedes who she could feel breaking right in her hands. She felt the pain radiating off of Mercedes and it was so hard to sit back and watch this happen to someone she loved so dearly. "I'll always be here for you sweetie. Don't forget, Fergal is always here too. He's just a little banged up and home right now. If you need him, just call or go see him okay? He's like freaking Doctor Phil when it comes to this stuff, I swear.." Fergal was incredible when it came to making sure people felt okay, and dealt with their emotions in a healthy way. Hence why Pam made the suggestion to go see him if she needed. "I'm not even medically cleared yet dude..They said that more tests have to happen..This is week two already..I-I'll go see him in a few days." Mercedes hated not being able to compete anymore. Maybe being around another hurt person, especially one of her closest friends, would do her some good. Pam moved some of her friends pink hair out of her face, "You do that sweetheart.." She then gently hugged Mercedes in what can only be described to as a gentle hug. "It'll all be okay..I pinky swear."

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