Falling Down

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This night seemingly never was going to end. It began awfully, and it was going to end equally, or perhaps even more horribly. The sight that Fergal just was exposed to.. It was burned into his mind, he never ever thought he would see something like that. And honestly? Right now he had little to no care for excuses. Fergal stood in the hall, feeling nauseous.. His world has just been turned upside down and all he could hear was ringing. Just a painful ringing in his ear as everyone around him tried to speak almost in unison. Colby was begging him to listen, Pam was begging him to listen.. The only person who did not try and butt in was Mercedes. She was in such fear of what he was going to do. She saw that look in his eyes, and since she had nothing to prove to him, she was just an outside spectator. But in being a spectator, she was not biased like Pam and Colby were. She knew that with one wrong move, one wrong touch, or word.. And Fergal could absolutely explode. She had only seen Fergal angry, as in REALLY angry one other time before this. Someone had been injured during an NXT live event, and the man who injured him was almost proud of doing it. Fergal went off on the guy for about twenty seven minutes, literally making the man at the end of the conversation walk away like a scorned child. It was frightening back then when it did not involve him directly in the conflict, now he's deep rooted inside of it? Who knows what could be said, or god forbid done.. Fergal kept looking at the ground, trying to make sense of what he just saw. The static that was all he could see, it was like a bad horror movie, and when the term bad is used, it means bad terrifying. Not like a shitty movie. But it jump cut from him being happy with the love of his life, at a beach, relaxing with not a care in the world. Seeing a darker cloud in the distance, but never paying any mind to it. Jump forward a bit to their fighting, and how Pam never trusted Fergal, the level of doubt and tension was mounting, instead of their relationship being based on pulling towards one another in the name of love. It was being pulled apart in the name of fear. He shook his head, trying to deny the fact that any of what he just saw was true.. How much did he miss? What else did they do then, or even before when he was not able to see them.. His mind was filled to the brim with dark, evil thoughts, the unspeakable horror that was the simple ideology that he was betrayed.. Played, made to look ridiculous..

It was all too much, way too much. Fergal who kept himself so reserved and walls up so high that not even he knew what the light looked like. Finally allowing someone into his life, and cherished everything she was. Only to have this happen, he still couldn't hear, not because he was not listening however. But simply because his brain couldn't comprehend anything that was going on around him. Since he opened that door, his heart exited his body and he would argue if asked that he has no heart beat. His body began to shake, lightly of course, not to the point of it being blatant. He felt cold, as cold as being at the summit of the highest mountain in the world. He felt his mind freeze, his eyes could not stay open. Fergal felt like he was going to die. Mercedes saw the shaking, having a past with her brother really made her attentive to shaking and little signs. She became frightened, "Fergal.. Please relax.. You need to go. Go home. Please." She did not dare touch the volatile man, but he did raise his head slowly, his eyes were visibly bloodshot, the pain that rested behind those eyes was almost piercing. He whispered, "O-okay." it was obvious that Fergal could not face the cold reality that was his life right now, he needed out.

After Mercedes made the effort, Pam and Colby became silent, not wanting to disturb him further, they looked at each other and the same thought shot through their heads, 'This is NOT how today was supposed to go. He needs to listen.' Fergal slowly began to lumber into his locker room. As the door closed, Pam turned her head to Mercedes who had such a big look of concern on her voice, Colby was the first to begin verbally assaulting her, "Why the hell were you even with him in the first place Mercedes?" She cocked her head to the side, "Excuse you? I hardly even know you, little boy. And for the record, Fergal came to ME." Pam felt a burning hatred for Mercedes resurface, "Why. Why the hell would he come to you. WHY!" Pam shouted now, she was not the screaming type, but right now was quite different for both of them, err.. All three of them. "Well for your information Pamela, he was frightened about you. He was literally having an anxiety attack because of you, because you for some reason think I have interest in stealing your man. A woman can be friends with a man and NOT want to have sex with him. Wake up.." That enraged Pam, Mercedes was right.. Pam's insecurity over Mercedes was strictly due to lack of trust in her friend. "I mean he loves you to death Pam, no lie dude, you should know that by now. I actually am sorry that for some reason you can't get over this. I considered myself to be as close to you as a sister. And here we are.." Pam still got angrier the more and more Mercedes talked. "No, YOU are wrong." Pam walked closer to Mercedes now and pushed her shoulder, Mercedes began to grow fearful of her normally calm friend, "Pam what are you doing.." Mercedes mumbled quietly as fear began to wrap its icy tendrils around her heart. "You don't get to say things like that. YOU don't know him like I DO!" She pushed Mercedes again as she grew progressively louder and louder, "Pam, you gotta calm down.." Colby tried to butt in and calm her, but to no success. "I don't want you to ever speak to him again. You got it? If you ask him, he would say that really is the problem here. YOU!" As she shouted again, Mercedes ran out of room to back up, she hit the wall and closed her eyes, preparing to be struck by her once closest friend. "PAM! Please don't!!" Her voice broke as Pam looked down, realizing slowly what had just happened, she was beginning to hate herself more and more.. She shook her head slowly, "I can't do this Mercedes.. I can't.. I can't.." Mercedes saw her friend break down slowly, tears filled her eyes almost instantaneously, and they began to rapidly run down her cheeks.. There was no way that she could stand idly by and watch this happen.. Slowly, Mercedes wrapped her arms around Pam..

Pam was startled by this gesture of kindness, but was quick to wrap her arms around Mercedes in a hug that should last forever, Pam's silent sobbing turned into a louder, more clear cry. Colby felt like the scum of the earth. He needed to go find Fergal, he poked his head back into the locker room and saw.. Nothing. Fergal's stuff was gone, and the keys to his and Pam's rental car was still there. Meaning he just absolutely ditched the entire area, and did it as silently as humanly possible. Colby looked around the arena where he stood to see if Fergal was still in sight, and to be honest.. He was not. Pam squeezed her tiny pink haired friend, "I l-love you.." Mercedes was resisting to cry, the fear honestly of what had just happened kept her from crying. She squeezed Pam back a little, the wall prevented a lot. "I love you to Pam.. Please calm down, beautiful. You don't need to cry anymore." Mercedes pulled her head back and Pam looked at her with eyes filled with tears. Mercedes began to move Pam's hair out of her face, "I'm always gonna be your friend.. Okay? Do you want to try and tell me what the heck happened in there?"

Mercedes looked back and saw Colby lock eyes with her, she then nodded at him, and he at her. An indicator for him to leave. Colby disappeared into the locker room area not to be seen for the rest of the night. Pam's eyes were getting redder as the moments peeled onward, "W-Well. Literally nothing happened. Me and Colby were just talking about life, you, me, Fergal.. And I started to.. To get down on myself and and.. I." Mercedes rubbed her cheeks, "Shh.. Take your time, I'm here.. Okay?" Pam nodded, "I don't know, he lifted my chin up, and it was a little close I won't lie.. But NOTHING happened.. A-and then almost on the worst queue time of my life? Fergal opened.. That door.." Mercedes didn't need to hear the rest, obviously. But does she really believe Pam? Does she somehow put what she just did aside and believe her friend in a time like this? Mercedes bit down on her bottom lip and tugged on it lightly. "I honestly need to think about all of this Pam." She shook her head, "I don't know what to think right now, I just need to get out of this coffin of a building.." Pam nodded, she didn't expect Mercedes to believe her right off the bat like that. It was a really hard thing to comprehend, the words of another, trust is something that takes years to build, and mere moments to damage. "I-I'm gonna go now, it's late and I hate it here.." Pam spoke quietly and finally broke the hug, separating her body from Mercedes'. The pink haired woman nodded, "Okay. If you need to call me, I'll have my phone on full blast. Okay?" Pam nodded, "Thank you 'Cedes. I don't know why you care about me, especially right now, but thank you for being you." The two left each other and Pam went back into the locker room. She saw the rental key and sighed gently, there was no way that Fergal would be at that hotel room. He wouldn't go there now but for all she knew? There was a chance he would be. That was enough and she needed to prove herself to him in the biggest of ways. She gathered her things, and left the building. Her makeup looked like she had just cried for hours, which in reality had only been several minutes. She got into the car and drove off. Her head hurt like there was no tomorrow, she thought briefly about the consequences of driving this car head first into the other lane, smashing the front and killing herself. The thought was entertained far longer than it should have been inside her mind.. The thought of someone else being hurt, or the costs was all that kept it in the realm of imagination, rather than reality. Pam was in a dark, scary place right now..

Fergal had called an Uber and got out of there mere moments before he passed out from stress. He knew if he stayed in that building, trying to be calmed by them he would explode into a ball of fire and hurt anyone and anything in his way. He sat on the foot of his hotel bed with his head hung low. His world was ending, the pain he felt right now, the thoughts that were lingering in his mind. The only thing he had now was a mere memory, a fragment of what he once was. A fragment of the love he once had. In his mind? This was it. He was not coming back from this. He had one rule, don't lie to him, don't cheat on him. Don't do that and everything would be fine. Pam had consistently lied to him and made him to be ridiculous. And now? It was all but clear that she cheated on him, for who knows how long too. He had a little glass in his hand, all but empty except the ice that once cooled his alcoholic medicine. His eyes remained closed as his mind allowed him to explore the endless future that could have happened so long as Pam was in his life forever. The torture he was putting himself through was not to be endured by anybody. Opening that door sealed his fate.. His soul felt lost to the endless, ruthless cycle of showing him happiness, only to remind him of that which he no longer possesses. This night was finally ending.

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