Royal Rumble

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The time has come. It was the Royal Rumble. They day in which all WWE Superstars were put on notice, either show up and produce, or go home and lick your wounds. Fergal knew this was his time, it was his day and he had to own it. This was where he finally would make his in ring return. The surprise entrant was more than ready for this, he was actually ready to come out first if need be, but that was NOT the creative plan for him and sadly he had to wait several more hours before he got to go back in the ring. Pam had an..interestingly stupid angle and she wasn't too thrilled about it, but she had something, and that was going to ultimately end up going somewhere. She knew it wasn't the greatest thing in the world but it would be what she was doing and that was all she could be thankful for. Fergal began to feel a fire inside the pit of his stomach, he had to start getting ready, the setup process for him would take several hours by itself..He had to go, NOW. "Hey, babe? I gotta get to my paint guy, we need to start getting ready." Pam was sad, she didn't know he'd had to go so soon, but she understood, "Oh, okay. Um, are you gonna watch my segment?" Fergal nodded, "Of course I'm gonna watch your segment baby girl. You're involved in the title match right?" Pam sighed, nodding though, "Yes..I'm just not, IN the title match.." Fergal forgot that Pam was going to be the reason the match had a..sketchy ending. And he hated that too, it was entirely what Pam did NOT want to do, but hey..It really was a foot in the door. "I'm sorry Pam, be thankful that you're going to be out there. Who knows? Maybe you'll wind up wrestling after all.." Pam nodded, "You're so positive..Holy moly. I thought I was the one who was supposed to be all chipper and cheery all the time. Turns out the Demon King is the happiest of the happy." Fergal chuckled quietly, standing up, "Yea, it is weird how that works out. Now c'mere and gimme a kiss. I gotta get outta here." Pam hobbled sadly over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, Fergal's went around her waist. He pulled her close and placed a hand right on her butt, squeezing gently, "Just be strong, and have faith, okay? I'll be watchin' and rootin' for you." Pam whispered back to him, "Okay. Thank you. Good luck with your paint." Fergal kissed her on the cheek, "I love you." Pam blushed, she never really got used to that yet, after all this time, she still wasn't used to being treated like a princess just yet. "I love you too, baby boy." Fergal sadly had to release her, and backed up, "See you later babe." Pam nodded, and Fergal left the room.

Much to her..disliking, Pam was now on her own until basically the end of the pay-per-view, which..really sucked major ass. She hated being alone, not only that, but Fergal was going to be making his return and Pam feared that she wasn't going to be..happy. Not because of the return, but because she's so disgruntled with where she is in her career that she can't get passed it. She returned to getting ready, lacing up her black boots and fixing her bottoms. She felt butterflies in her tummy as she remembered Fergal grabbing on her butt, he was such a magical, gentle, sweet and amazing man. She loved just being in his presence..not being around him was almost like a part of her was missing. Even though he was never truly that far away, she always always always ALWAYS felt like he was miles away from her when he wasn't around. Pam began to feel a tiny bit nervous about her segment, she always got nervous about things like this. Especially due to the fact that this is her FIRST Royal Rumble pay-per-view, one of the big four..Next to Survivor Series, Summerslam, and of course, Wrestlemania.

Fergal arrived at his buddy who has been doing his paint for years. They greeted each other as friends typically do. And Fergal laid out the binder that had the ideas for his paint on it. This one, due to them being in Texas, would have something to do with a snake. Rattlesnakes were typically synonymous with Texas and it made sense to have him with some kind of scales on his back and possibly chest. It was time to go to work. Fergal sat down and his friend turned the monitor on to show what was happening during the pay-per-view. It was hopefully going to be a good show, the WWE had been..notorious recently for putting on absolutely dreadful pay-per-view events and it really was tarnishing their good name. The pain began to be put on him, this was usually Fergal's favorite part of his character, getting all painted up, getting in that mindset of the Demon King, focusing very very hard. It was something that he held close to him, even from the days of the Indies, he loved doing it and had one of his best friends doing it which made it better due to the obvious trust factor. He watched as the show was getting not..the greatest reaction from the fans which made him worried to if they would accept his return or not. He had to shake this negative mindset, Fergal needed to ensure that there was not a pinch of doubt in him whatsoever. The nerves never really sunk in for him until his entrance music hit and he went crawling down the ramp. It was just how he handled everything, he never really accepted it as truth until it was happening. The same thing with Pam, he never accepted that she loved him until she proved it to him by some, accidental thing happening. Possibly kisses, the first few, hugging him constantly, perhaps sex even. The level of meaning that she had to him was staggering, Pam was, and forever will be the most single most important force in his life. There was no one that meant more to him and there was no one whom he loved more than her. Speak of the devil. Pam's segment was coming on. It was a bittersweet thing to see the title match start without her even in it. But Pam's part was to run in as there was going to be cheating on one side, and she had to stop the outside interference.

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