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That was one of the most tense endings of a match that Pam has ever experienced. She knew the outcome before hand, I mean obviously that's how this game works. But actually having to have it go down..It just kind of sucked. That was the biggest drawback of being a WWE Superstar. You basically know your fate before you ever step into the ring. It just so happens that the company doesn't believe in Pam just yet. Which was heartbreaking and the worst feeling she has ever felt in her life. The fact that her best friend was seemingly pissed off at life right now was also not helping. "Mercedes, hey. Come here. No, come back, just talk to me.." Pam was trying to keep up with Mercedes who was walking at a quick pace away from her and towards where her locker room is. The normally bubbly pink haired woman was filled with nothing but frustration and disappointment. Her match could have gone better, she was that competitor. Always feeling that she could have done something else better to make the crowd happy, or do something to make that match the talk of the town..But tonight? She felt that those moments were few and far between. She was still nursing a tiny back injury which was the company's biggest excuse for why they won't just strap a jetpack to her and let her fly. "Honestly Pam, I don't want to be around anyone right now. Please just let me be.." Mercedes felt like crying. She hadn't forgotten the fact that her 'best friend' just straight up didn't trust her at all with Fergal. Did Pam all of a sudden forget that she was friends with Fergal way before Pam was even in the picture? Literally; Fergal and Mercedes were closest of friends way far back in the day before the names of Sasha Banks and Finn Bálor were even thought of. People seem to forget the small details like that which this one would, well..should change how Pam feels. It was driving a stake right through Mercedes' already battered and beaten heart to know this, she got to her locker room and stopped, Pam was still in hot pursuit. "Please don't do this to me, 'Cedes.." Pam was out of breath, the high speed chase right after their rather intense match was weighing on Pam's stamina. Mercedes stopped and grabbed the doorknob, slowly letting it go and turning around. "Look. I'll be fine. Okay? Just right now I am definitely not okay. Just gimme some time. Okay?" Mercedes leaned up and softly kissed Pam's cheek, "I love you girl. Go relax, you look like you're gonna pass out." Pam leaned with her and kissed her cheek at the exact same time and sighed, "Fine..Love you too."

After the friendly exchange, Mercedes disappeared into her locker room. Leaving Pam to ponder with her own thoughts, something that she feared greatly right now. She slowly began to make the trip back to her own locker room and passed by several people who complimented her on her look, as in her physical form right now. As well as people praising the match. She passed by Ashley who was on FaceTime with someone..She stopped to talk to her, "Hey Ash." The Women's Champion looked up, "Pam, oh hey! C'mere, say hi to Becks and Fergal!" Pam smiled a bit and acted like she had no idea they were together. "Whaaat. You guys are hangin' out? That's craaaazy." Pam's little joke voice was well received by all of them, who giggled quietly. Ashley looked over at Pam, "How's Mercedes holding up? I saw she was not taking literally anything well right now." Pam looked back over at Ashley, "Oh her? She's about as stable as a lifeguard post in a hurricane." Ashley looked down a bit, "Poor kid..I wish I could make her realize that life is beautiful. It isn't the things we get, typically it's the people inside of life that make it so incredible." Rebecca put a hand over her heart, "Ash, that was gorgeous ba-" She stopped herself..

This little slip of the tongue was not missed by Fergal. He turned his head over at Rebecca and raised his eyebrows. She was trying her absolute best to just ignore the Irishman altogether and that was actually not working whatsoever. Rebecca turned a bright shade of red as she was semi-relieved to see that Fergal was the only person who actually noticed that she almost slipped. "I'll let you guys go, I gotta go to the bathroom anyways.." Ashley smiled a bit and nodded, "Okay Becks..! Good talking to you Fergal, you get healthy and come back to us, yea?" Fergal nodded, "Yes ma'am! Take care yourself. And make sure that little cutie pie next to you stays out of trouble. Alright? Bye now!" They all hung up and Fergal crossed his arms looking over at Rebecca who was already dreading this conversation. It was silent for quite a long time, there was no look that Rebecca had the courage to give him, nor words were even an idea coming to her mind at this point in time. Fergal cleared his throat after literally five minutes of tense, awkward silence, "So how long." He cut right to the chase, he was not the type of guy who messed around with tip-toeing around something he wanted to figure out. This was something that was very clearly a big ass deal, and he was left in the dark. Shame on you Rebecca. Shame. "A few months now actually. I'm surprised you haven't noticed yet until now." The jig was up, Rebecca couldn't, and didn't want to think of an excuse for why she almost called Ashley babe. "Is this just a crush? Like you had on Mercedes forever and a half ago back in NXT? Or.." Rebecca shook her head and dismissed that thought almost immediately. "Totally different than that. God, how do you remember that..That was Team BAE days.." Rebecca giggled at Fergal's crazy good memory to even keep that locked away that she had a little crush on Mercedes. "No, this is..real. To steal a joke from said pink haired lady..It's..Legit." Fergal raised his eyebrows again, "So you guys are dating? How serious?" Fergal was in big brother mode right now, he had to make sure that Rebecca knew what she was doing at this time, in the past, she was notorious for getting involved romantically with people only for them to turn out to be complete slime balls. Her crush on Mercedes never saw the light of day passed Fergal, in easier terms, Mercedes never, ever found out that Rebecca did have feelings for her.."It's pretty serious.." Fergal looked at her as she spoke, he needed a little bit more details than that.

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