Calm Before The Storm

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The following days that came were slow and drug on for far too long. The simple fact that they all managed to seemingly get over this..event that happened to Rebecca so fast was impressive. But the real reason why they managed to do so was primarily due to the fact that Rebecca was such a strong willed person. She would not let the rest of the world pity her, even after something horrifying happened to her. The only person who was not really all that over it was Ashley. She was beginning to become a panicked mess over every little thing and it was starting to show more and more..The following Monday came in on like a slow blizzard, you could just feel each second and it was tormenting the whole locker room. It was literally a feeling that everyone shared, the strangest part is that it was an unspoken thing..For some reason, it seemed like everyone in the RAW locker room had something to be upset about, or at least stress over. Pam still didn't know the full details of this angle with Colby and Fergal, but she was about to find out. Not from Fergal either, the big man himself, Paul was going to tell her just before the show started. The time for small talk had been difficult to manage, and after this incident with Rebecca, the security surrounding the Superstars was ramped up ten times tighter than it had been just a few short weeks ago. Fergal and Pam arrived at the arena and the first thing they noticed was how many more men in black shirts there were. The amount of security guarding the back entrance as well as literally draping themselves over where the fans were waiting to get a glimpse of their favorite Superstars. Of course, naturally Fergal and Pam stopped to visit some of the fans. I mean they felt not only bad, but happy. The bad part came primarily due to the weather, I mean it was freezing outside and these people still waited there just to say hi to them, possibly the most humbling feeling at least for Fergal and Pam. Several fans asked if they were dating each other, and this is where Pam got semi-embarrassed. She stuttered heavily and her lisp got bad, "W-well, yea. We totally are a t-thing." A collective 'Awww' rang out throughout the crowd of people and Fergal reached over to grasp at her hand. Pam looked over at him and he whispered, "Relax.." He knew when she was getting overwhelmed by life and she also greatly appreciated his attempt at keeping her nerves in check. After a few more precious moments with the fans, Fergal and Pam had to reluctantly pull away and go inside the building. The show was beginning soon and they needed to be front and center for what was going to happen very soon..

Pam knew that Paul was going to have the talk with her about her direction. And she grew increasingly nervous as the time went by. "What is the plan here Ferg..Don't you know?" She tried to get an understanding of what Paul would possibly lay onto her buy Fergal was not allowed to really talk about it. "You know I can't say lass. I wish I could tell ya..But you know I'm not supposed to..Paul will tell you what's going to go down. Just try and stay cool." Pam's meltdown's were noted by everyone now, literally the whole locker room knew that Pam was..explosive when she got too overwhelmed. It was really just because that poor thing had such a big heart, and she cared so much about everyone and everything around her. Literally. There was not a person in the building that Pam didn't care about and worry over at least a little bit. That was both her best feature, and her biggest flaw.."Well I guess babe..I'm just worried I'm not going to like what he has to say, y'know? After last week I really don't know what the full plan is going to be.." Fergal stopped her, "That's why he's going to tell you what the deal is. Okay? Just..please relax baby."

Pam had a sneaking suspicion that this was going to suck ass, and suck immediately. She was beginning to dread seeing Paul's face and then be spoken to like a child and forced to see it his way. Granted, she did have some say in what the creative direction was..but at the end of the day, if she denied it, who knows where Pam would wind up going. People have denied big angles before and they haven't been reprimanded over, but at the same time people have denied angles before and have been shunned down the ladder so far it took months for them to recover. Fergal got to his locker room and stopped with Pam, looking over at her. "Just be strong, and stay relaxed. I'm literally right down the hall, you can barge in here if you'd like after. I don't mind. Okay darlin'?" He rubbed her hand over with his thumb and was hoping that Pam could manage to keep her composure about everything. The past few weeks has been super duper stressful for her, and everyone else. I mean friends seem to hate each other, their relationships between one another are crumbling, Pam had a nervous breakdown at work, Rebecca was almost freaking killed. There's some serious shit swirling around in Pam's head. It was going to be a minor miracle if she would be able to maintain her calm about this. "Okay. Don't be surprised if I take you up on your offer..Cause I think I'm gonna.." Fergal smiled and leaned down, kissing her on her forehead. "If you need to, you know my door is literally always open for you babe. No matter what..Now go on, we have a show to put on. " Pam smiled lightly and nodded, "I'll be back shortly baby boy.." Pam reluctantly left Fergal now, as she was walking away, she did turn her head around to see Fergal admiring her from afar, he made her feel like a million bucks. Whether he was getting lost in her eyes, admiring her abs, or ogling over her butt like a dweeb, Fergal knew exactly how to admire his lady and she freaking loved it. Pam made the long treacherous walk to Paul's office and was growing more nervous with each step that she took. This was so important, like this is her future, the future of her WWE career could rest on what is said in the next few minutes. She got to his office and took a few deep breaths in and out, she tried to psych herself up to be ready for all of this. And in mid breath, Paul opened the door up, "Oh, Pam. Hey there I was just going to go look for you. Listen I had some things to go over with you. C'mon in." Pam was caught off guard and now immediately shaken off of her game. Well this wasn't exactly the best of starts.

Fergal sat on the bench in his locker when he heard a light knocking on his door, "It's open!" The door opened slowly and..Colby poked his head inside. "Hey buddy." Fergal looked up slowly, "Colby? What's going on lad. You doin' alright?" Fergal further looked up at him as Colby made his way inside of the locker room and the door shut behind him. "Yea yea, I'm good. Just need advice from you." Fergal sat up and leaned against the wall, "Shoot, I'm all ears buddy." Colby walked in and sat on the bench that was somewhat across from him, but at a little bit of an angle. "Well. It's about.." Fergal cut him off, "Mercedes. Isn't it?" Colby nodded his head, it must have been that obvious. "Not many issues it could have been, I guess. Well it just. Everything feels different with her now. I mean in the beginning I knew what she wanted and I could give it to her whenever she needed." Colby then realized how that sounded, "Wait, not like that. Don't look at me like that." They both let out a quiet chuckle before Colby continued. "But..Now I just feel like there are so many..invisible blocks in her head that she can't get up and over them. And neither can I at this point.." Fergal tilted his head to the side, furrowing his eyebrows, "What are you tryin' to ask me..Cause I think I know where this is going..But..What are you asking of me.."

Pam sat down in Paul's office and exhaled deeply. Paul could visibly see that she was clearly shaking and rather overly nervous about this little meeting. Paul lightly laughed as he sat down, "Well..I didn't know I was this imposing. You still shaken over what happened last Tuesday?" Pam shrugged, "Just a combination of things is all. It isn't you, I'm sorry." He shook his head, "Relax Pam, It isn't like you're on trial. I just wanted to let you know where this current story was planned to go. You know that it can and possibly will change before it's over. But as it stands this is where we're going, you ready?" Pam nodded reluctantly, her mind was racing and she was already dreading where it was going. If last week was any implication for what the rest of the feud would hold..This was going to suck ass. "Well what we thought, was bringing Fergal back from his obvious injury was something that needed to be handled properly. And the whole world knows now that you two are together. You saw last week the start of it and you're fully involved with this." Pam nodded at his words and listened to him, she was trying to remain hopeful that it would have a happy ending..But this is the WWE.."The plan was to hype up the Demon's return with these videos in the middle of Colby being rude and taunting you, but one of those times Fergal would ACTUALLY come out. That's how we planned the return." Pam nodded and lightly smiled, "That sounds actually really awesome, Paul." She felt a sense of relief, if this is all that they planned she'd be freaking okay with it. "And when Colby an Fergal would have their match at the following pay-per-view to further carry this on. But in that match.." Pam felt her heart sink, she knew where this was going now. "You would come out to aid Fergal who was being cheated out of the match but mid way through, you'd turn on him and cost him the match. Pairing you with Colby." That was..exactly what Pam was fearing he would say, she hated the idea, she didn't wanna go against Fergal, nor did she want to literally have to redo her entire character. A change from babyface to heel..As deep in the babyface light that she is would take an ENTIRE makeover of the past several YEARS of her work. It isn't like she is a Stone Cold type character where the guy was literally a heel the whole time, he was just cheered for all of it. She IS THE babyface..And now she had to drop all of what she knew for something that was..scary. "What do you think of that? Do you have any questions? Comments? Concerns..?" Pam shuffled in her seat, in reality she had a million of questions and concerns for this..But..would she even bother at this point..?

Colby was clearly not okay with even entertaining this idea, "I think the world of her Fergal. Don't get me wrong. But.." "But what." Fergal was really trying to get this out in the open and hopefully be able to give the guy some good advice. "I just don't feel like we do each other any good anymore Fergal. That's all. I feel like what I offer her isn't enough, and what she offers me isn't enough anymore. That's all.." Fergal knew it, he could feel that coming, "Well..You have to analyze everything inside you. How far would you go to save the relationship. Can you see her with another guy and you can be happy for her cause she's happy? Are you willing to let her go? And do you think she's willing to let you go too?" Colby hung his head low and rubbed his temples roughly, it was clearly eating him up inside. "I love her man. But goddamn it do I feel like we do nothing but hurt each other now a days." Fergal felt horrible, "Just try and relax buddy. Just take it slow. Think about it..The only person who can answer those questions is you..Maybe you oughta talk to her about it.." Colby nodded and as he did, Pam bursted through the door, Fergal stood immediately, Pam literally bolted her to him and grabbed him into a swift, necessary hug..  

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