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For the last few days, Fergal and Pam had been run into the ground by being so freaking busy. Having literally only a few hours to see each other, balancing sleep in there at some point. The schedule of the WWE especially for Champions was incredibly demanding, unforgiving, and brutal. They both hardly had time to even acknowledge where they were going, because before they even arrived there; the thought of the next town or interview or special appearance already crept into their collective minds. Both of them still worried greatly for Rebecca, Shinsuke, and Lexi.. It was still uncertain when they would all be okay, Lexi still hadn't woken up yet, it was becoming increasingly frightening as the days peeled onward, or in their case.. The days vaulted over the freaking fence going a million miles an hour. The tiring nature that was their lives right now was beginning to take its toll, for them though, the promise of having two little days was going to be all that pulled them through this last day at work. Fergal and Pam arrived early, as they always did. Professional Wrestlers were always judged by their arrival time, interaction with fans, general attitude and how well they compose themselves. Fergal and Pam both, collective and separate, acted as some of the best professionals that the company has ever seen. There are some people who don't treat the fans with certain respect, some of the just flat out refuse to take pictures even though it might just be one person. Or some of them get said pictures taken, and when the person kind of calls them out for being rude on social media? The wrestler blasts them into oblivion, sicking their millions of followers onto that fan just for being upset that YOU; who is paid to be this larger than life personality, had to be so shitty to them that you made them feel like being a fan was no longer worth it. But, I'm digressing. Fergal and Pam were in their little rental car, and Fergal as always, was driving. The sad part about the other night is that their plans for the 'Internet breaking date' was thwarted by a call from work. Literally the entire night up until about three in the morning was consumed by the WWE busting their balls about going in for press. Yes. Press late at night. Podcasts are the best/worst thing to ever be created. It meant that non professional interviews that could be conducted by anyone at anytime? Needed to be conducted. And god forbid that person is famous, then it REALLY needs to happen. Nevertheless. This was their last day of work for the week. Fergal and Pam both were super looking forward to not having to come in for the next two days. "Honestly babe? I'm glad Paul put us in a mixed tag match, so you can do all of the work, and I can sit on my sweet little ass." Pam winked at him.

Fergal glanced over at her and thought instantly of what to say in this moment, "Little.. Ass? You? Pam. C'mon.." Fergal smirked playfully and Pam gasped quietly, feeling her cheeks heat up from blushing. "Yes. My sweet little ass. That's what I said!" Fergal shook his head as she was talking, "Baby mama, there is not a single thing little about your sweet ass." He looked over at her and giggled at a rather silly nickname. But he made a comment about her butt, and Pam always got insecure about her butt. For some reason, possibly because it's a little larger than typical ones, the internet OBSESSED with Pam's butt. And it made her feel super weird, gross even to see certain social media accounts literally, LITERALLY dedicated to her butt. She shook her head, "Let me think I have a little butt. Damn it." She giggled a little, Fergal shook his head yet again, "I would let you, but that would be a serious lie, and I for one, am no liar. My large assed lover." He laughed again and stopped at a red light, looking over at her and seeing the blushing.

"Are you still tripped out about your butt because.." Pam interrupted him, "Yes I am. Please don't remind me such things exist. Please." Fergal knew exactly why she was insecure about said ass. People were filthy. They saw things like butts, and boobs and FLIPPED out over them. Honestly they're just part of someone's body, there is a person attached to said boobs and ass. But people objectify you if you have 'Larger than average' of anything. Including weight. "I love your butt, remember? When you were in your underwear and lying on your tummy, playing video games?" Pam blushed and bit down harshly on her bottom lip. Oh yes. Yes she did remember this specific event. "Yes.. I really do baby. You-" Fergal laughed as she was talking, "I literally laid down and cuddled your butt. I'm pretty sure I had a full length conversation with it and it was glorious." Pam laughed at the memory, it was true. He did have a full conversation with her butt and it was not only cute because he was cuddling her like that. But it was one of the sweetest gestures ever because he originally was trying to reassure her by paying attention to her butt and dropping kind words on her. "Of course let's not forget the incredible butt massage you gave me after. I mean holy crap my whole body felt like jello just because you were grabbin' on mah booty!" Pam giggled loudly now and Fergal did too, these two have made so many memories with one another. It was so funny that some of them were forgotten to time, and then remembered just by chance. "Your butt is fun to play with, what can I say?" Fergal shrugged as the EXTREMELY long red light FINALLY turned green. The mood and tension between them from days passed has all but evaporated. They needed to be one with each other in order to pull through this time, all insecurity talk from Pam,and all fear talk from Fergal had to cease. "I could go for another one by the way." Pam insisted that he give her another massage, more specifically her butt. Fergal glanced over at her and raised an eyebrow swiftly. "Yea? Well all you need to do is just ask, and lemme at it!" He winked playfully at her and took a sharp right up a ramp, the arena was really close at this point. Pam looked over at him and just watched him, she watched his eyes dart around the road and look up at the lights, it was a troubling time to be Pam right now, she felt sometimes as if the entire world had her on their radar and was always looking to drag her down to hell. She reached over and put a hand on his thigh, softly rubbing in a very, non suggestive circular motion. Fergal smiled lightly and glanced at her again, "Pam.. Don't fizz out on me now.."

She shook her head quickly, "Huh? No, I'm okay. Don't worry I'm just, watching your face." And she was thinking too, but she wasn't going to admit that and he didn't.. "And stop thinking about things you can't change. That is just a bad idea, darlin'.." Well she thought he didn't know what she was doing, Pam hung her head dejectedly and Fergal frowned lightly, "It's okay. Everything is okay. We're okay. Work is okay, your butt is EXCEPTIONALLY okay. I mean c'mon. You're flawless from head to toe. Hair, face, collar bone, your boobs? Oh my word. I could mess with them for hours. Your belly is my favorite. Your hips.. U-Um.. Y'know." She blushed lightly, knowing what he was going with. "I get it I get it.." She blushed more after she spoke, "I just wanna lay in bed with you and forget we are this.. Brand. I wanna be Pam, with Fergal. I don't wanna keep being Bayley with Finn.. Please? Is that so much to ask for.. Honestly." Fergal knew where she was coming from, being the character all the time could be exhausting, especially when you don't get a chance to breathe, or to honestly rest. The best word to use here is rest. Without doing that? You'll never really experience/enjoy the fruit of your labor.. It really sucks.

Arriving at the arena things just felt like they were never going to really be different. It was just the same old grind being drawn out by another day. The saaaame old shit. Fergal parked the car and helped Pam get out, as well as helped her grab her luggage. "Thank you baby boy." Fergal nodded at her sweet words and they began to walk inside the arena. So according to Paul, it was a mixed tag match but they had no idea who their opponents were, perhaps he told them, but perhaps they both forgot. Having little to no sleep was extremely difficult to pay attention to details right now. They got inside and IMMEDIATELY went to catering, there had to be coffee there for without it? They would possibly shit the bed on this tag match. Fergal began to panic as he didn't see any, but there it was.. The holy grail.. A big ass coffee maker. It was beautiful. He thought in his mind about how he wished there was a way to brew coffee while driving, or at least NOT being home. You know? Like what if you were unable to actually find a coffee pot to make some, and there just was a way you could heat the shit up on the go and have delicious coffee anytime you wanted? Quality of life right? Anyways, Fergal and Pam both darted towards the maker and literally ignored every single person in their way. Fergal started to make some and Pam was right next to him, she clung onto him for fear of being drug away by someone she would rather not talk to. Leah walked up to them, why.. Why was Leah here? She isn't even on this show? "Pam? Hey! Oh my goodness it's about time I found you!" Pam looked at her and was a little confused, "Leah? What on earth are you doing at a RAW show? I missed you though, what's going on, girl?" Pam's words no matter what they were practically would make her beam a dorky smile. "Well I have some super exciting news to tell you!!" Leah was too squeaky right now for sleepy Pam. But she thought it was adorable, "What is it, lovely?" Pam spoke quietly, as Fergal slid away a few inches just to pour his cup, and some for Pam. "I'M GOING TO GET A SMACKDOWN LIVE WOMEN'S TITLE MATCH! A SINGLES MATCH!!" She squeaked again and jumped up and down twice. Pam had a sudden burst of energy as she grabbed Leah's forearms gently, "Oh my goodness! I'm so happy for you!" Pam smiled wide and then the excitement died, it went down to a calm level.. Reality was hitting Leah and Pam at the literal exact same time. Fergal who heard this, just finished sweetening his coffee up as well as Pam's, he obliviously butted in, "What about Becks? She's still gimped out in the hospital I thought?" Fergal was so stupid when he was tired.. But it kind of was appropriate, because to be honest it was an issue that needed to be addressed by Leah and Pam. Obviously. Leah sighed quietly.

"Well it isn't for like next week, you big idiot." Leah smiled and laughed as she tried to pep up the mood just a tiny bit. Fergal laughed and handed the coffee to Pam who took it with both hands, drinking it like a baby would a bottle they've been crying for for hours and hours. "Well, congratulations. C'mere you." Fergal opened up one arm for a hug, Leah walked up to him and hugged him gently. He was like a big brother to her, always helping her out with wrestling, talking and handling herself as a professional. "Thank you Fergal. I literally couldn't have done this without the two of you. You guys are always my lifeline, regardless of if I'm on the other brand or not. So from the bottom. No, from all that is my heart. Thank you both so freakin' much. I love you guys." Leah reached gently and CAREFULLY pulled Pam into a hug. "No problem baby doll. We love you too. Remember that." This was a nice way to start off their night, a nice thing that happened in the middle of about a thousand shitty things that were piling up.. Refreshing, really..

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