Opposite Worlds

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Fergal walked through the backstage area with a certain feeling of self awareness. His stomach no longer ached him, his mind was no longer clouded. His thoughts were peaceful. His heart beat normally. He actually felt okay. Fergal looked around at his surroundings and took note of a certain gushing of color that he perhaps has not noticed before. The people surrounding him were overwhelmingly happy, and Fergal as a matter of fact, was too. He was overly happy about something and he honestly had no idea why. His memories of the last few weeks seemed to almost turn to dust in his mind. No stress, no anxiety, no pain. All of it seemed to not exist right now. Fergal stopped to talk to some of his friends, his old 'Bullet Club' buddies were all spitballing about their next segment and how badly they wanted Fergal to be in their group, well.. His group, but they were the ones who were in it in the WWE. After all of the problems that the company caused, they did know how to keep the fans on the edge of their seats, and keep them wanting things they know damn well they cannot have. Fergal finished his conversation with the boys and walked towards his locker room. Goodness gracious it just seemed like the world was so lit up, for some reason this struck him as odd, this struck him as something new. Fergal began to remember. He remembered the pain that he has been struggling through for weeks now, he remembered the sick feeling he got when he even looked back at his past for one single solitary moment. Fergal got to his locker room and bursted through the door, leaving it open as he did. These thoughts carried so much anger and frustration with them that it literally physically crippled Fergal to no end. He leaned against the wall, feeling extremely faint.. But just as he was about to go down he heard a small voice speak to him, "Fergal? Baby?" He did not recognize the voice, and nobody should be calling him baby, for Fergal at this point in time really had nobody who would be saying that. The lighting stayed just as bright as it was before he began to freak out. But he heard little footsteps approaching him from behind. It was within seconds did he feel little arms wrap around his body and saw them connect in front of his face. The arms were white, the nails were connected to little chubby fingers. He slowly turned around to face the woman who was hugging him only to find it was Alexis. "Lexi?" Fergal spoke softly, with a pinch of shock in his voice. "Yeah babe? What's up? Are you feeling okay?" Her response only made him more confused than he was before. "But why are you.. I don't understand.." She leaned up and softly began to rub his cheek with the palm of her hand. "Shhh.. Everything is going to be okay. I'm here, I promise I won't let anything happen to you.." Alexis was so reassuring, her touch was overwhelmingly warm to him..

    Fergal was so confused and lost as to what was happening right now. Alexis lead him to the chair where she promptly put him down and climbed into his lap. She stared into his eyes with her icy eyes. She slowly leaned down and pressed her cold lips against his and held them there. Fergal was compelled.. He kissed her back and held her tiny body there. Feeling his heart flush with a warmth that he has not felt in months. Alexis broke the kiss and smiled softly down upon him. "I love you Fergal, baby boy." Fergal didn't speak, he didn't know what to say right now. Confusion was replaced with a sense of belonging, he knew what to say, just didn't have the guts to say it. "I'm sorry to say this to you, but. This has to end right now. Please forgive me, and remember that I'm always here for you baby." Alexis leaned down one more time..

    Fergal heard something echoing in his ears, his name.. "...Fer... Ferg... Fergal.. FERGAL!" He felt his body begin to shake, he closed his eyes out of pure instinct. When the opened his head was tilted to the side and his head rested on his forearm gently. "Jesus man, I didn't know if you were gonna wake up or not! What's wrong with you?" The voice was still unfamiliar to him, he did not recognize who was trying to wake him up, and why they would disturb a man who was having the most peaceful, and confusing dream of his life. He slowly lifted his head off of his arm, "There better be a fire.." Fergal's raspy voice exposed the fact that he was extremely deep in slumber right there on the table. He chose a helluva spot to fall asleep on, right there in the open like that. Thank god he didn't actually sleep talk, basically he would be in trouble if he did. Nothing like being woken up by the loud, Eric. (Enzo Amore) "C'mon buddy we gotta get ready for this here little tag-team match. I need my partner to y'know not be slackin' on the job, how you doin'." Fergal listened to his fast talking friend, well, talk. And after a few moments, Fergal rose to his feet. "I'm getting too old for this." Fergal spoke quietly, while his mind pondered over the reason, or reasons, why he had a dream about Alexis. Especially a dream in which he was WITH Alexis. Why is it that he felt so goddamn happy with her. Why is it that when she reassured him, his heart was flushed of sadness, worry, anger.. Why, just why.. Fergal and Eric began to walk through the backstage area, and Fergal was partially there physically. He really was not too awake yet and he didn't care who knew it. As the two men passed by catering, they accidentally bumped shoulders with, you guessed it, Alexis. The tiny blonde instantly went on the apology train, "Oh my gosh Fergal, I'm so sorry I didn't see you. I was looking at my phone, I'm sorry.." Her pleads for him to accept her apology weren't even remotely necessary. Fergal looked at her.. the way the light hit the curves of her face reminded him of the dream. And those eyes, those piercing icy eyes really reminded him of that special feeling he had inside of himself. "N-no need Lexi, it's okay.." Fergal was extremely worried about his thoughts right now. All he could do was remember that kiss, that passion filled, heart-warming kiss that he shared with Alexis. But that was a dream, a very vivid, realistic dream of course.. But a dream nonetheless. Alexis smiled that adorable little grin, "Okay.. How are you doing? Little birdies keep telling me that you're gonna go on vacation soon?" Fergal swallowed hard and nodded, "Yeah. That was the plan. Whenever I drop this silly thing I'll go away for a while." Fergal motioned at his Universal Title and Alexis briefly looked at it, then back up to him. "Well, if you're going anywhere fun. Let me know. I could use on too. Matt as well."

    Fergal going on vacation with Alexis alone might be a bad idea. The world would look at it fucked up, and a vacation with Alexis AND Matt? Could be fun, if Fergal had someone to bring with him. "Yeah, I definitely will keep you in the loop, lass. It's great to see you. I gotta go though." Fergal tried to get away as fast as possible, Alexis nodded slowly. "Oh, okay! Hey be safe out there, don't let anything happen to that face of yours." She leaned over and hugged Fergal very tight, that same exact kind of hug he experienced in his dream a mere five minutes ago. He hugged her back, softly rubbing her back before releasing her. "I will try and do that." They both quietly laughed and Fergal walked off with Eric who had his nose buried in his phone the entire time during that interaction. "Lex is a good kid. She's got a good head on her." Eric spoke freely, he glanced at Fergal was was buried deep in thought, "Yeah.. She sure does.."

    "Alright, I think we're done here." The therapist exclaimed after another lengthy session. "What does that even mean, we're done? As in, I passed all the little testing things?" Pam asked very curiously, she had an increasing level of excitement as seconds peeled onward. "Yeah! You aced everything. This will be our last session. And your medication? Just keep taking it until you run out, by that point you'll be totally okay." The therapist looked over at Pam who had a beaming smile on her face right now. "Holy moly! This is incredible! I can go back to work and everything??" Pam was bubbling with excitement now, she was so excited to get that green light to back to work. It was everything she had ever hoped for recently, because after she was mentally cleared to go back to work, it was time to work on getting her man back. The therapist flipped gingerly through some pages, awkward silence filled the room for several moments that lasted far too long. "Well, I see no reason why you can't honestly. You've passed everything I have to offer with flying colors. I think the WWE will want to do one or two tests, but those are ones we've already done here today. So you basically are all green here!" Pam squealed after the therapist spoke, her happiness was almost contagious. This was the Pam of old, that was seemingly lost to the anxiety that consumed her every move. "Thank you so much for all you've done. I really owe you the WORLD." Pam and the therapist both got up, and the kind woman offered her hand for a shake. Pam looked at it for a minute, "You must not watch WWE.." The therapist felt a little weird now, her attempt at wishing Pam luck was rejected. "Oh, I'm sorry.." The woman spoke quietly, trying to not ruin the mood. "I don't do handshakes. I do HUGS!" Pam wrapped her arms around the woman and hugged her with such energy and warmth. The therapist giggled loudly and hugged back. "Aw! Thank you so much Pam. Good luck on everything in the future and, hey. Don't be afraid to come back if you ever need someone. Okay?" Pam was hoping that she would never need a therapist again. But you never know. "I definitely will keep that in mind. Thank you so much Doc." Pam smiled and hugged the woman again. So many days, weeks even have passed since she last saw Fergal. It was almost like the fastest, loneliest nightmare she has ever experienced in her entire life. She was expecting nothing to have changed, Fergal to still hate her, Mercedes to still be public enemy number one, Alexis to still secretly hold a grudge against her. But the Alexis thing? That's over. Alexis has been since forgiven her for the wicked chair shot that Pam delivered to her head. Mercedes was still the enemy of state to a lot of people backstage, but she earned that right. Fergal..?

    He was a different beast to conquer. He was secretive. He was a very very difficult person to read. His relaxation never seemed to be on the surface. But he always claimed to be okay. Pam missed her Demon so much it almost made her cry to even think about the fact that she was going to get to see him again.. Possibly in two days. That's when she was going to go to the WWE medical trainers and psychologists who were there to ensure that their Superstars were in the right state of mind. Pam got into her car to leave, she turned her head to look one last time at the building that helped her heal and mend the wounds of her mind. She remembered how this was originally Fergal's idea to come to therapy.. She then remembered what got her bound to this place and not being allowed to go anywhere else. Pam was a different person now, a healed person.. She was the old Pam. The one that everybody was dying to be around, everybody was hoping would someday return from the shadows..

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