Surprise Pressure

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An all consuming hatred was beginning to consume Pam's entire being. She felt a fiery type of burn begin to manifest itself within her heart and guts. It was a painful type of feeling too, not just dying at an emotion, it was a consuming, overwhelming feeling. Pam didn't know how she could stop her friend from walking out on her like that, there was no real way of getting her to come back and just be okay..For some reason Pam was helpless, the professional best friend didn't know what to do right now, she actually was stumped on how to fix this issue. The pain was seeping into every inch of her body and Fergal could only sit back and physically see her begin to tense up almost to a stiff, rigor mortis state. He slowly approached her and placed a hand on her shoulder as the front door closed behind April who seemed like she couldn't get out of the apartment fast enough. Pam winced at his touch, rejecting all forms of affection and any kind of attention she could possibly get. " gotta can't fix anything..nothing is your fault here." Pam felt entirely the her mind, a little tape was playing of what she could have done to keep her friend here, to keep her safe and sound..But that tape was soon erased and replaced with the one that actually happened. A little voice was whispering dark things that she should not even be thinking about. It was a time that Pam needed to be alone, but she had no idea how to tell Fergal to take a step back and give her room to breathe. Fergal was of course not even all that over her, he just wanted to make sure that she was okay and if she needed anything she could get it from him and only him right now. That was after all when it came to her, be there and make sure that she isn't internally or externally falling the fuck apart. Pam heard her phone ring and she was so irritated on to who the hell had the nerve to call her on her day off like this. She saw it was Paul, great. The boss decided to call her which could NOT have been good at all.

"H-hello?" Pam answered the phone, "No no. I'm okay, thank you for asking. No I have time..What's up?" Pam walked into the kitchen as Fergal tried to make sense of what happened just now. He wanted to know who called April like this, he wanted to know what drug her away literally at a moment's notice. From how it seemed, she was prepared to stay a while. The bag that was packed to the brim was resting on the ground and he just knew that something bad had to have happened in order for her to just abandon ship like this. And no Pam was getting calls from the boss himself. She was going to be super stressed about this, Paul didn't usually call unless something bad happened. That's what Fergal learned with Mercedes. Every time her phone rang and it was him, she was getting shafted somehow. First it was Wrestlemania..Fear rested in everyone's heart when Paul called. It was never just to check up on you to see how your weekend was going. Nope, it was always strictly business and nothing more. Pam slowly emerged from the kitchen, her face was more pale than it was when she went into the kitchen just a few minutes ago. Fergal walked over to her and tilted his head, his pace was slow, approaching her almost like she was something that could just explode with one wrong move, or one wrong word..He went to talk, but nothing came out, he didn't want to set her off like that. Instead, he just opened his arms slowly and in that moment, Pam actually walked over and buried her face into his chest. Something bad had happened. He had no actual idea what could be going on right now, he didn't know what to do to even make a vain attempt to break the ice in this situation. He slowly rubbed her back as he hummed quietly, before speaking, "What happened lovely.."

"Obviously it was Paul, I know you saw. And um..He just. Tried to prepare me for what's going to happen at Summerslam..And that..weekend as a whole.." Fergal was now superbly confused, now it didn't make any sense as to why he would tell her what was going on for the weekend. It really didn't make much sense. "Why did he tell you though, he would normally never do that unless..Oh wait..Tell me nothing..nothing got cut, did it?" Fergal was concerned that perhaps Pam had lost her Takeover spot the night before, or worse.."No no, We're both still on..I just, I know how my match..A-and Mercedes' matches are gonna end..He told me to..Try and make sure there was someone there for her when she found it out..It is because of injury..they..they say she needs time to rest. Fergal how good of a friend am I that I can't even keep April here and safe, and now I'm being trusted with Mercedes' entire emotional state??" She began to shake lightly, it began with her hands, slowly gravitating to her shoulders and arms. She was so fearful of that weekend, not only is she going to lose, but she is going to have to watch her best friend take a giant defeat too..Just as the ball was beginning to roll. "He said it was subject to change, but that's what is going on..She more than likely will lose, and I am going to lose.." Fergal's eyes widened, "What?? You too? He told you that you were gonna be the first two time Women's Champion though..God, I'm so sorry Pam.." He leaned in and gave her almost an apology kiss on the cheek, another attempt at keeping the once happy hugger calm and okay in her mind. Once Pam's mind began to wander to places it didn't need to ever even consider going. Pam was an emotional kid, she definitely fed off of all kinds of emotions whether it be good, bad, or anything inbetween. Right now she was not okay, she was not going to be okay. It was just Fergal's job to stop the bleeding before it got out of control entirely.

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