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Holy shit. That literally just happened. Well, last night that literally happened. Pam woke up first, her entire body was now sore from their little activity. That was their first time together, there could have been nothing to make that more perfect and just as amazing as it really was. She really didn't realize how much Fergal would get into it, to be honest she figured that she'd have to do a lot of the pushing forward, but after the ball began to roll? He was a hundred percent in control and she loved it. She slowly sat up and looked over to see that Fergal was still out cold, she had hoped that he enjoyed it as much as she did. If she were honest with herself; Fergal was the best that she has ever had. Pam got out of his bed reluctantly and walked to the bathroom, she wanted to take a quick shower to wake up and smell all delicious and such. She closed the door almost entirely behind her, primarily due to the fact that..well, they did just have sex. Who cares if he sees her naked after that? She giggled at her own embarrassment, this was due to the little things. She still got giddy thinking of him, and thinking of his warm embrace..The way he held her was like she has never been held ever in the freaking history of ever. She climbed in the nice warm shower and just stood there, allowing the water pellets to bounce off of her skin and rapidly run down her body to her feet. The warm water felt amazing for her sore muscles, and she was enjoying every little second of it. She began to now worry of course, I mean come on. Isn't that what showers are for? Making muscles feel better and thinking about everything to do with life? Anyways. She began to worry about him, and his injury. Now that she has experienced every little thing to do with him she now has the knowledge that he is irreplaceable. Everything he does is perfect, everything from the smile he gives, to his hugs, and now? To how he is behind closed doors. Pam's insecurity of losing him was beginning to ramp up violently yet again for she just put everyone else in front of her in terms of looks as well as personality. She thought that he didn't think of her in an irresistible kind of way, The thoughts she had about him..they were constant and flaming with energy. That was so new to her, there was never a person in Pam's life that she put on such a high pedestal, no one ever cared for her the way that he did..How tender he was. She at times still thought that she was just dreaming. That there was no way Fergal could be a real person. Then she would look at her phone, or if she's lucky enough..Just look over, and realize he is exactly a part of her reality, he is a huge part of her life..

Back in the peaceful world of Fergal being asleep. He dreamt of who else, but Pam. In his dream, they had a cute little house in Ireland. Pam was busy playing with their dog, and Fergal was fixing up the gate entrance that attached to the fence. Pam was having so much fun, she was so free of fear, and pain, or doubt..It was a perfect little scenario for him to dream about, he had the girl of his dreams, the land that he loved, and an adorable dog. After Fergal fixed the gate, he walked over to Pam and the dog, who both welcomed him with a look and Pam beamed a smile. She reached up for him, and Fergal grasped her hand gently. When he did this, she tugged him down to the ground where he was now mauled with an onslaught of kisses from Pam as the dog rapidly wagged its tail and rolled around on the nice, clean grass. After Pam was done kissing, Fergal simply pulled his head up and smiled down at her, she began to softly stroke his cheek with her finger and whisper, "I love you.." Pam replied with a simple sentence, "I love you way more.." A loud noise came from the real world, almost like a cracking of a whip, and his dream was over.

Fergal abruptly sat up and was immediately on alert. He quickly remembered that Pam was still here and he needed to protect her at all costs. He looked around and to his surprise Pam was no longer there. He thought to himself, 'Tell me she didn't just get what she wanted and left like that..' His doubts were quickly dashed when he heard the water of the shower going. He then draped his legs over the edge of the bed as his phone lit up, it was Rami. A man he was proud to call a brother, even though they were not related by blood. It had been a while since they spoke, sadly, the injury had kept Fergal too busy, and Rami was on the road. His message read, 'Hey buddy, you home? I wanted to stop by and talk to you about something..' Fergal had a quick response, 'Sure thing. I'm here with Pamela.' Rami literally responded in seconds, 'Cool, I'll be there shortly!'. Fergal got a little excited and walked into the bathroom quietly, he heard Pam..singing. She had such a cute little voice..her tiny lisp hung up on every hard S word that she spoke. Fergal poked his head into the shower and Pam wasn't even surprised. Turns out she heard him enter the bathroom, she just decided to humor his little stealth approach. "Hi baby." She looked down at him, and Fergal giggled quietly, "Did I scare ya?" She smiled and shrugged, cupping his face with her warm, wet hands. "Oh of course, see my shivering?" She giggled and leaned down, kissing him very very gently, and passionately. After a few steamy seconds, the kiss broke, Fergal was speechless..almost. "Well damn..That was uhh..Hot." Fergal winked at his own stupid little pun, "Oh my goodness. You did it. Rebecca would be proud of you." They both giggled and Fergal exited the bathroom. Pam shortly after got out and dressed in a comfortable assortment of black tank top and black leggings. Fergal watched her walk out all sleepy like still and grab her phone, she clearly was texting or tweeting, he hadn't figured it out just yet though. Pam walked out slowly to the living room and Fergal smiled at her, "So lemme get this straight..Black Pants, black tank top..Rainbow bra.." Pam looked up slowly at him and then at her strap, she literally hadn't even noticed that her bra clearly didn't match the rest of her stuff. "Oh, mister fashion police now, huh? I love this bra, I think it's really cute." Fergal giggled quietly as Pam sat next to him, his arm draped around her now, "I love it babe." He leaned over and kissed her cheek, she blushed like mad and felt her heart skip several beats and she got all giddy inside.

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