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The land of the WWE was fifty percent timing, and fifty percent skill. Sometimes the best people didn't always get their opportunities due to bad timing. Sometimes decisions are made that really aren't what is considered, 'Best for business.' The crowd might be ready for a certain superstar, but the company might feel otherwise about it all together. The sad, harsh reality of the situation is that if the crowd is ready, the superstar is ready, but the company is not? Guess who isn't going to get their chance. That wasn't luckily the case for what Pam was going to be getting right now. Fergal was still on the shelf, sadly. His appointment went just as he thought a few weeks prior and the doctors just instructed him to partake in vigorous physical therapy as well as rest at all other hours of the day. Pam? She was getting a Raw Women's Title match at a pay-per-view against Ashley and Mercedes. Which in her mind was kind of dream come true. Doing it in NXT was amazing at that level, but now there would be around thirteen thousand plus in the arena, and possibly millions around the world watching..the amount of pressure that Pam was feeling right in the middle of her chest was incredible. She did however bear just a little bit of sadness..The point a lot of this was to let the Four Horsewomen; (Ashley, Becky, Mercedes, and Pam) shine through the pack. But the problem was that after the brands of RAW and Smackdown split up as individuals? Rebecca was the only one of the four to go to Smackdown. Primarily due to her immense popularity which collided with what the company wanted to do with the title picture. That all worked out however, Rebecca went on to be the first ever Smackdown Women's Champion at Summerslam which is all but ancient history now. But now? At this stage in the game and Pam is being told she can contend with the likes of Charlotte Flair and Sasha Banks? It was a crazy feeling to know how far she's come. It's no secret that the top two women in the company are the one's she will be sharing the ring with tonight. But to actually think about it? It was crazy to think that she has ascended so high already in her very young career. Fergal at home was equally as nervous for her. Sadly he was smart, he knew what the company would do with this match and there wasn't a whole lot that they would honestly do differently. It was written on the wall that Ashley would walk out as champion..still. He hated that ONLY because he was biased about Pam, his little angel deserved the title a little bit too ya know..

He grabbed his phone as the kickoff show for the event began, calling Pam for his good luck wishes. He knew that she would be panicking like a crazy woman right now, so a simple phone call would probably work miracles right now, he couldn't help but wish that he was there with her, giving her a nice little pep talk before her match..Goodness he was hating this whole not being on the road thing. He sat on his sofa, arm elevated to keep good blood flow throughout, and waited for his little Pam to answer, he was hoping of course that she would...Pam luckily answered the phone, "Helloooo?" He missed her voice so much it was incredible, the sad fact was that he didn't even really get to talk to her all that much anymore. "Hey sweetheart, how are you feeling?" Fergal was slapping on the concerned boyfriend act immediately, he couldn't help but feel just a little bummed out by not being able to be there for her in person. "Hey. I'm okay. Just. Nervous and all that y'know. Big night ahead..Oh, Mercedes says hi." Fergal giggled a bit, he should have known her and Mercedes were hanging out before the show started, "Tell the lass I said hello back." Pam giggled and said exactly what he had asked her to do.

"Is this my pep talk time, coach?" Pam giggled a little bit to try and mask her own nervousness and insecurity. She had such a bad thought in her mind that what if she went out and nobody cared, nobody cheered or booed..All she heard was crickets. It was a thought that plagued most WWE Superstars and it honestly rarely happened. Most everybody got at least some kind of a reaction out of the audience. This was both a blessing and a burden. Sometimes the point of the character is to be cheered, and the collective audience boo's you relentlessly. "Yea it kind of is..But seriously, Pam..You're gonna do great. The crowd is gonna go bananas for you, like they always have. You ladies are gonna have an amazing match, I already am putting it in the hat for match of the year and you guys haven't even made entrances yet. Just try and stay calm and confident. You are amazing, the best woman in the world. You got that?" Pam was actually touched by his small little pep talk, his words meant so much to her that even getting some kind of small stamp of approval was something to take home. Her eyes did well up with water like she was going to shed tears of joy. But she remembered that she just finished her makeup with the crew backstage, she couldn't cry. "Jeez're pretty good at this.." Pam smiled a little and bit the inside of her cheek. "Thank you, so much for this. I'm sure now that we have the demon's blessing? We'll do just fine." Fergal let out a laugh, "Alright love, I'll let you go prepare and hang out with Mercedes. You be good, alright? I love you." Pam made a kissy noise, and Fergal did too. "I love you too baby. Bye!" "Bye.." Both of them hung up and Pam set her phone on her lap. She had a starstruck look on her face and was almost in a trance, just looking up at the ceiling. Mercedes walked over to her and nudged her arm. "Dude..Dude??" Pam shook her head and snapped out of it quickly. "Huh? What?" She shook her head and Mercedes giggled quietly, "You are so in goofy love it is actually adorable. Let's be real." Mercedes started to pace, she was nervous, always nervous. The rather emotional woman was on edge with the wrestler's mentality of, 'Any night can be your last.' It always made her go that extra mile, always try just a little bit harder for the people in the audience. Since the Superstars didn't ever know the outcome of the match usually until they were going to go out there..I mean there are rumors, and the creative team knows beforehand. But the participants never know, in fear of one of them not liking the result, they would dip out and leave.

"Dude I'm actually so nervous right now I could barf." Mercedes placed a hand over her tummy and held it there. She continued to pace around the backstage area as Pam watched on and shook her head. She made a little motion for Mercedes to come over, "C'mere.." Mercedes glanced over at her and tilted her head, slowly walking up and over to her. Pam pulled her into her lap like she was Santa Claus. "Now listen, you've been a good little girl this year..I mean, kind of. You will get what you want this year for Christmas." She bounced her friend on her knee in the silliest, most playful manner possible. Mercedes giggled loudly as she was bounced, it was one of the funniest things that Pam has ever done to her. "Alright alright alright I get it.." She was allowed off of Pam's knee slowly and they both got up, "Let's go do stretches and stuff. Alright? Get our heads in the game and..out of Christmas time..I guess." they both giggled and walked over to an area with just a little bit more room. The event going on in the background was getting a decent crowd reaction, the fans seemed to be into it but they were yet again not happy with some of the results. The fans of the WWE were so vocal, making their opinions known was oh so common.

The two women began to stretch gently, not each other, just sitting on the floor and making sure that their legs were all limber, no weak knees tonight. There was no room for fear. Mercedes checked her phone and was getting a FaceTime call from a friend. "Pam, dude, c'mere." Pam scooted over on the floor to see that Rebecca was calling. "Hey pretty ladies!!" "Hey girl. What's going on with you over there in the land of the blue?" Mercedes asked and Rebecca had her traditional smile on that she was oh so famous for and the fans loved her over. "Not too much, I'm enjoying this Florida rain right now. When doesn't it rain in the sunny state of Florida? Am I right?" Rebecca had such silly, lame little jokes that everyone adored her for. "You're in Florida right now?" Pam asked, she had an idea in her head but she was a little insecure about even asking the question. Rebecca nodded as Mercedes made the face-cam look more over to Pam's side. "Yea I totally am right now. Day off, remember lass?" Pam shrugged a little bit, of course she forgot. There was a thousand things that she needed to remember and her friends schedule was not one of them. "No, I forgot. I'm sorry. I had an idea though if you're interested." Mercedes listened to Pam talk and knew where she was going with this. It bugged her a little only because..Pam got weird about other girls and Fergal, it was normal obviously to hold that little pinch of jealousy if someone else gets to see the one you love on a daily basis, or even at all in general. But it bothered Mercedes more than it should because Pam was basically a hundred percent against Mercedes seeing Fergal. She didn't know why..But she definitely made sure that there was no way really of them seeing each other outside of group gatherings, and work. But.."I was wondering if you wanted to go keep Fergal company? I mean, if not that's cool, but he's all alone and such.." Rebecca cut her off with a hand motion, "Say no more, I can shoot over there in five minutes. Is he okay? Am I walkin' into a tornado or are you just worried about him?" Pam had to think for just a moment about this. She knew exactly why she wanted Rebecca over there, she was just worried about Fergal all on his own, especially when he's injured like this. It really weighed heavily on the young woman's mind that her little baby boy was all alone while hurt..She would do anything in the world to be there with him at a time like this. It really bothered her...

"Just to babysit my baby. That's all. He's okay, I just worry. And I can hit two birds with one stone, you literally make everyone happy, like ever. And you miss him, yea?" Rebecca nodded, "I do miss the little booger. Okay Pam, say no more honey. I'll be there shortly." Mercedes remained quiet, her mind was a little on fire right now. She couldn't figure out why Pam who was claiming all this time to be her best friend, wouldn't trust her with her own boyfriend who is the most important person in her life. It probably bothered Mercedes more than it should have, but nonetheless it bothered her. Did she not trust Mercedes? Does she think that she would actually try and steal her boyfriend from her? That is just honestly a little screwed up if that's the case. Rebecca noticed that Mercedes was showing a light shade of red in the face, "Hey, 'Cedes? You okay pretty girl? You've been awfully quiet.." Rebecca asked quietly, "Yea yea. I'm just nervous is all.." Rebecca listened, but knew there was more to it. "If you need to talk, I'm here obviously. Well..Good luck to you guys, I'm gonna call Ash before I go over to Ferg's. Okay? Kill it ladies. Love you!" "Love you too." Both Mercedes and Pam said it at the same time before hanging up. Mercedes' mind was wandering into places that it shouldn't be when tonight was so important..This was now going to be hard to keep her composure..Getting confirmation basically that her best friend..has no trust in her..

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