What Does The Demon Fear?

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The tension in the air was thick..you could practically cut it with a knife. Just drag it right down through the air and write your name even if you wanted to. Fergal watched as Vince McMahon himself approached him and Pam..She was so nervous. It was almost funny. Fergal's mind was racing, about a million miles a minute and there was no brakes on this crazy train. "Was that promo given to you?" Vince stopped right in front of them both, the man was incredibly intimidating..Just his presence was something to recognize regardless of what he was doing. Pam shook her head from side to side, "Uh no. It wasn't..Kind of just a spur of the moment type deal. Went with what I felt was right.." She exclaimed, feeling her nerves tighten up all around her. Vince seemed..Surprisingly pleased when he heard this, like it was a breath of fresh air. "That's good! Really good. Say, walk with me to my office. There's some things I would like to go over with you." Pam was nervous, way more than before. She felt like she was being brought into the principal's office and was about to get her neck reamed out. Fergal looked over at her, as she looked at him, he nodded and smiled, "I'll be around babe. Go do work." She smiled too and Vince chuckled, "You're not in any kind of trouble, I guarantee you that." Pam began to walk with him as Fergal stood there and watched her go through all her nervous habits. Fidgeting with her fingers, then to the top of her pantline. She was so nervous about talking to him, no amount of pointing it out would fix that. As she disappeared in the distance, Fergal didn't really want to talk to anyone else at all. He saw familiar faces but, but his head just didn't want to try and open up to those around him. He was still so anxiously awaiting his return from injury, and that was being postponed due to this stupid storyline that nobody involved wanted to even do anymore. Fergal hung his head low now, and just began to wander around backstage. His mind was running wild, thinking about everything that he possibly could, and as it pertains to right now, should definitely NOT think about. He tuned out all the people around him scampering to get the backstage area clean and nice looking. Fergal paid no mind to a lot of things he passed by..One of them was Mercedes whom he walked right by and didn't say a single thing to whatsoever..

Fergal wasn't feeling himself as of late. There was a lot of stress in his life that he was dealing with at all times of day. Coming from work to his relationship to friends..Everything was trying to weigh him down and it was ridiculous. There was something else that he wasn't doing all that much anymore. There was something so important to him and his relaxation that he just didn't do anymore, primarily due to always having to deal with some bullshit..Fergal hadn't built Lego's in so long he almost didn't even remember what the last one he made was..It was this kind of crippling change that he hated to see happen. He hated to know that this was a thing that he had to forget, or lose. Building Lego's for him was a form of therapy, it was a way for him to unwind and forget about the stress of the day, or in this case, days..Fergal walked back into the locker room and sat down on the bench. He fiddled around on his phone for a bit, still his mind raced as to what Pam and Vince could actually be talking about. There was a million and a half things that COULD be going on in there, perhaps he'd get lucky and they'd change the program that was assigned to them..Realizing that was false hope, a loud sigh left his body and he felt absolutely ridiculous for even hoping to get out of nationwide television over that, Fergal simply laid down on the bench, placing his hands on his chest and closing his eyes very, very gently.

Fergal had opened his eyes very slowly, it felt like a matter of minutes that he had laid down, I mean he still had the cramp in his foot from standing on it in one place for so long. He sat up slowly and looked around, things seemed different now. He noticed that the lighting was a tiny bit darker, perhaps it was because he still had some sleepy's in his eyes. Who knows. He got up slowly and carefully, not wanting to get head rush..that would be embarrassing. His relaxing stand up was interrupted by a crew member who bursted through the door, they informed him that there had been an incident in the parking lot and he needed to come quickly.. Fergal didn't ask any questions right now, at all. What he did do, was haul ass out of that locker room as fast as he could and darted right for the parking lot area. He saw tons of people, just tons of them. The entire RAW locker room had poured out into the rather large parking lot. What he also saw..was flashing lights. Flashing lights that were attached to two vehicles that would change his entire demeanor. A police car and an ambulance. Both vehicles blocked the entrance to the parking lot and prevented any other vehicle from making its way into the area. Fergal felt his stomach sink, there was a significant feeling to vomit out of fear and stress, but he pushed on. The feeling of deja-vu was incredible and it was almost..overwhelming. Like he felt shadowy tendrils wrap around his shoulders and yank them down as hard as he has ever been yanked before. Some of the crowd turned and saw Fergal was there, walking towards the..mess. Colby darted out of the crowd and grabbed Fergal by the arms, "Fergal don't go over there..Please buddy just don't.." Fergal tilted his head, "What the hell happened..!" Rami was next to appear out of the mess of people, "Ferg, listen to me man, you really don't need to see this.." Fergal looked at Rami and his eyes widened. His arms were being gripped so tight by Colby it was literally like they were impeding his progress for achieving what he wanted. And what did he want? Answers. He pulled his arms out of Colby's vice like grip and he backed up for a second. "No. Get the hell out of my way. I need to see what happened.." Colby and Rami both looked at each other. They knew there was nothing that could stop Fergal from going on with what he wanted. There literally was no stopping him now. All they could do was reassure him, "We're here for you buddy.." Fergal nodded slowly, "Thank you..Now get out of my way..I need to see what happened.." The three men then walked forward..slowly..

Colby and Rami moved the people out of the way, exclaiming that Fergal was coming, people literally parted right down the middle, they all were not expecting him to be out and about right now. The mumbles in the crowd began, they were all worried that this was going to explode, they were so worried that this was going to..Well, it was GOING to end badly. It was just a matter of time before Fergal's gas got too close to the spark..And boom..Fergal began to panic, he couldn't see over the larger people in front of him and he didn't know what he was walking head first into. Whatever it was, it struck fear into Colby, Rami, and everyone else that was there. Also, whatever it was, it had the police and the ambulance all around, police were trying to take statements, and the ambulance workers were more than likely in the middle of whatever the hell was going on in the middle of this hurricane like storm. Too bad it wasn't a hurricane..At least in one of those, the middle is the least violent part..it's the outside that destroys everything. Fergal peeked to the side and saw a foot, just laying on the ground..That's all he could make out was that it was just a foot. His panic turned into a violent frenzy. He wanted answers..But at the same time he was petrified of the truth..What he was about to see was going to change his life forever.

When he finally got to his destination, Colby and Rami both stepped to the side and there was a paramedic kneeling down on the ground, seemingly trying to save whomever was lying on the other side. Colby leaned down and tapped the worker on her shoulder, whispering into her ear. They then turned to see Fergal and slowly stood up, they had this..look on their face. A look that screamed in agony just seeing him standing there..completely clueless. "I am so sorry sir. We tried everything..It's just too deep." Fergal's eyes widened and he furrowed his eyebrows, shaking his head, "I don't understan-" The paramedic moved slightly out of the way and Fergal finally saw what the commotion was all about. Laying there..In a pool of red liquid was Pam. Her face was flushed a very scary shade of pale..There was a giant red mark on her abdomen and her hand could hardly cover half of the wound. Fergal quickly shook his head, tears forming in his eyes as he darted over and down to her, "No no no..no.." He grabbed her other hand and Pam looked up and over at him. Her tiny, adorable voice, right now? Was quiet..And raspy. "Hhey baby boy.." Fergal was a violent crying mess right now, he couldn't believe this was happening..He just..felt like this was his fault, "How did this happen?? I'm right here..my little angel.." Pam smiled very weakly as Fergal VERY gently placed a hand over top of the one that was shielding her wound. "I was walking to the car..Needed to get my sketch pad so the lady's can make me new gear..Got hit, really hard..Next thing I knew I was laying here..I'm really sorry I couldn't stop it baby.." Fergal shook his head quickly, tears were quickly streaming down his cheeks now, "No no you have nothing to be sorry about Pam. You have nothing to be.." He looked down and sniffled loudly, his sobbing was literally on the edge of a cliff in his mind. He was absolutely tearing apart from the inside. It felt like his heart was being gripped, and nails were being dug into it and it was being ripped open very, very slowly. "How could this have happened..T-this is my fault..If I was with you this wouldn't have.." Pam interrupted him with a quiet, raspy whisper. "Shh..This had nothing to do with you..I..I was just..wrong place..w-..wrong time.." Fergal noticed her eyes were shutting very slowly..This could not be how it ended. No way he was going to allow it to go like this. "No! Pamela, stay with me. Please I literally can't live without you...Don't..don't go." The crowd was silent now, they actually shuffled away from all of this, the only people who stayed were those closest to both Fergal and Pam. But in his mind who gives a fuck. He sure as hell didn't.

Pam actually smiled lightly, "I'll always be with you..Okay? Remember that.." Fergal was feeling it, that awful..awful sinking feeling was beginning to dig its way into him. "Don't go.." He whispered and felt the pain of this finally overwhelm him. "Remember me..I love you with all my heart Fergal..Don't forget me baby boy.." Fergal whimpered loudly, "I love you too.." He couldn't acknowledge her leaving, even if..even if this was it. "Tthank you for all you did for me baby..My life was so complete..thanks you..yyou.." Pam slowly closed her eyes and Fergal watched as her chest slowly stopped rising. He squeezed her hand as tight as he possibly could and felt the internal annihilation of his heart and mind. He couldn't even scream, although inside he was screaming till his throat was thrashed. He lifted his hand from her body and looked at it..It was covered in her blood..This broke him. He began to violently sob now, feeling all of this just stack up one horrible thought, after another. Fergal could not believe he let this happen..All he could do was look down at her limp, lifeless body and wonder why this had to happen to someone who loved life as she did..He closed his eyes and hung his head as low as he possibly could... Fergal then felt a large force collide with his forehead, as he raised his head and opened his eyes? He saw the locker room floor.

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