Formation Of A Team

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Social media was on fire right now, they all had heard the news now about the accident, they all knew that is why Fergal wasn't particularly being himself out there in the ring right now. But nobody was getting any answers, the WWE still had not acknowledged the accident fully yet, they didn't even mention it to be honest. Why do they do dumb shit like that? People who watch the news LITERALLY know what happened, and then it spread like wildfire. Fergal had such struggles right now, he was becoming a paranoid, bitter man. He was paranoid because his concern for his friends was so great he didn't even know if they would ever return again, Lexi? Let's not even go there. But his bitterness was because of Pam.. She was someone who meant the world to him, he did all he could for her, and yet STILL she brought his faith into question. Not only was that insulting and disrespectful, but it was hurtful to him too. Fergal was powerless to stop these feelings from taking place, he figured that it was due to him being out some months ago with his arm injuries. But they've been together in person again, and this shakeup thing was not going to move either of them to the other show.. And STILL!! She is like this, about any of his female friends. Fergal wanted nothing more than to just help her problem and fix her issues, it was so painful to sit by and watch her self destruct like that. Fergal sought aid, he had a day off in which Pam was going to be busy doing things for the company. He was scrolling through his phone and was searching for anybody who would be able to help him with this issue. Who could he call and get over to his apartment to dissect their brain for a solution to this massive, only increasing, problem.. Leah? No.. Not Leah. Ashley? No no, wouldn't do. Mer- No. Don't even finish the thought. Then he stumbled across a name, a name that hit home with him for more than one reason. Primarily was because he always thought she never liked him, she always had some kind of weird outlook on Fergal and never really gave him a chance to prove himself to her that in fact he was in this relationship with Pam for a damn good reason. He pushed call and waited..

    "Hello?" The tiny voice on the other end was a welcoming sound to Fergal. He exhaled deeply, "Hey.. Uh, I need your help. Look I know you don't much care for me, at least it seems that way. But right now I'm desperate for help here, I can't lose Pam and I need to figure out how on earth I can make it so she believes me. I need you, April.." Fergal was pleading and April was shocked, she rose from her seat, still in Florida due to WWE things and she hadn't gone back to New Jersey just yet. "Well.. I can't exactly say no, but I have to ask why.. Why me? And what the hell did you do to my unicorn.." April's voice was deadly serious, and Fergal was just as intense right now. "I didn't do anything directly, April. I swear on my soul and everything attached to it. I just need your help with this because Pam is absolutely killing herself with her own thoughts." April was not shocked by this, she knew that she had these ideas and now knew she had to go. "Okay. What's your address? I'll be there as soon as I can." April walked towards her kitchen and grabbed her hoodie, going incognito was a good idea no matter the weather. "I'll text it to you. Thank you for this, April.." "No problem, Pam is a precious unicorn who needs to be protected at all costs. I'm on my way." April hung up the phone and promptly, Fergal texted her his address. Fergal was always a little intimidated by April's presence, she was somewhat standoffish and Fergal was not the type to be confrontational, and April was to an extent. When it came to certain things and certain people? She could turn into a tiny little devil in Chuck Taylor's.

    Fergal paced around his apartment now, his heart and mind were confused and lost. His entire body tensed up at the thought of ever losing Pam to any means. Her leaving, him leaving her due to a mistake involving other men.. God forbid death? What the fuck was he going to do with his life if that ever happened. The world worked in shitty, mysterious ways. The minute you think that you have something that you cherish and love more than anything you ever have before, is the minute that something has got to go wrong. In this case, Pam was battling with insecurities over things that she had no reason to be insecure about. Was this all Fergal's fault? Was he just the type of person who wasn't meant to be with someone else? There is an expression that there is, in the world, someone out there for everybody. But Fergal is not seventeen anymore, the love story that he so craved was dead and floating in the ocean now. He had no faith in things like that in his late thirties. He felt an icy gust flow up his body and settle right deep into his heart, freezing him from within. Perhaps that was the problem, Fergal didn't know how to be in a relationship anymore. He was not in one for so goddamn long that maybe his brain adjusted to the being alone thing, maybe he was not going to succeed with this because he had a chemical imbalance in his brain that wouldn't allow him to do so. This was a new pain for him, the pain of not knowing what was coming next, sure they were engaged but that doesn't mean shit in this day and age honestly. Let's face it, people of thirty years can get divorced, Fergal and Pam had only been engaged for a little over a week. And in all honestly? Things were worse than ever in both of their minds. It was so hard for him to try and make himself feel better about all of this, he felt like his end was coming and coming sooner than he wanted. He wanted to make everyone around him happy, but instead he felt that the world around him was collapsing.. What was he going to do right now, what was he going to say to April when she arrived? Fergal was having thoughts, he felt like he was no longer good for Pam anymore. He hasn't had these thoughts in.. He can't even remember the last time he thought this way.. And the things he was considering doing to himself were things that needed to keep inside that dark passage of his mind. His will was breaking, he was falling apart.

    On queue, his front door received several loud knocks and Fegal snapped out of his dark, twisted trance that he was enveloped in. He walked very carefully towards the door and opened it a crack just to see who it was, "Fergal let me in, dude it's raining!!" April was getting covered in rain, typical Florida. One minute it is sunshine and rainbows, the next it almost is like a torrential downpour. Fergal swung the door open for her and moved out of her way, "Come come." April accepted this OBVIOUSLY and Fergal shut the door behind her. It was going to be tense between them, for she probably didn't like him all that much. But today was the day that Fergal did some investigating and hopefully figuring out just what the hell he could do about all of these problems that he had to face. Was today the day that he got validation for not being good enough for Pam? Was this the moment where everything he believed in fell apart right in front of his face.. It hurt his head to think about the limitless possibilities, but nevertheless this is what needed to be done. Fergal walked over towards his couch, "Uh, here. Let me take your hoodie and try to dry it out, okay?" April nodded slowly and removed the article of clothing, revealing a black tank top that read, 'POW!' on it. Classic April to be honest. "I approve of the shirt, lass." Fergal muttered as he walked to the closet area where he hung all the coats up at, hanging her drenched hoodie and hoping the warm room would dry it out rather quickly. "Thanks.. But, what's going on with you?"

    Oh hey look, another question that Fergal didn't have the answer to. That was such a complicated question that it would be absolutely impossible for him to figure out right on the spot. "Well that's what I was hoping you could help me figure out. Why I'm such a screw up with her." April sat down on the recliner and didn't lean, she sat on the edge of the comfortable seat and stared a hole through Fergal. "What do you mean? What did you do to her?" April spoke like a concerned mother, Pam was practically her child, I mean she babies her all the time and always is the one to put her back together when no one else really can. "Like I said, I didn't do anything directly.. She just.. Gets really insecure with me and us.. And all of my friends. I don't know what I'm expected to do here. Do I abandon all of my friends?" April readjusted herself in the seat, shit. This is not what she wanted to hear. When a person is insecure like this, no matter what anyone else tries to do to aid them it will not work. It just will fail miserably and fall lifeless to the floor. Pam mentioned this issue to April months ago, but since she got silent about it for a while, she figured that she conquered her demon. "Uh. This isn't new, by the way. She has been like this before, how bad is it now?" April was growing more and more nervous. All the help in the world won't be able to change a person's mind when they go down that corridor, they have to find a way to help themselves and nothing else will ever work. "It is really bad. I had to tie off communication with several of my friends already, but did you hear about Rebecca's accident?" April nodded, "Yes I did. I called Becky this morning at the hospital and they tried to say she was too tired but she INSISTED on talking to me." Fergal nodded, "Sounds like her, but Pam is freaking out about this because I'm worried that Lexi might not wake up.." April hung her head, she felt horrible about that accident, everyone who knew did of course. But April took exceptional amounts of dread from it, she tried to help Lexi with her career, talking ability, how to handle herself, almost like Lexi was her student. This really sucked. "Oh. I see.. Uh. Listen, Fergal. We need to clear the air here. I don't hate you, okay? I'm basically Pam's protective mother, any boy she brings home will not be the right one for her. I've been like that since I met her. You? I like you. You're a good looking guy, you treat her like royalty. I just want what's best for her. But right now? With this? I really think that Pam is stuck in the ocean without a boat. She's alone here and nobody can clear her mind except herself. We just have to endure this and somehow ease her mind about things when we can. I hope you realize it is NOTHING you do. You being friends with girls is normal and healthy, it is entirely unhealthy that Pam's mind can bring her to this place and she can't differ reality from fear."

    This is what Fergal did NOT want to hear, he already knew this and was now feeling even more helpless, worthless, completely lonely than he did just two minutes ago. He hung his head low and April huffed, "I'm sorry Fergal. We can try to help her. Me and you, cause at the end of the day? We are the most important people to her. I can say that because I kind of know things. That's what I do, I talk and I know things. So relax buddy. We're going to try and pick her up again.." Fergal raised his head to show his glossy eyes, he was on the verge of tears, "I just ddon't wanna lose her. I can't.. L-lose her.." April sprang up to her feet and walked over to him, comforting the man by wrapping her arm around his shoulder in the friendliest gesture she has ever given to him. "Relax Fergal.. We'll make sure that Pam gets better.. Okay? Just pick your head up, defy life and say, 'NO! She is MINE. I am NOT giving her up. Nice try, fucker!'" April's words made Fergal laugh quietly, "Thank you April.. I.. Thank you for coming out today.."

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