Tell Her

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Life on the road was super fast paced. It wasn't like Fergal really even had the time of day to sniff the roses per say. He was always making sure that he had everything ready for just that day, then he had to leave. It was that quick for him. He was hoping the fans were enjoying his main roster spotlight as much as he was purely and genuinely enjoying himself..It was a sad feeling to know that Pam was still a little ways away from being with him once again. He knew she was coming, and she had her own problems to think about and worry about. But Fergal was a big boy, he knew that distance was just a test and worst case scenario? He had Mercedes to lean on if he absolutely needed it. She's been there for the two of them since all of their inception even in to NXT, and it isn't' like she'd stop caring now for no good reason. She had her own drama with Colby, the boy had a hard time keeping his hands to himself and he was notorious for that. But honestly Colby knew now that he had someone who not only could handle herself, but she has friends. In places that he doesn't want to trifle with. She feared for their relationship as of late, with her being banged up in the ring, it was hard for her not to wonder if she needed to go, what would he do? The level of trust between the two of them was quite low for a relationship that appeared to be so strong on the surface. But then again that's why it is on the surface. And not actually what is really going on. Mercedes was busy right now, and Fergal had nothing to do. Which really was a pain in the ass for him, all he wanted to do was curl up in bed with Pam and fall asleep peacefully..Being unable to do that was both painful and shitty. He knew that there was really nothing he could do, Lexi was on Smackdown, Mercedes busy, Rami even had plans. Fergal without Pam was like him without his Legos; a huge part of his existence is just..not there. His trust in her never waned, there was never a moment where he thought she was fucking around on him or anything childish like that. He just sat in his hotel and shuffled through the channels that he had.

Fergal actually was enjoying himself, a peaceful night, no one having any crazy outlandish issues with little to no disturbance from the outside world aside from the wind blowing and the occasional crack of thunder. Life was good. Future was bright, no doubt there, he breathed in deeply and let out the slowest, most relaxed exhale he has ever done. It was insane to know that just a few months ago he didn't even want to carry on in his life. His mind plagued him back then with doubt, fear, the thought of all of his friends betraying him, Pam being with another man that night didn't exactly help the cause at all. Those were dark times, no one could really come to save him, none of his close friends would really be able to tell him that things would indeed be okay. No one would really be able to fix his broken head. And yes I said head, his mind was shattered into a thousand pieces and his heart? That was all but gone. He threw it away when he saw Pam that night. So coming from there, and ending up here was a minor miracle if I've ever seen one. Fergal looked down at his lap, he looked at his knee quite peculiarly and prodded it with his phone. He was in a hundred percent lazy mode and even so much as leaning to poke his knee was something that was entirely off the table. Pure relaxation was how he was feeling, the only thing missing was the hot bubble bath to soothe any part of his body that was under pressure. As Fergal actually began to feel himself get a little sleepy, he heard a knock, a frantic knock on his door..Who actually had the nerve to knock on his door at one in the morning like this.

It was none other than his Summerslam opponent Colby. Why did he look like he just saw a ghost. "Colby? Lad, it's one in the mornin'..the hell is wrong?" Fergal stepped out of the way and allowed the frantic man to enter his hotel room, "Dude I had nowhere else to go and I'm not sure if I just made the biggest mistake in my life." Fergal was now curious, Colby shouldn't be in a panic like this, this kind of thought process especially in this line of work was the quickest way to injure someone. Colby paced, and paced, and paced around the hotel. He even went so far as to look outside the hotel window and stare out of it for a few minutes, "Colby you need to calm your ass down. I know you're freaked out but-" "No! You don't understand what I think I just did. You just don't!" Colby interrupted Fergal who was just trying to get a grasp on the situation. He didn't know what to do next, and he wasn't sure how to emotionally approach this. "Alright're right. Just calm down a bit buddy..What happened. Take a breath. Sit if you must, just talk to me." Fergal took the calm concerned friend approach, force would only cause Colby to lash out more and more. That wasn't going to happen, Fergal wouldn't put up with at. Colby listened for once and slowed his pacing down a little bit to a calmer pace, "I was out. And I had a few to drink. I don't know if something happened to my drink..I should have never let her get my drink..ever..I just shouldn't have. Last thing I remember, she was walking back with my drink, and I took a swig of it and the next thing I knew I was.." Colby looked down and shook his head, he wasn't actually an alcoholic drinker, but he did go to bars and even get just the sodas that were there. His groups of friends were never really the easiest of people to dismiss from the realm of guilt from anything fishy..Of course this would happen to Colby at a bar. Where else would someone slip something into his drink. "Hey..What happened..Fergal is here to listen and help you, buddy. Just talk, get that gunk out of your system.." Fergal was still trying to get anything and everything out of Colby right now, it was the only way that he knew how to get Colby to just chill his shit out. "When I woke, she was on top of me. And I wasn't anywhere near the bar. I have literally no memory dude..None. But we were fucking. There's no clean way of putting that that isn't nasty sounding..I just didn't know she would do something like that to me. Goddamn it all."

That was exactly what Fergal was praying to NOT hear come out of Colby. He was having sex with another girl and he's with Mercedes..Obviously it wasn't her, why would she drug him into it? That's just stupid, bad Fergal. How dare you be so stupid. "Jeez mate..I had no idea..Do you know who it was? Was it a friend? Coworker? Who?" Fergal was prying now, he felt Colby lower the walls down to the point where it felt right to ask these questions. Colby looked down, he obviously knew who it was, or it wouldn't bug him this much. He felt his entire chest cave in for a moment as he actually struggled to take in a breath. This was something new, this was something disgusting and he felt so awful about himself. Colby liked to be a social with his buddies, it was well documented from his pictures and videos of him and well, the crew at concerts, to just him at his crossfit sessions. Colby was indeed a social kind of guy, but this? This would scare any person into never being social ever, ever again. Fergal felt responsible for way more than one thing right now, but primarily at this very second he needed to make sure that Colby didn't recede into his shell forever.."Who was it?" Fergal whispered now, going for a gentle approach for this issue, perhaps it would work. Colby again took in a deep breath, and looked up at Fergal, the pain in his eyes was so apparent he practically was screaming with just a look, "It was Saraya."

Well holy shit. If this wasn't just the biggest most fucked up thing Fergal has ever heard he would have no idea where to even start with all of it. "Uh holy shit. Are you sure it was her?" Fergal was trying to be the skeptic about this, Saraya was always a wild child, but she also was just that, a child. She didn't know half of the shit storm she usually caused and more times than not was too reckless to even figure out a way to NOT get caught doing it. "Dead ass. Look." Colby took out his phone and sifted to his pictures, his hands were shaking as he struggled to even load the app and hit the correct picture. Turning his phone over and revealing that he took a selfie with Saraya, swiping down revealed that it was indeed taken just two and a half hours ago. Holy shit did Saraya really try to date rape Colby? Why the hell would she jeopardize everything just to get into his pants..? None of it really made sense to Fergal and his confusion was just going to mount until he was so lost he wouldn't even remember where he was. "What can we do?" Fergal spoke quietly and softly, still trying to not say anything or do anything that could possibly trigger Colby back into a fucking lunatic as he was just a few minutes before. Colby shook his head and was just as lost if not more than Fergal was, "I don't know dude..How the fuck am I going to tell Mercedes..What is she gonna she even gonna believe me?" That was a weird thing to say, then Fergal remembered Colby's...incident a little while ago that wound up going public and forcing him to apologize via Twitter. That was something that nobody in back, nor the fans would forget anytime soon. "I don't know what to do I don't know what to do.." Colby hung his head low and held onto his head with his hands firmly. He was clearly bothered by this, and clearly had no idea what the next course of action would really be. Fergal took a deep breath and looked down as well, "As much as you're gonna hate to hear me say this, you need to tell Mercedes. There is nothing good coming out of you putting that poor girl in the dark. My advice? Wear a bulletproof vest. Not quite sure how she'd react."

The slight joke caused Colby to let out a quiet, nervous laugh, "I don't know if I should though. What if she leaves me over it? She can pull the reason of why was I even at the bar in the first place without her? I don't know Fergal. It all doesn't seem right at this stage in the game. Like no matter what course of action I consider, it'll all blow up in my face and I'll wind up being the person standing there with nothing and no one. I'm surprised you're still entertaining this problem to be honest." Fergal was almost a tad bit offended by that remark. "Well, I'm not a prick. I understand when things go wrong you go to your friends, you needed someone to talk to, I'm here. People think that talking is a lost art no a days, I agree fully with that statement. But at the same time I also think that I'm some kind of asshole..I've heard it all before. But seriously, tell her. You have to." Fergal's words made sense to Colby. Even in this state it was not even a discussion, he was right about it. Mercedes needed to know that this happened, and regardless of whether she believed him or not, she needed to know that it did happen and there was no way of hiding this kind of a secret from her. I mean come on now, he had sex with another woman, regardless of stipulation this was something that his GIRLFRIEND needed to know, immediately.. "Thanks man, I honestly don't know what I would have done if you weren't here." Fergal chuckled quietly, he felt a weird sense of accomplishment that he was able to help his buddy out like this, "Hey, that's what I'm here for, isn't it? Ain't gotta wonder what would have been, cause I'm still here." Colby got up and headed for the door, "Take it easy Ferg." "You too buddy. Tell her as soon as you can!!"  Colby nodded slowly, almost in a defeated fashion and closed the door swiftly behind him. Fergal now began to worry about the next visitor he'd be getting..

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