9. Firewhisky and bad decisions

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It was finally Saturday and Spencer could feel it in the air.

She was actually excited to drink with the twins later in the day.

It had been something she found herself looking forward to.

Until then she had to occupy herself.

She began the day by cleaning around her home.

She liked cleaning the muggle way, it gave her a sense of serenity.

Then she made her way to the great hall for breakfast, although it was around 11 am, the twins obviously were not awake.

She saw Hermione sitting down with Ron and Harry, she decided to join them for breakfast.

"Good morning my beautiful people" she said as she walked up to the group and ruffled her hand through Harry's hair.

"Morning" Harry replied with a smile on his face.

She sat down and started eating her breakfast when suddenly she heard footsteps walking their way.

"Good morning Professor Lupin" Hermione greeted him.

Spencer looked up at him and lightly smiled, she saw his eyes dilate.

She looked back down at her food, she hoped Hermione hadn't seen his eyes. For a young girl, she understood cues most didn't.

"Good morning" he said while looking at Spencer's back.

Once he realized he was staring longer than he should've, he looked up.

"Harry, I just wanted to make sure we were still on for later today?"

"Yes professor... if I'm not imposing on your plans with Spencer" said Harry.

Spencer choked on her apple juice while Remus tried his best not to widen his eyes.

"Harry it's no issue, Ms. Venus doesn't have any work this weekend from me" he said smilingly. "I'll see you then Harry" he added.

"Are you sure you wouldn't like to join us professor?" Harry offered.

"I wouldn't want to impose" Remus answered.

"It's fine professor we wouldn't mind your company" Harry answered.

He would've said yes, he would've wanted to say yes, but he didn't.

He saw Spencer's body language and the way she could barely look him in the eye.

She said she needed time and that's what he was giving her, as much as it pained him to say.

"Thank you Harry but I have other business to attend to. I'll see you later" he said. "Hermione, Ron... Ms. Venus" he added as he nodded his head goodbye.

Again with the last name, she thought to herself.

Ron finally looked up from his breakfast, "what happened?"

"Just eat your breakfast Ronald, you didn't miss anything" Hermione answered with a giggle.

After breakfast, Spencer walked towards the lake in hopes of finding black.

"Black... Black... where are you boy?" she whispered into some bushes.

Her attention was diverted when she heard a splash in the water, Black was swimming.

"Black!! Breakfast" she yelled laughingly. "Did you like your swim buddy?" she said as took food out of her pocket. "How about I join you after you finish eating huh?"

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