Chapter 9: Discoveries

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It was only his most trusted staff that knew of the pixies existence. One that now knew was Eineil. Eineil, was the only one besides Thranduil that could call the great elk Memna and saddle him. Memna was one of Mahtars descendants. The great elk he had lost at the Battle of Five Armies.

Thranduil had led a rather excited and now bouncy pixie through the secret passages and to the royal stable. He was speaking with Eineil. He seemed to think the king should take his personal guard with him. Thranduil tried to ease the mind of the worried ellon. As they were both distracted Juniper began to approach the great beast. She was just a few feet from Memna, who towered over even Thranduil but compared to the fae, he was monstrous in size.

Her small frail looking hand was extended to the beast . Her steps small and slow. Eineil was the first to notice the potential disaster . "My Lord." He spoke suddenly, his eyes wide with fear.

Thranduil turned and made several hurried steps towards her but stopped and watched. His jaw had fallen, his mouth agape. The elk lowered his great head down to the pixies hand, then began to kneel down upon the ground resting before her. She smiles and caressed between his antlers then down along the thickness of his neck. Thranduil and Eineil both exchanged looks of shock and awe. The tiny girl slid a slender arm over the beasts neck and leaned against him, tenderly she hugged him and whispered to him. The deep gravely voice of Hannibal was remembered then. 'All the Flora and Fauna of the forest know her and will treat her kindly.' He had told Thranduil.

"Don't worry Thranduil." She looked to them, her smile was bright. " Memna says he would be happy to take me to the forest with you. He does remember me from Hannibal's woods." She then crawled onto the beasts back . Her small backside settled into the saddle. The great elk rose slowly, magnificent and powerful. The tiny fairy astride his back.

Thranduil looked to a still shocked Eineil. "There are still many mysteries to be learned I suppose."

Eineil nodded gently "Indeed my lord, Indeed." His reaction to Juniper and the elk made Thranduil smile. Sometimes it was hard to bring that sense of wonder back to those that lived so very long.

He was dressed in Dark Green and shades of Brown. Clothing that would blend into the surroundings. She was wearing a light linen dress. Refusing to wear gowns and heavy things. Her feet were bare she said she couldn't hear the ground when she wore shoes. He mounted Memna with a fluid sweeping leap and settled in behind Juniper. She pressed forward into the saddle. One hand took up the reigns the other hand slid over her small belly. His arm wrapped protectively around her. Wings drawn up tightly to her body, he was concerned about damaging them. She would tell him not to worry.


Gimli and Legolas were deep in the glittering caves. No matter how far they were Legolas was still simply amazed at their beauty. Eomer had granted them permission to explore and Gimli had ideas about bringing dwarves to live there. Everywhere they looked was filled with wonder. Legolas had turned down a rather narrow passage. Gimli was having a bit of a problem getting through it.

"Oy Laddy not all of us have a liquid form like elves. Give me a moment to stuck it in ." Legolas found this amusing and chuckled. "Perhaps if you didn't pass so much ale passed your gullet you would not have become so ... rotund."

Gimli was indignant. "Rotund you say. Healthy I say." Gimli had the lantern but Legolas did not need it. He could see very well within the caves . The narrow passage soon opened up into a large cathedral like room, he scanned the walls with his keen eyes .

"My friend it becomes much bigger. Though I'm not sure even you would fit in here." This sent Gimli into a tangent which made Legolas laugh. As his eyes continued to scan the walls he noticed something strange about the ledge over head. He was able to climb to it with little effort.

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