Chapter 25: Live like a Refugee

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The move had taken place much to her displeasure. She was lying on a pile of cushions before a warm fire in a fire place. He of course had been right. It was warmer in the lower chambers and she was far more comfortable .

While he did not require the fire to be comfortable he had one built in the fire place for her and she was enjoying its warm glow . A thick soft blanket over her small frame. He stood there silently watching her. Her anger had subsided and for that he was glad.

" If you are sleepy My Love why not come to bed ? "

She rolls to her belly and look up to him . A coy grin curled on her lips as she regarded her handsome husband . He standing there in nothing more than loose fitting pants .

" Perhaps its not sleep I am seeking. "

This made him grin a bit wickedly as he began to approach her. The moon was full and He had begun to notice how on the week of the full moon she became a bit more aggressive and even needy when it came to being intimate. When forced to wait or denied she would begin to grow uncomfortable and even painful. He never denied her His attentions .

"Is that so My love ?" he replied with a grin.

He knelt down on the cushions and lifted the blanket to discover she wasn't wearing a thing under it. He joins her under the blanket and crawls over her . His chest to her back as his lips found her shoulder. Then kissed along it slowly. He sat back and swept her hair over one of her shoulders . Looking down on her back . Her wings tucked in nicely against her flesh . His fingers would whisper a touch between them down down lower to the small over her back and over the top of her perky bottom.

" What are you doing?" She asks and tries to peek over her shoulder at him .

His hands no longer on her for several moments. He leaning forward again . His hands pressing to the cushions beside her. His lips finding hers as she turned her head . It was then she found the reason he had stopped touching her . It was heavy and hard against her bottom .

" don't move " He commanded which made her grin .

He was up to something . Pulling back, his hands caressed over her ribs to her hips. The easily encircled them pulling her slightly up on her knees . Her eyes widen feeling that part of him slide between her thighs and press against her moist center.

This was different . His length would run along the moist pink slit. Teasing her small clit until it swells and her lips part with soft moans.

His voice down in her ear whispering. " Just relax and trust me. "

Soon she was gasping and moaning her head falling to the pillows. Her bottom lifted in the air. He would slid into her tight sex slowly. Inching his way inside and loving how her walls stretched around him . The head of his thick cock pressing against her inner barrier . Reaching his limit she whimpering and squirming. He stills and just lets her feel herself filled .

He would push her forward . Forcing her over the pillows Her body supported by them . Her head against the rug . Her back arched in such a way that she was offered up to him. His hand would slowly slide down between her wings and to the small of her back. Her tiny perky bottom squirmed. Pulling himself a few inches free his flesh glistening with the lusty juice's of her need his fingers slide down over her bottom to sink between her folds .

She whimpers and tenses. His thick fingers finding the button to tease it as he slides back deep filling her again. Slowly taking her like this . Watching that tight flesh pull back and slide slowly down his shaft and back in place . Her body grips him and tries to keep him inside.

Eventually his fingers slide from her . He brings them to him lips to taste her . She as sweet as honey . His hands wrapping around her hips . Pulling her back as he pushed forward . Her moans turning to cries .

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