Chapter 105: Fight Day

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It was a bright day. A warm day. The perfect day to get outside and enjoy yourself. Today was fight day. The word had gotten out about the spar to take place. It was moved outside to the training arena. The risers were lifted and secured into place and many elves now sat on them. This was turning out to be a spectacle. There were merchants selling all sorts of things. From clothing to food. Soon there were no seats left in the risers and those arriving later had to find various perches to get a good view. Soon even the trees were beginning to fill.

This was a very public event and she had to be attired properly. Her small form draped in the lightest of silk. Shisha of course kept the Queen looking impeccable. This silk was silver and green The bear embroidered upon it. She wore her diadem and her pearls. Ryu followed the Queen. She dressed in a pale yellow dress. The lace on the sleeves and neck line was white. There were bright colored flowers decorating the skirt . each stitched with care. She wore a small circlet around her head. Elegant silver with a small star in the front. The gem was one of Thranduil's Diamonds. He had it made for Ryu for formal events and she looked the part of royalty.

The Queen and her Sister ascended the steps up to the Royal box. Shaded and comfortable . The settled down on plush cushions to watch. Thranduil arrived a few minutes later to see his Wife smiling and waving to him. He wore his formal crown. Silver robes with bright red linings. He looked every bit the king he was. He soon joined his queen and her sister . Ryu seemed distracted . Craning her neck to try and see more of the crowd and each time her eyes fell on an Elf with hair as golden as Legolas it was not him.

"he will be here." Juniper whispered to Ryu. Ryu nodded but it did not stop her from seeking him out. Juniper knew that he was no replacement for Lorithir. No one could replace him. Yet this closeness with Legolas seemed to help her heal.

Now Tauriel and Jeven joined them. Jeven proudly wore his traditional clothing. His black skirts and sandals. These did not look feminine at all. He was every bit the warrior he always had been. His chest and arms bare. Now Juniper see's his white tattoos . HIs white hair spilling down over his broad shoulders. She had never seen Jeven in this light before and now she began to understand the attraction. He stood out then didn't in most cases. He easily blended into background which was one of those tricks that made him dangerous in his own right. On his head a circlet of silver . In the center a red ruby.

Tauriel wore a dress. This shocked Juniper. She hardly ever seen her like this. She too had a circlet of silver about her head and in the center was an emerald. Thranduil was proudly showing his family off. As different and exotic as it was . He was happy. Finnola stayed down near the arena floor but waved to Juniper and smiled widely. Finally Legolas appeared and settled down beside his Adar. He was wearing his crown . It too was adorned with emeralds but it had beautiful designs of vines inlaid with smaller stones.

Elrond and Gandalf sat with Feren in the judges booth right below the Royal box. Dorian sat with his sister in front of him. Of course they came to see Glorfindel fight. "Glorfindel will win this easy." Elthian said as He lowered down and lounged beside the Queen. Being King consort had many privilege's . One he did not have to be on duty. Two he could dress comfortably and just spend time with the Queen without having to look Kingly and do Kingly things.

Juniper turned to Thranduil and lay her hands on his knees. "Do you think the same? You believe Glorfindel will win easily." Thranduil looked at her wide eyed smiling face and leaned in closer to her. "I want him to win but something tells me this is not a sure thing." He smiled and pulled her closer to him. Lifting her to sit on his lap as he tenderly kissed her for the whole arena to see. Today was a good day to be King.

She laughed and bounced off his lap. "That was a good non answer Melamin." Tauriel spoke up cheerfully." What about you My Queen. Who do you think will win." Juniper looked to her and smiled . " Minogos." Everyone gasped around her. "What? If you think I would choose my winner just because he is an elf you are mistaken." She chuckled. "I am being smart about this. Minogos has skills unlike any most have seen. I do not think Glorfindel will be prepared." she felt all their eyes on her but Thranduil just smiled proudly. She was looking at this from a different perspective and He believed she was right.

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