Chapter 128: Cuivienen

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Every elf in the Fellowship just wandered the city in a daze. It was like moving back through time to see it as it was. A large thriving city in the east and it was filled with Elves and Humans. Glorfindel was shocked to find that the House of the Golden Flower still existed and was ruled by Inglor. Who promptly offered the role of Lord to Glorfindel. He declined, all he would tell them was that they would understand eventually.

Elrond and Gandalf quickly went into the counsel of the King. They waited in a large room. expertly decorated with finery Elrond found himself a bit jealous of.

"You are sure you did not know any of this Mithrandir? How can a whole elven civilization be here all this time and we did not know?" Elrond asked lowly.

"I knew nothing of it yet now I feel I may know more than I thought."

Elrond just looked at the wizard with a glare as he spoke riddles. His attention turned suddenly from the wizard, the weave of the cloth of the curtains and the wood work of the mantle to an opening door.

It was a large door. Everything in the palace seemed to be a bit bigger than required. It was the tall elf that entered. It was said Thingol was the tallest of all the elves and now before him was the tallest elf he had ever seen.

His features were very sindaran. Long silver hair framed a masculine yet beautiful face. His eyes the color of ice that sparkled with silver. His jaw trembled and his words stuttered forth "Elu Thingol." The tall elf regarded Elrond for a moment then smiled pleasantly.

"Why Elrond you appear lost for words. Please sit down let's hope you find them once more." Thingol was now showing Elrond to a chair. A large rather plush chair the color of wine with gold accents that reminded Gandalf of the seats in Manwe's house.

After getting Elrond comfortable he walked from his meeting room with ease and stopped at a cabinet that was filled with various wines and spirits. "I know you have many questions. That is why we are having this conversation now. I understand time is somewhat short on the matter at hand. " He poured three goblets full of the deep red wine.

The goblets shone in the natural light that filtered into the room via large windows. Neither of them could think of one word to speak. Within his large hands he held the goblets and first offered one to Elrond then to Gandalf. "It's one of our own vintages. I think you might find it appealing." He lifted his own goblet then and took a long drink.

"How is it possible? That is your first question is it not. You have already seen Glorfindel now you have seen some of his house greeting him. You will also run into old friends. Perhaps family or even lovers long gone here. Just as Manwe sent Glorfindel back to you Elrond. The Valar sent us back to Cuivienen to rebuild it because there would be a time that we would be needed. This is a land of second chances. The Valar are very wise indeed to send us back. We have seen the signs in the land and heard the whispers in the darkness." Thingol lowered down into one of the large chairs and relaxed. He knew it would take a few moments for this to all absorb.

Gandalf finally rounded one of the chairs and sat down. His hands resting on his lap. "Which Valar did this? It was not all of them."

"Olorin there were a few. Manwe, Orome and Tulkas and yes she was aware." Thingol answered his next question before it was even asked.

He then smiled to Elrond. "We did not seek to conquer who was already here. We ended up mixed with them. Their families became our families. That is why there are so many Humans and Peredhel that live here too."

"I met some of the peredhel in the east desert. Now I know where they came from. Well you are here and blessed by the Valar some of them anyway. Do they hold a grudge?" Thingol's brows raised and he began to laugh.

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