Chapter 42: Fae Bonding

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The moon was rising and moving slowly higher and higher . It was full and bright. She had gone up to the gardens to look on it in the cool night . Tauriel stands back from her . Her back against one of the pillars. Juniper had a glow about her when she stood in the moons light. Silver hair fluttering gently in the breeze. Her flesh like alabaster. The burn on her arm healing and unbandaged . It was becoming the spring, soon they would be moving back to these chambers. She couldn't wait to live closer to the fresh air and the light.

She was wearing a sheer light dress and no shoes. Her small feet kissing cold stones as she spun slowly around . Loving the moonlights caresses on her body. Tauriel began to wonder how she experienced the world . How the Pixie saw things . How it felt to be constantly connected to the world it self. To feel the pulse of the world through her small feet. To not only hear the song of the trees but know their thoughts and to commune with the fauna in ways elves only dream of.

" My Lady . It's getting colder . We should go inside now. "

She smiles and scampers over to Tauriel and hugs her. " I am so blessed to have you as my friend. "

Tauriel crouches down and hugs the pixie back. "Thank you but I am the blessed one. " There were moments like these too. Moments when she just had to tell you how much she appreciates you just being there.

She gently let the fae go and smoothed her hair behind her pointed ears. " Lets get back down to the chambers before Ada gets back and wonders where I have taken you now. " They turned towards the secret passage . Juniper was thrilled that Tauriel and Legolas had started calling Thranduil Ada again.

They emerged in the lower royal chambers. Thranduil had just walked through the doors and was sending Galion off for the night. "Ceri ú prest ammen Tauriel. Gar a man dú." He said and smiled to her . Giving her a hug . " Gar a man dú Ada. " She said and left the chambers. He then turned his attention to his beloved pixie. She was glowing tonight. She had been basking in the moonlight.

She turned and walked slowly towards the bedroom . Soundlessly , The sway of her body beckons him to follow. He begins to remove his clothing as he follows her. Pieces of his clothing just being dropped as he moves . His robe first . Followed by his boots . His tunic outside the door. He closes it and locks it . She pushes the straps of her dress off her shoulders and lets it fall to the floor . He was undoing the laces to his leggings as she danced around the bed to a song only she could hear.

Soon his leggings were left at the door. She dancing towards him . Her round hips swaying side to side . Her hands taking his she pulls him closer until his body was against hers. Her head only coming up to right under his chest . She presses her lips to his flesh and kisses over his heart. She pushing him back gently with her body . She pushes him down on the bed and he grins. Scooting himself back to the middle . She crawling like a beast up between his long muscular legs . Pressing kisses to his hips her small firm breast grazing over his thighs.

He was watching her . She had never been this seductive before. Her eyes honed in on his as her head dips down ever so slightly and the pink of her small warm tongue slides from between her lips to press to the base of his man flesh . His lips parted with a soft gasp . His heart began to beat faster. He watched as her tongue slides up the shaft . Her lips pressing against the tip . It twitched against her kiss.

She had never done this and he was delighted. Moans began to escape his lips . She taking him between her soft plump lips and he finds himself sinking into her warm moist mouth . Her eyes still on his . Her lips stretched around him .He moved his hands behind his head and let out a deep growling moan . She would taste salty droplets on her tongue his hips begin to rock gently . Her hand moves to encircle him . Stroking slowly up and down . She could feel him swelling even more in her soft grip. Her lips coming free of him and he sinks to the bed . His body having become tense with pleasure.

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