Chapter 133: New Monsters

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"Orome," Juniper said a bit of a slur to her voice. She leaned against his arm and felt the effects of his wine rather nicely. Though she was no where near how she had been after drinking Haldir's wine.


"Tell me about your wife." She said and took another sip from her goblet.

"Her name is Vana, You and she would become fast friends should you meet. You are both very similar. She gained my attention when she wandered into my woods and began to make flowers blossom. " He cast an eye down on her to see her smiling.

"I see, If I was a Vala I would be Vana."

"More or less. I could not imagine you any other way. Yet I know there is a ferocious side to you that she does not possess. That is the side of you I do not wish to see however, I know I will." He reached over the smoothed a bit of her silver hair behind one of her high pointed ears.

The sound of a clearing throat at the entrance made them both look over. "Please forgive me My Lord, I have brought the package you wished."

She lifted her head from the arm of Orome and looked hard on this dark haired elf. There was something very familiar about him, yet she could not recall how. He had eye's of silver and flesh that held an olive tone. His hair was very dark and all of this made those silver eyes stand out even more.

Orome watched as they almost stared each other down. He grinned and slowly rose from his seat and positioned himself between them as he walked towards his attendant. Now Juniper's heart began to race and she did not understand why.

The sound of his voice made her look towards him again. "Yes my Lord the preparations have been made. Those that will join us are packing." His voice trailed off a bit as Orome moved a bit and she was back in his line of sight. "Is, is there anything else my Lord?" He forced himself to look to the Lord and not the fae.

"Just a moment you can wait outside though I am almost done."

Orome spoke and turned away . The package in his hands. An angelic smile on his lips. She watched this curious elf leave. Her attention drawn once more to Orome, he placed the package down before her. It was wrapped in a large sheet of parchment. Which was expensive in its own right. Her small hands slowly lifted and ran over the fine parchment.

"I am not sure if I am worthy of a such a gift . To wrap it in parchment is rather unique." She almost whispered.

"It is a gift from Vaire, woven by her hands for you." He watched as she untied the string then unwrapped a light green cloak from its hiding place. When she lifted it she found it was rather light weight and simply beautiful. He grinned and watched her sense of wonder kick in and how she touched every little detail on the cloth. "This cloak will keep you hidden from even the most prying of eyes. It will also keep you warm and dry. You see My dear fae you are on our minds. Now I must take my leave Curufinwe waits for me and we have much to do."

"Please tell Vaire I said thank you. " She said then looked at the cloak. Something pricked at her thoughts. It was that name. She knew that name. It was almost like ... "Curufin's." She turned to see the back of Orome slip past the flap with the cloak in her hands she ran from the tent and looked for them. They were just down the path.

"Wait, Please wait I do not want to say your name so loudly so please wait." She watched as the elf with the dark hair turned. She felt herself smile widely as she watched his brows lift. "Will I be seeing you at the end?"

Now he grinned and canted his head back to the left and his pale cold eyes locked on hers. "Perhaps my Lady after all, That would be a sight to be seen." He nodded his head to her politely before spinning around to catch up with his Lord.

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