Chapter 95: Tortured Sleep

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She was asleep against his chest. Memna taking it slow and being gentle with his steps. The Great Elk took it upon himself to do this . Thranduil found it curious. She had not been keen on waking up that morning and now she pushed away from him and lay forward against Memnas neck. Her arms dangling down on each side. Her head against the elks mane. She slept soundly like this . All Thranduil could do was shake his head and smile.

Upon reaching the stable He gently pulled her down to him. She barely woke and ends up snuggling her cheek against his chest. He carried her along the secret passage then into their rooms. Ninnel meeting them looked concerned. Thranduil spoke softly. "She just seems so exhausted." Ninnel narrowed her eyes and smirked a bit. "Well maybe you shouldn't have kept her out all night in the forest. Melian needs her still You know. " Thranduil stood there listening to her and feeling slightly scolded.

He carried her to the bed where he lay her down into its softness. She woke up then . Blurry eyed and yawning . She still feeling like more sleep was needed. "How did we get home?" She asked in a small voice. He laughed gently and sat beside her . His hand reaching out to brush some of her golden hair from her face. "We rode home on Memna." She sat up a bit and yawned again. "I don't even remember us leaving."

Ninnel brought Melian to the room and Thranduil took his daughter into his arms. She was not fussing . The child held in his arms just stared up to him in the most serene way. He was so in awe of her. His sweet daughter . Juniper tugged gently at his sleeve. "Let me have her melamin ." She said and reached out for her daughter . " I am filling up and we best give it a go now before it starts just pouring from me." She took Melian into her her arms and begins to get her adjusted for a feeding. " You know I will happily help with that little issue. " He said with a grin . She rolled her eyes.

He rose and began to take off his clothes. "When you are done feeding our daughter perhaps you would join me in the bath? " She was yawning again. " I would love to. " Soon he was sitting in nothing but his leggings and watching them. Juniper dozing off as the child fed . He had to wake her for her to switch sides. Melian protests until she latches on again. Juniper dozes off yet again. He began to feel a little concerned about her .

Legolas along with Elrond and Gandalf entered the royal chambers. Thranduil was just sliding his tunic on when His son knocked at the door of the bedroom . Juniper Was crawling back in the bed . He let her get settled before he opened the door. "Legolas!" He said surprised and pulled his son into his arms . " I was just coming to see you." Legolas smiles and embraces his father . Legolas releases him and Thranduil let him into the room . Juniper smiling to him. "It's so good to see you." She said and held out her arms for a hug. Which he gladly gave her and sat on the edge of the bed as they just began to talk.

Thranduil saw Elrond in the hall. He slips out to speak with him. "I take it you told him." He asked Elrond who nodded in answer. "How is the Queen?" He would ask. Thranduil paused a moment in his response which made Elrond arch a brow. "She is doing well just... today she seems unable to stay awake for long. " Elrond peeked in and saw her speaking with Legolas. "Perhaps she shouldn't be out all night Thranduil."

Thranduil just stepped back and regarded Elrond for a long moment "Peace My Lord it was truly my first thoughts and not a jab at you. If it keeps up past today then perhaps we should be concerned. " Elrond said gently. "she looks healthy . Her color is good . Give it today before we panic." Legolas was rising now and before he left he held his hand over his heart and bowed a bit. He headed for the door. " I would like to speak after I see my brother and sister. " He said to Thranduil and turned to go to the nursery. Orist's squeal of joy echoed in the hall.

Elthian fell into bed. Exhausted and to be honest sore. His connection to them seemed to be getting stronger. He would need to speak to Thranduil. Perhaps she should not go with them when they were going to be together without him. Soon he was asleep yet his dreams were mixed with darker things and his rest was filled with much tossing and turning.

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