Chapter 65: How Far Would You Go?

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She had been sleeping well at night. The dreamless sleep was working. Juniper started to be more like herself. The move to the lower chambers had taken place and this time she was perfectly willing to make the move. Though daily she still returned to the garden for sunlight and fresh air.

On one such occasion she had Orist just lifted from her arms and taken for his feeding and nap. She lay on the cushions and to let the sun soak in. Her hand rubs over her belly just the slightest swell beginning to show. She felt a moment of joy and contentment. Her eyes closed and she was soon asleep in the warm sun.

She awakens to find the garden long dark and cold. "How long was I asleep?" She grumbled and was annoyed that no one had come to wake her. She rose from the cushions and made for the corridor. " Ninnel? Thranduil?" She called and it was silent.

" Galion? Elthian?" There was no answer. " Tauriel? " Something was very wrong. That's when she started to pay attention to her surroundings. The garden was dead and dry. The stones dirty. She was dreaming. Then she felt it . That darkness coming closer to her. The cold whisper of touch against her flesh. This time though . She was finding courage. Though she did not know where it was coming from. She stood there defiant and refusing to run.

The tendrils of mist started to reach her feet. Her hands balled into fists as she glared at it. This time it did not touch her . The mass would pause several feet from her. Constantly shifting in shape and solidity.

"Well. Will you just stand there or will you speak to me this time? I'm listening . Speak." She demanded . Then gasped a little. Shocked to hear the words pouring from her lips.

"Well haven't you grown a backbone." It finally said. "but that's not you is it Juniper." The mist drew put close in a heartbeat. Just inches from her then. Still it did not touch her. She could see those eyes looking at the yellowing bruises then into her eyes.

"You still have no memory. Wow that was a really good spell they used wasn't it. " The mist encircled her but did not touch her. Trapping her for the moment . "Just know you are my goal Juniper but that which is inside you must be dealt with. It's a terrible thing they did . They stole your future. "

She looked wide eyed and her hands press against her belly and a look of sheer rage began to fill her eyes.

" Oh no not the baby love. I would never harm your child or you but that bitch inside of you needs know her place. Come on out Rowena come out and play with me. " The mist taunted.

Juniper narrowed her eyes and just started to walk. She needed to test something. The mist moved with her. Maintaining just enough distance for her not to be touched. " I don't know who Rowena is and I don't think she wants to play with you anyway. If you are going to attack me then lets do this . "

Those eyes widened . The look within them was of shock and pain. The voice was measured and calm when it spoke. " Stop them from putting you in the dreamless sleep. Talk to me . Get to know me and remember me. Then you will see who your enemy really is and you might not think so ill of me in the end. "

This was an invitation . This thing always shrouded in darkness wants her to know it. She grinned a bit . "Alright but you will not attack me . You will not put bruises on me again. "

The mist seemed to straighten out tall then bow a bit. " You have my word Juniper I will not attack you again. Though I never did attack you. I apologize for the marks. "

Nodding now she looked around. "Send me back . " She chimed in . The eyes looked at her.

" So soon? We were just getting started. "

Sighing softly. " I'm not even supposed to be asleep right now, if you want me to get to know you. You will have to do this on my terms . Send me back and wait for me to sleep again." She woke up with a gasp. She pushed up quickly and looked around. The sun was still up . It was warm and she could hear Ninnel in the office. She needed to speak to Thranduil and Celeborn.

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