Chapter 64: It ain't over til its over

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Elthian had shown up within moments of Celeborn's arrival. He had been awoken from her terror. Sensing it, followed by Thranduil's over powering emotions. It was decided he should remain there . She seemed to relax a bit more with them both near by. She subjected herself to a thorough inspection by Celeborn . Thranduil sitting in a large chair . A fire having been started in the fireplace to warm Juniper who stood naked in the warmth. Celeborn was finding no further damage . Just the ugly bruises that seemed to be getting darker the more time passed.

Elthian crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. His jaw was tense . The more he looked on the marks that marred her pale flesh the more anger began to grow within him. It was Juniper that would look to him . Her eyes showing her concern. " Elthian, do not to that. That is what it wants. "

Elthian blinked and lowered his arms. He exhaled a deep breath and nodded gently " Yes My Queen."

Celeborn rising and stepping back satisfied with his inspection. Thranduil leaned forward and slipped a linen dress over her head and she finished putting it on. He wrapped her in a blanket and pulled her into his lap as Celeborn lowered into an empty seat.

" I know this might be difficult fael ress (sweet cousin) but you need to tell us about the dream." Celeborn said softly.

She turned her face to Thranduil's chest . He could feel her trembling as she recalled the dream. " I know Melamin. I know you are scared but we need to know so we will know how to protect you better." Thranduil told her in a whisper.

Guilt was filling his heart . He had just been comforting her a few hours before. Telling her how she was protected and now this.

She spoke softly . Turning her face just enough so it wasn't pressed against him. Her cheek laying now on his chest . The beating of his heart calming her." I was in a place I have never seen. It was made of dark stone. With windows and a long hall way. The light was very dim . So dim , but in the darkness I could see the black mist slowly approaching. I turned to run but The mist was behind me too. I turned to a window and crawled up on the sill. I looked down . There was a river below with flowing black water . It reflected nothing. Not the moonlight nor the stars. Hands came from the mist and grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me from the sill. I spun around to face it. I could see eyes within the darkness. They were like mine but twinged with a great sadness. It spoke to me. " She closed her eyes and trembled again.

Thranduil wrapped his arms around her. "Go on Melamin please tell us what it said."

She inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly " It said . 'I have been searching for you . I have finally found you . Now we can be one. ' I pulled away and the hands grabbed my arms and pulled me back. ' Do you not know me? ' the voice asked. I tried to pull away and the grip grew tighter. ' You do not remember me? ' It said the voice was masculine . Growing deeper ' You will be with me.' It said then it tried to engulf me in the dark mist . That's when I managed to pull away. The next thing I remember I was looking at Thranduil. "

Celeborn's eyes met Thranduil's. "Juniper was the dream like the other bad dreams you had before? " Thranduil asked.

"Yes and no. There was always the dark mist but it never saw me. It never spoke to me . It was looking for me and I was hiding. When it would get close I always managed to run away. "

Elthian looked away . He was struggling with his anger.

Celeborn sat back in the chair. " I must tell Galadriel about this. Though I suspect she already knows. Juniper when you sleep we can put you in a dreamless sleep. I believe this will be necessary for now. You must rest . " Thranduil now looked away.


The days journey had been long. It felt even longer because Glorfindel had avoided her for several days. Legolas seemed to avoid her as well. He trying to stay busy and taking the guard positions furthest away from where she rode. She could see Glorfindel riding ahead near the supply wagon. Soon they would be stopping and she had enough of the cold shoulder. She urged her horse to a faster trot and caught up to Glorfindel. He glances at her and nods politely.

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