Chapter 13: The Kiss and the Deep Water

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She was bouncing at the door . On her shoulders was the cloak he had made just for her. When they were in the forest she was to wear it. It would keep her hidden from prying eyes. Galion had his orders concerned the affairs of the day . Ninnel was trying to keep the bouncing ball of excitement as calm as possible and Thranduil was preening in the mirror for a few more minutes.

"Ah me Thranduil You are pretty enough lets go." she cried and threw her hands into the air .

Thranduil looked at her reflection in the mirror and lifted his brows. " The word you mean to use is handsome Juniper" He corrected .

Ninnel smirked and said under her breath something like 'nay she was correct' to which Thranduil would spin around and eye Ninnel harshly. " If you have something to say Ninnel by all means do speak up." Ninnel would just smile and bow a bit before excusing herself.

"very well Pixie lets be off." He turned and walked towards the door passing the bouncing Pixie and moving along the Pillared corridor with the Pixie following. Her bare feet pattering along the stone floor. Once she caught up her small hand slides into his larger one . Little fingers curled around 2 of his . He stopped and looked down on her . His brows lifted in a bit of surprise.

Her chin tilting up as she looked up to him. " Is something wrong?" She asked. A bit of worry twinges her gaze. "

He began to smile and shook his head. " No Pixie there is nothing wrong . Nothing at all. " She then stepped forward and tugged at his hand. " then lets go " She was always so eager to go and do. They moved along the corridor to the hidden door which they passed through together . It was now a small walk in near total darkness to the stables.

She burst from the corridor into the private stables. Waving to Eineil and giving him a bright "Good Morning." She then scampered right up to Memna " Memna today We are going to the falls. "

Thranduil stopped beside Eineil and shook his head. " We should not be gone as long as last time. Expect us back by dusk." With that he stepped towards His mount and His Pixie. " Lets go already Pixie you are holding everything up."

she spun around looking rather confused . Then she began to giggle. " sarcasm that is humorous right?" He nodded and lifted her up to the saddle. She was learning rather quickly. He was preparing to mount when he noticed his sword back been placed into a saddle scabbard. Eineil was being very cautious. He leaps and sweeps himself into the saddle behind the squirming Fae. Holding her closely they leave the stables and head out into the forest.

He took a different path than before. She talking to trees they pass and the animals that come brazenly close to see her. Out here in the wild or nature she was in her true element. He tried and succeed somewhat in living with harmony with Nature but she was Nature. Soon the sound of running water was heard and they began to follow the fast flowing stream that would widen into a small river. She turned her head from side to side . Listening to the sound, it was faint at first but grew as they continued. The sound of crashing water upon rocks . " Is that the falls ." she pointed to one of her ears and looked back to him. He smiled and nodded.

" Its louder than I thought it would be." she said exuberantly.

As she looked ahead it looked like the river just disappeared and then her view opened up . The river and pools ahead and they stopping on a large rock . Her eyes wide and her lips parted. She was actually silent as she looked down to the falls. Though not extremely high or massive to her it was breath taking and she leaned to look as far as she could see. He placed her hands onto the horn of the saddle .

" You must hold on " He warned. She did as told and he held her as well. The Elk began to descend down the rocky slope. What would have been difficult for her the elk did with ease. The cool spray from the falls washed over her and she gasps at it. Within minutes there were down at the base of the falls. The sound thundered in her ears and the mist captured rays of sunlight producing several small rainbows.

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