Chapter 140: Moving the Pieces

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All around her lay the filth of death. Every creature tainted by Morgoth died around them so swiftly they fell froze with their expressions intact. She was rocking slowly back and forth and trembling as she spoke.

"no no no no Elthian you can not do this to me. You can not go where I can not follow."

His hand reached up to caress her blood soaked cheek and wipe away from of the filth so see her pristine white flesh beneath it all. Her tears streaking down her cheeks.

"Hey now, none of this. You must finish this. So our future will blossom. You will have to be strong for him too. " She could see it. The life slowly draining away from him. His fea began to dim as it slipped a bit more away. There was no going back from this. Her jaw stiffened as she struggled with her tears.

"Promise me." She choked. "Promise me as soon as you can you will come back to me. You will find away back to us. PROMISE IT, in Eru's name." She demanded from him and he smiled at her and pulled her close . "I promise." Then he kissed her. His hand holding her small head until it slid away and fell to his side. She felt his last breath against her cheeks and slowly lifted her head.

"I will hold you to it." She whispered to him.

Minol and Minogos watching it all, this anomaly in Minol's vision. This every elf, He finally understood why him. When Minol suddenly lunged for her and wrapped his arms nearly too crushingly tight around her, it was hard for her to breathe. The anguish she felt ripped from her like a tidal wave. Making everything around them feel heavy. Vorondil was moving through the smoke having heard the cry and now feeling the weight. He fell to his knees and crawled closer to the small bright light .

"You must stay with me." Minol whispered to her softly and held on as she grew brighter. "I know you want to go kill everything but please, stay with me. I need you here. We need you here. So stay."

Vorondil could see it. The Queen held by the Demon and beside her the body of Elthian. The weight began to fade and Vorondil rose to his feet. Staggering forward to look down on the scene of carnage around him and his dear friend.

The Queen finally relaxed and turned in Minol's arms. She was sobbing into his chest as he lifted her up against him and rose. He looked to Vorondil. "You must take him from this place. The meara will take you both. Take him to his King."

Vorondil looked to the small broken creature in Minol's arms. "I will do it for her and for Elthian. My Lady, I will take him home, all the way there."

Minol nodded and walked towards Minogos slowly stepping over the corpses of orc and around the troll to disappear into the smoke that permeated the battlefield.


Thranduil was in the meeting with Grah. While he did not have the eyes of his wife there he had been a fairly good judge of character especially when it came to humans and elves. He felt nothing even slightly off about the exchange nor the oath Grah took. It was as Thranduil was leaving the meeting tent that he was stricken and began to fall. Elrohir caught him and lay him gently on the rugs.

The King began to writhe in agony, Elrohir quickly checked his ribs but found nothing strange. He was healing. He checked quickly for other causes. The King screamed in sheer pain and cried as he gnashed his teeth. None knew what to do.

Ryu burst inside the tent with Legolas behind her. She knelt down beside him and took his hand. Then slowly she moved so she was against him and wrapped her arm around him. Her head against his she spoke to him very softly. Then slowly the agony that had taken him eased and he remained shaking and sobbing on the floor.

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