Chapter 151: The End is the Beginning

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The sun shone down brightly that day. The day they would be arriving in Cuivienen. They were just hours away now and Juniper was becoming anxious. She squirmed around in the saddle before Thranduil and he did his best to ignore it, but now it was becoming an issue.

"Melamin, please. you are doing things to me that you do not intend," he whispered to her and glanced down to his crotch. Her backside was firmly pressed against it and she smiled to him and cleared her throat as she slid up into the saddle a bit more. "Forgive me," she said softly. "Maybe I should fly a bit." Thranduil nodded gently. "That would be fine, just do not go far."

Her brows lifted and her features brightened up. She was so used to not being allowed to fly much. Anything watching would see her, but now she was allowed a bit more freedom. Her heat disappeared and she was hoovering before him. He looked her in her eyes and then motioned with his head. "Go on and stretch your wings." She squealed as she flipped round and flew off.

She slowed down and hummed a tune to herself as she meandered through the rows of soldiers. Usually she would not be allowed to do this, but now she did not think it would be an issue. She greeted each one she passed and spoke to a few of them. Learning their names and she thanked them for what they did for her personally and for her mother. Soon she had a good portion of the Elves around her being a bit relaxed and the line began to look like a wave. She caught Feren's gaze and she saw the displeasure in it. She looked down then smiled to those around her. "I think I have made your commander upset. I'm sorry, but thank you all so very much." She quickly left then and Feren began to bark orders and they scrambled to make the lines again.

She flew high. The winds up here were a bit more brisk and she wasn't as strong as she could be. She ended up being tumbled around a bit and she gained a little control and then made for the ground. Now she was on the side of the lines. She watched perfect rows pass before her and she sighed. There were many that had already left and there were so many still with them. There was a certain amount of guilt she felt. Many had been lost. Each of them irreplaceable. The number of Elves decreased once more yet it increased at the same time. Strange times she lived in.

Finally the rear began to pass her by and she darted out and went right for Finnola. Lightly she landed upon her shoulder and sat down. "Good day, My Lady," she said brightly as Juniper got herself settled.

"Good day, mellon nin." Juniper spoke with a smile. "I see your husband is looking a bit sore today." Finnola looked over to Glorfindel, who was indeed riding with bruised ribs. "He deserves it. He could have waited to challenge Maglor like that, but his curiosity got the best of him."

"So that's why he did that." Juniper wrinkled her nose a bit.

The line began to slow to a stop. Juniper stood up and looked down the line. From Finnola's shoulder she was over the heads of everyone just about. "Why are we stopping?" Juniper asked.

"We have probably met up with our escort," Finnola said softly. "Hmm, I think I should go find out," Juniper chimed and then seemingly disappeared from Finnola's shoulder.

She zipped along and maneuvered fairly easily. She arrived back towards the center and watched Thranduil riding for the front to meet with the escort. That was when she noticed Maglor alongside Curufin. His face had a bruise, but he seemed to be in better shape than Glorfindel. She casually flew over and up beside Maglor's ear. "May I land on you?" She asked and he blinked suddenly and looked to her. He gave a nod and she gently landed. "Just so you know," she leveled her gaze into him. "You have consented to allowing me shoulder time so I will continue to land on your shoulder until otherwise told to stop." She plopped down and let her legs dangle down his shoulder. He found himself chuckling at her frankness. "Of course, My Lady, feel free to join me."

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