Chapter 69: Sometimes you find answers in the strangest places.

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Jeven jumped from his bedroll near the fire. He gasps and stares at the fire then slowly looks around seeing Hannibal sitting there watching him.

" That was some dream Jeven. might you want to speak about it?"

Jeven relaxed back down into the blanket. "Ilhar il ul'kas ulu uns'aa. Il telanthus lil' oloth luthe olt barra feir dal olt gareth mir. Olt doerin whol ussta lodias. Udos z'klaen alu qeeh (Mother she called to me. She said the darkness casts its shadow far from its stronghold. Its coming for my people. We must go faster)"

Hannibal nodded . " inbal eluith'orth jeven, rilbol orn sha'nalt ditronw pholor draeval. Zil lil' faern orn'la telanth.(have faith Jeven, Everything will happen right on time. As the wizard would say.)"

Gandlaf who had been asleep with his eyes open spoke. "Faernen raq'tar ditronw vel'drav nind hass'l ulu nin zu'tour phor lueth inbau fol v'dri (Wizards arrive right when they mean to now shut up and get some sleep)" He said with a grumpy tone and shifted in his bedroll." Jeven we will talk about your dream in the morning."

Jeven sighed softly. " as you wish Gandalf."


Finnola was at the training ring with Glorfindel. They were watching the young fighters. Untested and unproven fighters. Ones just learning the arts. They sat on the stones on the hill. watching these fighters battle each other in nice uniformed matches.

"How did you learn to fight My Goddess?" Glorfindel asked.

Finnola grinned at his question. " My Mother taught me. She learned from her Mother and so on. All the way back I supposed to Da-xia. My Da didn't like it but Mam told him to shove it. He had the boys and she only had me. We would go far into the plains and just train all day sometimes. "

"She sounds ferocious." Glorfindel said softly and looked to Finnola.

A smile curled on Her lips. " Mam was . She protected us like a mother bear protects her cubs."

He could see a bit of sadness in her eyes and he lay his head against her arm and looked up to her. " Would kicking my ass right now make you feel better?"

She laughed at his offer. " I am not in a rage Glorfindel . I think everyone is safe. " She shrugged a little and went back to watching the young warriors training.

Glorfindel continued to lean on her. He rather enjoyed doing little things like this. Things that she seemed to allow. She didn't stiffen up or shove him off . He expected to be shoved off any moment but she didn't.

"Glorfindel." He heard her voice lift but just barely. "hmm?" Glorfindel let his eyes close and he answered lazily.

" If you keep leaning on me the others will think we are stepping out." His eyes opened and He lifted his head to look at her. " What does 'stepping out' mean? "

Finnola lowered her head down and slumped her shoulders slightly. She inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. " It means together and publicly at that."

He began to grin at her explanation. " So, would that be so terrible Finnola? No wait..." He held up a hand as she began to speak. " I know what you're going to say. 'Well if we did that wouldn't it be just like rubbing it in Legolas' face.' " she nodded and went to speak again. Only to find herself cut off again. " Let me remind you and it was his behavior that lead to the current state of affairs. Not to mention We mesh well Finnola. How can you say we are bad together? You can not. Besides I am a catch . So would it be so terrible if we did 'Step out'?"

The giantess blinked her eyes a few times and just looked at him. " I ... You..." She was having a hard time putting her thoughts together.

It made him just smile wider. " I am waiting." He said smugly.

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