Chapter 103: Now that you know.

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It took him a few days to arrive at Gund Kutotaz, His Master's lair. He moved through the vast halls. The palace had gotten bigger since he was last here and far more active. Heads tuned as he walked. They all knew who he was. Some grinned wickedly as they watched him. Some sank back into the shadows not wishing to be seen by him. Opinions about him were rather divided. Those that had seen him in battle feared him. Those that that had not desired him and even some that had seen him in battle both desired him and feared him. He would disembowel any who tried to touch him. Accept for his Master.

Finally he reached his Master chambers, it was always so hot within these rooms. The cold of the void never seemed to leave him. Drannor of course was not bothered by the heat. He had been raised in it. In fact fire was special to him. It was said a Fire Drakes heart beat within him. There in the center of the room he knelt. A red rug under his knees. Tapestries hung from black stone walls. Gold and red. Not just any red. a deep dark blood red.

He need not speak . His Master knew he was there. He emerged from behind a wall. An almost kind smile on his lips as he laid eyes on his sword. He had learned his lesson from before. He had stretched his power far too thin. This time he would not do so for in this beautiful half breed that knelt submissively before him was more power than any could realize and it was his to wield as he saw fit.

Slowly he moved around the room . Looking the flame haired beauty up and down. It was a game he was playing. He loved to toy with his pet. He could do this any time he chose however, He had not seen any need to give his power to his sword. Now his sword was begging for it. Minol had resurfaced and He did not take Minol's betrayal lightly. "So you have found a purpose other than the task I sent you on. " Drannor only saw his black booted feet as his circles began to close in on him.

His lush lips curled back and sneer. "When he and that bastard of his arrived to save her. I faced him and I could not win." His words spat out like venom . "I want the power to crush him. I want to lord over his son. Break him and give to you a simpering plaything. I can not do these things without your power Master. " The boots stopped before him . His golden gaze slowly drifted up. Black leather covered thighs. The dark loose fitting tunic he wore. Powerful arms and hands. Yet the flesh upon them was soft as fine silk.

His long dark hair that spilled over his shoulders like ink. He was beautiful so beautiful it could bring tears to ones eyes. His face was thin and his features smooth. There was no imperfection on this new fair form he had chosen. Drannor looked upon him . His lips parted with quickening breaths. "please Master." Those words spilled from his lips like honey. A large powerful hand thrust out and grabbed those soft cheeks and bruised them as he lowered to look deeply into Drannor's golden eyes. The ones Drannor stared back into were icy grey with a little red ring around the pupil. Which would grow wider with anger and now it was small.

"You are not used to loosing are you Zo Kordh (My sword) ." His grip lessened and his thumb passed over Drannor's soft lips. "it makes me wonder just how far you will go to get what you desire of me. " Morgoth released his face and stepped back. Looking down into those golden eyes. He reminded him so much of Sauron. "rise and disrobe." He said as if it were an after thought. He took a few steps back and watched his pet obey. His boots tossed to the floor. His tunic thrown carelessly over a chair .

Slender yet muscled, Each one well defined. A single large scar crossed his chest. His flesh held that shimmering grey tone his Fathers did. He even grinned as he began to unlace his leathers. Morgoth would turn then and walked towards the same opening he had entered from. "Come Zo Kordh I have something for you." he called and drifted from sight . Drannor pulled away his leggings and tossed them aside and followed.

He entered his Masters dimly lit bedroom. His eyes drifting towards the corner near the large roaring fire place. Morgoth stood there looking on a huddled pale heap on the floor. A chain from an ankle to the wall. It was a female. Her hair bright red. Her curvy body covered in lash marks and bruises. Drannor was confused at first. Then his Master reached down and curled his fingers in her matted hair and pulled her head up. He could now see her pointed ears and the fear in her eyes. This was Minogos' female. Now his own eyes widened and a delighted smile curled on his lips.

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