Chapter 29: Bark at the Moon

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They had rode hard for weeks. Only stopping a few hours a day for the horse to graze and to allow Juniper to stretch out and rest . She had been in Elthian's pouch hidden away most of the time. She was wrapped in a blanket her small head resting on Elthian's thigh. For such a small thing her endurance impressed Elthian. He knew it could not be easy traveling like she was.

Shortly after they had started their journey on the horse given to them by King Brand they had stopped to rest one day and This awe-inspiring horse approached them . He was a beautiful grey Stallion. Elthian knew it was no normal horse . It was a Meara and he had come to see the Fae. She spoke to him as if they had known each other all their lives and He agreed to bear them the rest of the journey. Elthian had spoken to the horse King Brand had given them and He headed back to Dale. So now they rode day and night. She had called the horse Loratha and Elthian was both grateful and in awe of the beast.

He looked down to the Pixie. His Queen . His hand caressed her golden hair softly. The week of the full moon was at hand and He hoped there would be no need to follow His Kings command. As he looked at her sleeping He thought of His kings words. ' The week of the full moon she may become quite needful. To deny her would cause her great suffering. She may even refuse your attentions. Don't let her . It will only cause her to be in agony. I would be far more angry to know she suffers than for her to know your touch.' His command was one the fair haired elf struggled with.

Loratha Was returning now . Finished with his grazing . Elthian gently nudged her . " My Lady it is time to go." His words soft and she protests.

" Just a bit longer please. " She trembled a bit and drew herself into a tighter ball her cheek nuzzling against his thigh.

" If we go now there is a good chance tonight we could sleep in an Inn. There is a small settlement a few hours away. You could even have a bath ."

She groans softly then pushed herself up . Only to crawl into his lap with her blanket . Her flesh chilled. She did not seem to feel well." You are so warm Elthian. Hold me for a bit . Let me warm up."

He draped the blanket over himself as well and cradled her in his arms. It was hard not to be attracted to her. It was hard not to have feelings towards her. When she was close like this he experienced her emotions. He knew everything she felt . She too felt for him as well.

" I promise it will not be too long My Lady . Lets get going . " She sighs and wiggles against him .

" Very well " The slight weight she had against him now turned to nothing. He lifting the blanket away would see her curled against his thigh in her small form . The dress she had worn falling from her to the ground.

" wouldn't it be wonderful if their were dresses that would shrink with you." He said.

She laughed a bit as she rose up to stretch . She was not embarrassed by her nudity and having seen her like this a few times now he was no longer ashamed to look at her.

" Indeed but until someone comes up with an enchantment for that I am afraid you will just have to see me naked. Does it bother you now?" She asked as He folded the blanket .

" Not anymore. Not that I would use the word bothered. How could anyone be bothered by you naked or otherwise. You are stunning. "

she smiles gently and starts to climb into the pouch he wore by a strap across his body. " Thank You for thinking so Elthian . "

He also folded her dress. Both things tucked under his arm as he rose and walked to Loratha He tucked the dress and blanket into a saddle bag. He gave Loratha a pat on the neck and thanked him for bearing them on once more before pulling himself up into the saddle. Tucking himself down The meara took off fast hitting his stride at full gallop far faster than a normal horse.

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