Chapter 63: Hey Jealousy

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Legolas and Finnola were visiting the Hobbits before they left. Sam refused to leave the halls of healing. He never leaving Rosie's side. Legolas and Finnola say their farewells. To the 3 others in the hall. He hugging each of them.

" I will send word as soon as there is something to know my friends. Right now I have no idea where Gandalf has taken Gimli . I'm sure wherever it is they are fine but You know Gandalf. "

Merry, Pippin and Frodo all chuckle. He rises and goes into the rooms to say farewell to Sam.

Merry just couldn't help himself. " Finnola. " He said and she smiled and peered down to him. "I'm happy for you both and all but If he ever treats you bad . Just look me up . "

She lowered down and looked him in the eye. She smiles . How could one not smile when looking into the eyes of such curious little creatures? Her hand reaching out she pulls him in close for a hug then presses a kiss to his cheek. " Mind if I look you up even if he is treating me well? "

The hobbit just nodded and looked a bit high as he rode on the happy buzz that kiss gave him. "Absolutely Finnola." He managed to get out. Frodo and Pippin about to bust their sides watching this.

Legolas returned from the rooms and smiled and waved to his friends as he and Finnola moved away. Frodo peeked into the room . Rosie was sitting up. She had a bit more color to her cheeks. Sam was actually smiling. There was hope still to be had.


Thranduil was reading the most recent message from Rivendell. At least one of his worries was finally coming to an end. Elrond was well on his way . Legolas in tow. He looked from his opened office door to his wife and son sitting in the garden. Soon they would be moving to the lower chambers again. Where they would be kept warm and safe. The full moon was approaching. In fact they were a few days from it and she had not been overly aroused. In hind sight those needs had been diminishing over the past several months.

Ninnel went out to join her. The baby getting fussy Juniper watched as Ninnel fed Orist. Juniper seemed to be adjusting to having a baby easily. She was very natural at it and soon there would be another baby in his growing family. Celeborn entered the office and Thranduil looked to him as he paused to look into the Garden.

" Children just always seem to bring more light in do they not?" Celeborn said with a warm smile.

Thranduil nodded. " Now I just have to keep my home safe for them." He lifted a message up to Celeborn to read. " Well our spies have been busy haven't they." He said softly then sighed. "Where do you think this attack will take place? Here or Lorien first?"

Thranduil shook his head. " Perhaps Gondor or all 3 . If I were the enemy that is what I would do with a force that is becoming this massive. "

Celeborn let the message slide from his fingertips and onto Thranduil's desk. "Does it not seem odd that they are not really trying to conceal it? It's like they want us to see it and they still attack randomly in the west. The remains of the army Elrond battled there has dug in at Fornost."

Thranduil pushed up from his seat and walked around the desk. " It would be helpful to know just who our enemy really is." He watched Ninnel rise with Orist . The baby heading for the crib. Juniper gets to her feet as well and walks towards him. Making Him smile .

"Excuse me. My wife would like a bit of time alone. It appears the moon is affecting her after all. " Thranduil said as he looked to Celeborn. A mischievous grin curling on his lips.

Celeborn rolled his eyes and headed out of the door. " I believe that is my cue Cousin. " He passes Juniper in the corridor. Where he greeted her in passing.

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