Chapter 94: The Truth About the Caves

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Spring began to wain and The summer was in the air. Everything was peaceful in the Woodland realm. Thranduil likened it to the calm before the storm. Temperatures rose. The forest came to life. Healthier than it had been in an age. Thranduil convinced Juniper they should go for a ride in the forest . It had been sometime since they had done that. Just the two of them. Of course there would be guards but hopefully they would never see them. Ninnel would care for the children. Meetings would be postponed and in the cool of the morning Memna would ride out with The King and Queen upon his back.

Minol seemed anxious that morning. Galion refusing to let go of his arm when he tried to leave . "I do not want to you leave unless its for a good reason." Galion said softly. His hand gripping Minols wrist. He was much stronger than he looked. Minol sighed . His reason would not be a good one to Galion. He could of course overpower Galion but that is not what he wished to do to his beautiful lover.

The reason Galion had more time that day was the reason Minol was anxious. The King was out for the day with the Queen. Minol sighs and lays back down facing Galion. "You know Galion I should be following them . I should be in the forest watching over them. " Minol explained and Galion just stared at him for several moments. " They are already protected. There are guards and Thranduil himself is a great warrior Minol. Not to mention there is no doubt that Bear of hers is with them. There is no reason for you to be out there too."

Minol grumbled and wrapped an arm around Galion and pulled him in close. " You do have a good argument." He spoke softly and kissed Galion's forehead. "I know after so very long its hard for you to understand Minol. " Galion said softly. His hands roaming down over Minol's chest. "The Queen is the King's responsibility and right now you are mine." Galion grinned and wiggled under the covers . His head disappearing and Minol trembled as his lips pressed to the flesh of Minol's chest then began to trail lower. "You do have a very good argument. " Finally he decided to trust in the elves ability to keep her safe and gave into his lover's demands.

Elrond had stayed behind. He trusted his sons to do what was needed in Imladris. Even if they were notorious slackers, on this he knew they would not shirk their duties. Not in the slightest. He and Gandalf had much still to go over and try to understand better. None knew yet how the original evil had broken out of his prison. The Valar had to be in an uproar. Gandalf never spoke of it. "The Mystery to me is why does he want Juniper. I think that is tied to the Glittering caves and what Legolas found there. " Gandalf grumbled. "Minol can't tell us. We have to figure it out . He may be able to confirm if we find the right answer. " Elrond said.


Memna was moving at a leisurely pace. They really were in no hurry the sun was just beginning to rise . She turned her head and tilted back . Her lips pressing under his chin . " I want to fly." She said softly Thranduil smiled "go on and fly then Melamin." He was surprised to find everything she wore shrank with her. She hovered there smiling at him. " Minol taught me how to enchant my things so they can always go with me. " She laughed and zipped off but never going too far. She was always within sight.

They were going north, following the river and as they reached a high place where the trees began to thin she could see the lonely mountain in the distance. "this is the path Elthian took when we tricked Nilastiel isn't it?" she asked Thranduil and he smiled. "it is but you did not get to see it . This is a beautiful view. " She spun around. 

He urged Memna on. " we are reaching the northern border of my realm here. Where we are going isn't much further. " She flew down to where she had been seated before and let herself get bigger. She snuggled in against him and they rode on.

He turned from the river and began to follow a small stream that flowed into it and stopped next to a vast green meadow that was covered in white and blue wild flowers. Little dots of yellow and pink splashed through it. At its center was a small pond the stream fed. He dismounted and she flew down landing a few feet away as he gathered their things from the saddle. She was already off into the meadow . Finding many rabbits there that she ended up in conversation with.

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