Chapter 75: Something Completely Stupid.

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Juniper sat in the Atrium. Her guards had cleared it for her. Her light requirements had gone up . Her belly rather swollen. She sat naked in the center of the atrium. The light constantly on her there. Her wings spread. Her eyes were closed and she was in deep thought. She ran over all the scenarios the mist had presented to her. The Summer Solstice and Declarations of love. On green grass beside the water . The stolen first kiss. The rainy day when the Mists and her own lives changed.

She had to be missing something. With a sigh she leaned back on her hands . Thranduil had left earlier in the day. She knew this was a no win situation. The way this was playing out . He may make it home but it wouldn't be long before they were over run. Her mind spinning . She delving into the depths of those words. "He said that it was a dangerous balance. The game he played was so precise. He doesn't want to fight this war but he has to proceed with the plans to. He needs to know I remember. "

She got to her feet and pulled her dress on . She needed to sleep but without Jeven lurking in the background. She made for the corridor. Stopping in the dim light she lowered her wings and folded them against her back. " I am done . I think I would like to bathe now. Before Elrond comes for his visit. "

This was common practice. She walking back with her guard. They chatting idly she added a few thoughts. Then off into the bathing room with Elthian. He helped her get into the warm tub and sat beside her.

" You look so uncomfortable ." He sighs and rubs her belly gently.

Her small hands lay against his. " I am slightly. Though its not as bad as I thought it would be." She goes quiet and lays her cheek against his arm. " Hey Elthian. Can a get a little bit alone, to just soak and relax with my thoughts?" she peeked up to him and he smiled. " Of course I'll be just outside. "

She watched him go and lay back in the warm water. Her breathing slow and even. She began to concentrate . " Ok baby please just let me do this ." She whispered then lifted herself to her knees in the water. Then she was small . Her wings beating and she hovers over the water. " Oh thank you so much baby. You're pixish for sure. Ohhhh. " she had to beat her wings twice as hard to get where she was going . Higher up into the cracks and crevices of the Fortress. Into a world she only knew.

She only hoped she could still fit through some of the paths she needed to take.


They were hours from the fortress. the troops heading towards the south . Thranduil looked out over the rows of elves that passed. These carry pike. He watched these rows pass and knew most of them would not survive. This feeling made him sick. Feren ended up stopping next to the king.

" Pre-battle jitters My Lord?" Feren asked and watched the troops with his King.

" Amin gor an ti. Ed naegra-fea. (I fear for them. It hurts my soul)" Thranduil said regretfully.

Feren nods . " Save all that for afterwards My Lord."

They would stop soon. Make camp for the night . Have one more peaceful night in the forest before the horrors of war.


Her head peeking out of a certain crevice. Her small feet stepping out onto a large beam of solid oak. She looked down into the guest room. This one rather plain and not often used. She fluttered down and finally grew big right before she sat on the bed. " Ohhh thank you baby. " Her hands rubbed at the swell. " I can not wait to meet you but first we need to save your Adar. I am afraid this calamity is ultimately My fault. "

With a sigh she lay back on the bed. " I need to sleep I need to go see someone about a thing." She giggled. Then began to run over everything in her mind again. This repetition soon had her drifting off to sleep.

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