Chapter 138: The Worm

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It had been days they had rode on. So many days Juniper was loosing count and they all just seemed to run together. The monotony was getting to her and she often wandered in the evenings, looking to nature to make her feel more right. She had felt wrong all this time as well. Thranduil was fearful and angry. Then she could feel the rage. He was in battle. Many many battles.

Elthian was growing concerned for her. How she seemed to be withdrawing into herself. She spoke so little anymore. Often just quietly curling up against him at night in her silence. He didn't know what to say or do if there were anything to say or do about it. He just tried to be as supportive as he could. In the meantime her anxiety would grow with a building sense of dread.

Even the other elves had taken notice of her behavior. Curufin was deeply concerned for her. Especially since it was getting closer to where he and his group must depart. Elthian was watching her sit under a tree silently. A group of the smaller creatures of the forest had gathered around her. Tiny furry ears and twitching little noses, their beady little eyes lifted and looking up to her. Even the animals were concerned.

"We will depart soon Elthian. Whatever road lies ahead she needs to be strong and not loose hope. I am unsure of how to keep her spirits up but you need to find a way mellon." He pat Elthian on the shoulder before he drifted off towards the fire.

Minol kept his distance. Ever since the moon he had not come near her. Had something happened between them? She never said anything so Elthian pushed all that to the back of his thoughts and sighed. He walked towards her slowly. The critters around her soon scattered and he lowered down to sit with her. No sooner than he had settled she was curled up in his lap.

His arms wrapped around her and his head lowered to rest atop of hers. "You are scaring me Melamin. All of us are worried for you. Will you not tell me what troubles you?"

"Everything feels wrong. I do not know how else to explain it. I don't know why. It all just feels wrong." She whispered her words to him and slipped her slender arms around him.

"Is there a way for me to make it right?" He asked.

"I don't think so. I don't think you are the reason. When I sit here with you like this, I feel better." She did not want to tell him their King struggled. There was no need for him to feel as she did.

"Soon it will be time for our friends to depart and go their own way. Wouldn't you like to spend some time with Curufin maybe play some cards? I think Turin and Beleg would like to play as well. They have been learning from Curufin. I believe he has taken just about everything of value from them the past week."

She began to giggle softly. "He has been teaching them to gamble." She lifted her head and looked up into Elthian's eyes and her giggles trailed off. "Elthian, I need to tell you something." He lowered his lips to hers and kissed them softly. "You want to tell me you are with child."

Her eyes widened and she gasp softly. "How did you know?"

"I have known for sometime now Juniper. You forget I know you very well. I have watched over you since you came to us. I am also aware that your tea was lost with everything else before we even reached Cuivienen. You have been starving until recently and now even with you not feeling like eating, when you do it's mostly meat. I know you want to know how I feel about it. I am thrilled Juniper. It is proof of our love. Not just between you and I but Thranduil as well. There is no doubt in my mind that he will feel the same about this one as he does Orist and Melian. I wish it wasn't happening as he go to face the most evil thing to ever exist. I also know that you will not let it stop you from doing what you must. Then we will go home and You will make me an Adar again."

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