Chapter 143: One can not escape their destiny.

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Gandalf stood there in silence. He leaned heavily on his staff as he looked on the body of Elthian. His grief was great. Not only did they loose another elf, he was an honorable warrior and the consort of The King and Queen. He wished to know how she faired. He worried for her deeply.

Elthian would begin his journey home that day. There was one particular elf that would be escorting him that Gandalf was rather keen on speaking with. He found this returned elf with Thingol and waited patiently to have a few words with him. When Vorondil turned he was surprised to see the wizard waiting for him. As he moved closer the wizards kind face brightened a bit as he offered a small smile.

"You were waiting on me?" The fair haired elf asked.

"Indeed, I wanted to speak to you for a few moments before you leave." Gandalf lead him towards a smaller tent as found it empty. He mutter a few words then looked Vorondil in the eye. I know we can not know how Juniper is doing at this moment . I am curious to know how Minol was doing."

Vorondil's brows lifted at the question. He was the first to actually ask about the demon. He exhaled slowly and stepped back to sit on the edge of a table. "You know I didn't know what to think of him at first. Everything in me said kill it." Vorondil chuckled a bit. " But She trusted him and so did Elthian. He never did anything remotely questionable. It was so odd. He kept his distance respectfully but never avoided her if she sought him out. He spent most of his time with Celegorm."

Gandalf tilted his head at that and looked harder at Vorondil. "I know, but he is one of Feanor's and you just expect the unexpected with them." Vorondil sighed. "He was the one that kept her from going berserk on that battlefield Gandalf. She was a sight to behold when she fought. She is so small but she killed several troll as if it took no effort what so ever. It frightens me to think of what she could do if she lost control." He took on a more serious tone then and looked into Gandalf's blue eyes.

"it concerns you too?"

Vorondil nodded gently. "Minol was the only one that brought her back to herself. Minogos couldn't have done it and I surely could not have. Her's is a power that is terrifying when you really look at it. She is otherwise absolutely alluring. Perhaps it's that danger I see in her that makes her even more so."

They agreed to not speak of this to anyone else before they parted ways. Gandalf left with his concerns watched as Elthian's friends and family gathered to see him off. Elrohir stood beside Thranduil and helped to support him when all he wanted to do was crumble. Thingol too reached out and lay his hand on Thranduil's shoulder. Ryu was beside the small wagon that held Elthian. Her hand pressed to the side as she whispered. Legolas walked out to her and she threw her arms around him and held him tightly.

Narl and his brothers stood with Glorfindel and Finnola as they said their goodbyes to their friend. Elrond was making his way towards the crowd, with him was Elladan and Kree. Gandalf studied her for a moment. She one of the peredhel that descended from the returned elves. A plains elf, one that lived a nomadic life and followed the herds and the seasons. 'Much like the,' He stopped his thoughts then looked at her again and grinned. "The Avari, do live." He chuckled to himself.

They all stood there and watched until Vorondil and the wagon were out of sight . Then slowly they all turned and moved away. All but Thranduil and Elrohir. This was an interesting new development Gandalf thought before he finally too turned away and began to walk towards the camp. They would be leaving in the morning and making their push against Morgoth. He wanted to get a bit of rest. Who knew when he would next get any.


"They were testing us and we almost failed." Brand said gruffly. His arms were crossed over his chest and he looked from the window of his office out onto the men outside preparing for battle.

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