Chapter 106: It Begins

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She lay there in the soft warm comfort of her bed, Thranduil asleep beside her. His breathing steady and even. She knew why he was being a bit selfish with his time. Eventually they would be separated and Elthian would go with her. While he did love their consort, she was his wife. She loved it when he behaved like this. Like she was the most precious thing to him. He truly had the depths of her heart. Elthian shared that space. In fact he had been a bit in the background lately.

Thranduil whom had not slept in several days was finally deep within it and she would not disturb him. Sliding from the sheets she rose and wrapped her robe about her body. The sun would rise soon and she wanted to bathe in the big pool. Leaving the room she scampered down the corridor past the nursery and her sleeping children. Down to the large bath. It was Thranduil's bath. This pool swallowed her when she slid into it. The water seemed warmer as well.

She stood in the shallow part. Yes it had a deeper area but Thranduil was very tall. Here was where she went about actually washing. With scented soaps and oils for her hair. Once clean she sat in the warm water and just sighed.

"Good Morning my Queen." Her head lifted to peer over the edge . Elthian stood there with a smile.

"Good morning Melamin. Thranduil is actually sleeping so I thought I would steal a bath in the big pool."

He walked slowly to the side and leaned against it . "I am not on duty just yet. I could join you."

Her brows lifted and she smiled. "I would not mind that so much. She teased and pushed her body away from the shallow and floated herself down where the water was deeper. Elthain did not have to be offered twice. He began to strip from his tunic and leggings. He too had broad shoulders and a muscled chest. His body built so much like Thranduil's only a bit shorter and more muscled. He lowered himself over the edge and sat upon one of the steps.

"why so distant?" He asked softly and she looked around the water to her neck. her body just floating weightless.

"I am not." she protested gently then Slowly she would drift closer to him and he reached out for her. Pulling her through the water and against him.

"I have missed you." He whispered and buried his face against her shoulder. His lips pressing to the flesh at her collar bone.

"I have been right here." She felt a shiver ride her body when his lips moved up to her neck.

"Surely you have Melamin but your husband has been a bit greedy lately." He chuckled and slides his hand into her wet mane. Tilted her head back so he could look into her eyes.

"Perhaps a little." She agreed. "I understand it though. I will be yours for well, who knows how long."

Elthian lowered his lips to hers and kissed them tenderly. "indeed you will be. Yet it will be no holiday Melamin."

Her arm wrapped around him she grinned and pressed many soft kisses against his chin and jaw line. "No it will not be but I will be there with you. Weathering with you. I worry for him."

Elthian nodded gently and drew her in for another kiss. "The King will weather this battle like he has many others. Once he is there and in that way of thinking. He will be fine. I have seen it before. He becomes something entirely different. He becomes driven."

She had no way of knowing what this meant but Elthian seemed confident. Soon they were sharing kisses and moaning against each others lips. He was very hungry for her and showed it in the way he moved. How he had her. Pinned against the side of the pool. His hips rolling and her body filled and helplessly shaking Elthian's passion for her grew by the day. Today he was able to finally let it explode from him and she took all he could give. Until he was the one now helpless and gasping. Drawing her back with him towards a shallow place Where they could lounge for a while before breakfast.

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