Chapter 112: Hope for the Future

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Elrond had been there to welcome Galadriel and Celeborn to the woodland realm. He stood beside Thranduil and Elrohir. As Galadriel spoke with Elrond she would ask about the absence of her Elladan and The Queen.

Elrond shook his head. "It has been a very long night My Lady. The Queen is recovering from being given some of your march wardens wine and Elladan is sitting in a cell for it."

Galadriel blinked and her lips twitched. "Well this sounds like it will be an interesting tale." She hooked her arm with Celeborn and all of them began to walk inside. "You will be leaving soon will you not Elrond?" She asked as they passed the great stone doors.

"Indeed. I will meet up with the others just past the Rhun. I believe I will take Elladan with me. " This news made Galadriel smirk a bit.

Juniper sat up in the bed. Elthian staying near her as she spent time with Orist and Melian. She was obviously feeling better but she looked worse for wear. He smiled though because she seemed the happiest when she was with her children.

"They both grow so quickly."

Elthian and Juniper both looked to the female voice drifting from the door way. It was Galadriel and Juniper simply began to beam a wide smile. "Please forgive me Lady. I must look wretched but I assure you I feel better than I look. Thranduil nor his minion.." She eyed Elthian "Will allow me to get out of the bed right now."

Galadriel slowly moved into the room Orist was on his knees beside his mother looked to Galadriel and smiles. " You pretty." He said and Juniper wrapped an arm around him . "This is the Lady of Lorien, her name is Galadriel." Juniper explained and he nodded. "You pretty." He said again which made Elthian chuckle.

Elthian rose up and walked over to scoop his son up. "Indeed my cheeky son the Lady is pretty. Now let's allow both of the pretty ladies chat . " He tossed the elfling over his shoulder and walked out of the room while tickling him and making him laugh hard. They could hear Orist laughter all the way down the hall.

On Juniper's lap lay the sleeping Melian. Galadriel sat down on the edge of the bed and smiled as she looked at the child. "You will miss them greatly I know." She said softly. "It is a pity that a mother must be taken from her children to go fight a war." Her hand reached out and caress the child's cheek.

"If I do not go and this is all for naught. Then there will not be much of a home left for them in the end. As much as it hurts. I have to give them a future." Juniper said softly. Her eyes were down cast and watching her daughter sleep.

Galadriel smiled and looked on the fae. "I wish I could tell you that there will be victory. When I look to the future all I see is clouded. Yet I sense no fear of the future in you. Why is that?"

Juniper looked up and locked eyes with Galadriel. "I believe Minol. For better or worse. Despite all the bad he has done. Deep down his intentions were in the right place. I will have the future he promised me . Even if I have to fight for it. The only thing that gives me concern is those I may loose along the way. "

'Still she wants to save everyone.' Galadriel thought. She looking deeply into the very essence of the fae. Her light had never waivered. Yet now she understood the realities of war. "I believe that we will see those we have lost again. Have heart little fae."


Elladan sat in his cell. Upon the hard stone bed. His back to the rough wall. His knees drawn up . He lay his head upon them and waited. His thoughts drifting to the folly that lead him here. They were all right. He should have known better.

"The Queen is on the mend and she is now attended by The Lady of Light."

Elladan looked to the cell door. His adar stood there looking at him. "That is wonderful news." He said with relief in his voice. His head lowered down . He felt nothing but shame and remorse for what had happened.

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