Chapter 114: Elladan's Purpose

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She suddenly sat up. Screaming and thrashing about . Strong hands grabbed her shoulders. Her eyes were wide opened yet she was not seeing him. Thranduil Held her tightly and spoke louder. "Juniper calm down. You are safe. Juniper look at me. Listen to my words. " Slowly her struggles eased . Her eyes drifted onto his face and it came into view.

Her small hand lifted to caress his cheek. She was breathing heavily as if she were out of breath. "Thranduil?" He smiled to her and reached up to gently take her hand into his. "Where are we?" She gasped suddenly and pulled her hand away from his and she began to struggle against him to get from the bed. "Where is Ryu? I must see Ryu." Demanded and His hands gripped her shoulders tightly once more.

"Stop." He commanded her in that firm yet calm way of his. She complied and her eyes locked onto his. "Ryu is injured but out of danger." She saw no lie in him and her body relaxed a bit. "We are in the elven camp at Lasgalen. You have been asleep for nearly 2 days Melamin."

She pulled her gaze from his and she began to look around the tent. It was the royal tent she was so familiar with. Her eyes finally drifted to those gathered. Finnola had moved closer She wore bandages on both her arms and one over her cheek. Celeborn was behind Thranduil. His hand rested on Thranduil's shoulder.

"Where is Elthian?" She asked gently and looked to Thranduil.

He smiled gently. "He is with Feren. He has not been gone long. He will be back soon."

"I want to see Ryu." Her voice cracked with her emotions.

"Juniper." Thranduil began to speak. "You need to relax and ..."

She cut him off. "I want to see Ryu now." She was not going to let this go until she saw her sister. He knew it and he looked to Finnola. "Can you go check . Make sure its ok for Juniper to see Ryu at this moment." Finnola smiled softly and nodded before turning to leave.

"What is the last thing you remember?" Celeborn asked her gently.

Her gaze shifted up to him then drifted down as she tried to remember. "There was a thick fog. Chaos erupted around us. Buttercup was... OH No Buttercup.."

Thranduil's hand cupped her cheek and she looked at him. "Your bear is fine. He is just at the edge of the forest."

She looked relieved and closed her eyes for a moment. "Buttercup was fighting then we were knocked off his back. There was this thing on Ryu. It was clawing her and she was bleeding. That's all I remember." Her eyes looked to Thranduil for answers but before he could give them Finnola returned.

"She can see Ryu. Though she has yet to be awakened." Finnola said softly.

Thranduil looked to Juniper and began to pull the blankets back. Finnola handed him the small cloak that Juniper wore. He wrapped it around her with care before scooping her small form up in his arms. He moved through the tent and slipped past the flap.

"Has she said what she remembers?" Finnola asked Celeborn.

"She has no memory of what she has done." He said lowly.

They then followed Thranduil and the Queen from the tent.

The sky was clear and the air was chilled. Juniper lay her head back against Thranduil's bicep and looked up at the sky. She could see so many stars that sparkled over head. The half moon looking down on her.

She was taken into another tent. The air within it warm and the light held an inviting orange glow to it. She saw Minol there. He smiled to her and bowed his head. Then as her eyes drifted over the space she saw Legolas sitting beside and sleeping Ryu. Her face covered in small poultices.

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