Chapter 37: Memorials and Family

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Juniper was healing quickly . Much faster than she had from the venom . She was sitting up more often and with Thranduil's help she had begun to walk . He gently guides her outside to the chair . She heard her bear near by but he wouldn't come into the camp unless she called him. There would be ceremonies that day for the dead of Rohan and Gondor. The elvish dead having already been taken home . " I would like to go to the ceremony." She spoke up while Thranduil was being given details on the event. " I want to honor them " She still looked frail and beaten sitting in the sun. Though some color was returning to her cheeks.

"My love , You are still quite weakened and this will require you to stand .

She frowned a bit. " You could carry me. I can stand some and when it gets to be too much You can hold me. I feel like I should be there. " Thanduil's heart beat a bit harder . She was acting like the Queen she was.

" I'll carry her. "

Thranduil turned and Juniper's eyes got big as she looked all the way up to the face of the Giant. Legolas was standing beside her along with Tauriel.

" It would be an honor to carry the Warrior Queen. I am Finnola of Rohan."

Juniper gasped and the let out a squeal as if she were looking on her favorite hero. " You... your the troll slayer. "

Juniper started to wave her over with eager enthusiasm. Finnola stopped near the King and give a polite nod then smiled as she went right for Juniper and lowered down to sit beside her. " You must tell me about it . All about it . I hear trolls are huge . Even much larger than You. Oh please tell me."

Thanduil arched a brow and watched his wife so eager to hear about this troll slayer. Legolas chuckled and stood next to his father . He had not met Juniper and in fact this was the first time he had even lain eyes on her. She was so small and delicate compared to Finnola yet she had this spirit that seemed to be far more than her body could contain. She glanced over and looked twice . It took her just a second to know who this elf that looked like Thranduil was. Their light was the same.

She began to try to stand up . Finnola reached out to steady her. "I'm sorry Finnola please forgive me but I believe that is Thranduil's son. "

Finnola smiled " it is ." she said with a proud smile. The blanket fell from Junipers shoulders . Her hand on Finnola's. She took a small step then another . Shaking her head at the offered help. Her dress billowed in the breeze around her bruised legs and she took another step . Walking on her own . Her eyes never leaving Legolas.

Thranduil watched but was ready to move at any moment to catch her. She made it almost to Legolas when she stumbled and it was Legolas who reached out to steady her. She looked up to him and smiled so happily the threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. " I am so happy to finally meet you. " Any misgivings or distrustful thoughts he had about his fathers wife faded in an instant and he crouched down and hugged her as well. A since of calm would blanket the small group. Tauriel looked over to Thranduil . She thought she saw a tear on his cheek .

Legolas joined her and sat next to Finnola . Even Tranduil sighed softly and joined them. He sat next to Tauriel. Her head lay on his shoulder like she would do when she was a child. They all listened to Finnola's story about the trolls and Dragonsfang. Thranduil for the first time in a very very long time felt like he was with his family.

Juniper attended the ceremony for the fallen. She was dressed in a dark green dress That had been brought from home by the Kings request. On her head was her crown. The Large white diamond sparkling in the sun light. Thranduil wearing his silver crown . She sat on Finnola's shoulder . Her Wings splayed out behind her. All would see the Queen of the Woodland Realm was indeed a fae.

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