Chapter 52: The Agony

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Eomer stood outside the Glittering caves. In his hand the missive from King Thranduil. "There is no need for you to come just wait out here." Eomer said to Eothain. He then disappeared into the gloom of the cave with just a torch in hand.

Gimli was the one to notice the light coming towards them in the darkness . "Hey Lassy." He whispered getting Finnola's attention. She rose from where she had been sitting near Gandalf.

" You best be speaking your name less you get an axe in your head. " Gimli says as he prepares to fight. Finnola feeling the tension grow in her body.

"You think you're tall enough to put an axe in the head of the King of Rohan dwarf?" Eomer called out as He enters the cathedral room.

Gimli and Finnola relaxed and blew out the tension. He approached them and looked down at Gandalf. " Is he alive?"

Legolas coming down from the ceiling of the cathedral room. Elegantly sliding down a rope." Yes but he is some where else right now. We found him this way. He will not be back until he has completed whatever he is doing"

At was all strange to Eomer then again Wizards were always weird to him. He handed Legolas the missive he had received. " This is for you as well Legolas. " He read the words on it and stumbled back a few steps the look of pure shock on his face. Finnola's brow furrowed as she took the letter and stepped into the torch light and read it a loud for Gimli.

Eomer King of Rohan,

I wish the letter was sent for Happy reasons. Unfortunately it is not. I have gotten word from Lord Elrond of Rivendell that He is engaged in a terrible battle with a vast army of Orc , Goblin and mutated creatures. They have destroyed Hobbiton and the shire lay in ruins. "

As she was reading Gimli whispers" Oh No."

She continued to read. " Bree has been destroyed now as well. The army is advancing towards Rivendell. I am sending 2 regiments and supplies for the survivors who are being taken to Rivendell.

I would appreciate it if you get this message to Legolas. He needs to join the Regiment as it hopefully , with your blessing , is allowed to pass through Rohan.

High Regards,

Thranduil King of Greenwood.

" What about Frodo, Sam, Pippin and Merry? " Finnola looked to Gimli as he spoke.

"There is no mention of them ." Legolas says sadly.

Eomer spoke up. " I am sending 300 Rohirram. It is all I can spare. I got word That the Lady of Lorien was sending at least 2 regiments as well. I suspect Gondor will answer the call too. "

Legolas Walked up to Finnola and took her hand pulling her away from them . He did not release her hand. " I must go and I would like it if you stayed here but I know better of it. You will not be left behind will you. "

She grinned " not a chance but someone needs to stay with Gandalf. " They both looked to Gimli and sighed. " He will not take this well Finnola."

Gimli was pacing and ranting about this decision he had no part in. Finnola crouches down and takes her friend by the arms. " Gimli someone has to stand guard over the Wizard. Who is in a cave . Who better to stand guard over him? " She looked into Gimli's eyes . "When he wakes up You must tell him what is happening and bring him to us. "

He looked first to Legolas and then to Eomer. " Fine . I will stay. "

Finnola pulled him into a hug and whispered. " I promise to let him gain on his count as little as possible. "

Gimli grinned " Thank you Lassy" he whispered back.

Finnola and Legolas mounted up. Finnola noticing Eothain's disapproving look . " Aww cheer up Eothain I plan to ride with the elves as soon as we join them. You will not have to look on my pretty face and gorgeous body too long, so I will not tarnish your rohirram " Her words were scathing as they rolled from her lips. His answer was to snort and turn his horse to ride for his troops and head out as soon as possible.

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