Chapter 78: I'm so glad you finally made it.

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Elrond sat in his tent alone and grateful for the time to himself. What he has seen that day had shook him in a way he did think was possible anymore. He lowered into his chair and pressed an elbow to the table. His head lowered into his hand. He remembered that day so long ago.

Oropher argued with Gil Galad. The distrust had grown too great between these elves. What happened next was Oropher's downfall and almost the destruction of his line. Thranduil was a young ellon back then. He not much younger than Elrond. Yet his temper was easily awakened. His hot head was like that of his father's. News was coming in from the battlefield and Elrond heard that Oropher lay dead. He ran to the healing tents to prepare for more casualties. The news was grim.

Thranduil knelt on the battlefield with his fathers body cradled in his arms. Feren was screaming at him. " Thranduil get up. We have to get you to safety you are now the King." Those words echoed in his mind. Everything around him became a hum. He was finally pulled away from his father by force. Feren and the others coming to take him away. Half way across the desolate field they heard it . That sound, coming from above. It's the sound that turns ones blood to ice. The heavy beating of wings and the growl that comes with it.

All of them began to run as fast as they could for any cover they could take. Thranduil and Feren ended up under a weather worn rocky outcrop. Others were not so lucky. The Dragon's fire took them in an instant. The Dragon made wide circles. Attacking other parts of the field before returning to them. Thranduil looked to Feren. " Forgive me." He said suddenly then hit Feren over the head . Knocking him cold Thranduil made sure he was tucked as far against the rock as He could get him before taking off running towards the craggy cliff side. He hides against a large boulder and ducks under a tree as the dragon flies over .

He imagined the dragon believed all the elves were dead so he began to climb the cliff. Easily leaping from toe hold to toe hold. Pulling himself up with grace. The Dragon was making it's circuit.

Feren came to slowly. His head hurt where Thranduil had hit him and Thranduil was gone. He peeked out . Listening for the Dragon . He heard nothing so He slowly lifted up . The dragon was on approach He thought to duck back but that's when He saw the glint of his Kings armor on the cliff. Feren watched in wide eyed horror as the dragon got closer and Thranduil leaps to the top of the Cliff then runs towards the other side of it and leaps for the Dragon.

It was like watching Glorfindel slay the balrog. The grace with which he did this was simply astonishing. The Dragon's chest just beginning to glow red when the sword pierced it. He having to pull down to slice the dragon's tough hide but His sword was very sharp. That was when it happened. The fire escaped the wound and washed over Thranduil. Feren screamed as the Dragon fell and He ran faster than he even imagined he could.

The other elves that had seen this rallied to Feren and ran to try and save their King. When they made it around the cliff to where the dragon lay Feren began to call for His best friend, his King . Thranduil. Everything around them was on fire. The earth scorched under their feet. Then a pain fueled scream caught their attentions and there several feet away from the dead dragon lay Thranduil his armor saving much of him but it was his face and neck that was burned so badly.

Feren would not leave him for dead. They managed to make a cot from a blanket and gently carried a burned but alive Thranduil from the battle and to Elrond. That night Elrond and his healers did everything they could for Thranduil . When the armor was removed they found the burns went down most of his left side. The flames having caught his padding and clothing on fire inside the armor. It did not burn for long but the burns were bad enough. While his healers worked on the lower part of Thranduil . Elrond works on his head and neck.

The songs sang that night were powerful and old. They pulling from the strongest reaches to save a King. They did very well . Though He lost them one by one to exhaustion. Their fea drained and they needed to rest less they be lost too. Elrond however was different. He was able to keep going, yet now he was beginning to wane. He was alone with the King . Still trying to heal these terrible burns. Ones made to flesh with direct dragons fire. If He could not fix these better The King would not survive. That was when He walked into the tent. Elrond could not stop what he was doing . He watched as the dark mist rolled around the room then stopped beside him and became solid. " Do not fear me Elrond . I assure you . He is very important and must live. I am here to help you. " That was then the creature reached out and touched his shoulder. Great power coursed through Elrond's body and His songs began to work even better.

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